Welcome to Fanantenana ho Anao - Hopefy

At Fanantenana ho Anao - Hopefy, we are dedicated to spreading hope and faith in our community. Fanantenana ho Anao - Hopefy is a website where you can find support, guidance, and convey a sense of hopefulness. Join us on this journey of faith and let us walk together towards a brighter future wich is the eternal life.

Ato amin'ny Fanantenana ho Anao - Hopefy dia manolo-tena hanaparitaka fanantenana sy finoana eo anivon'ny fiaraha-monina misy antsika izahay. Fanantenana ho Anao - Hopefy dia tranonkala ahitanao fanohanana, torohevitra ary fampitana fanantenana. Miaraha aminay amin'ity diam-pinoana ity ary andao hiara-hizotra mankany amin'ny hoavy tsara kokoa dia ny fiainana mandrakizay izany.

Misy Application Web & Android ny radio ka azonao alaina sy jerena eto:



Inona no hira tianao angatahina?

Misy hira maherin'ny 7000 eo ny Radioantsika

Soraty eto amin'ny Recherche/Search ny Mpanakanto na Lohatenin'ny hira tianao angatahina โคต๏ธ

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    Listen on Online Radio Box!
    Prayer request

    Services provided - Tolotra omena

    Vavaka mialoha ny fianarana Soratra Masins

    Sekoly Sabata-Sabbath School

    Study the Holy Scriptures daily, along with the lessons of the Sabbath School, which are devoted to reading and analyzing to enhance faith. 

    Handalinana ny Soratra Masina isan'andro, ny leson'ny Sekoly Sabata, izay voatokana ho vakiana sy ho fakafakaina mba hampitombo ny finoana. 

    Sakafo ara-pahasalamana

    Health - Fahasalamana

    Practical tips to improve your health.

    Torohevitra azo ampiharina hanatsarana ny fahasalamanao

    Mihaino kanferansa biblika


    So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

    Koa ny finoana dia avy amin'ny toriteny, ary ny toriteny kosa avy amin'iny tenin'i Kristy.

    Chorale Adventiste Mandrosoa

    Antsan-kira fiderana

    A song of praise that uplifts and inspires hope by a choir or band.

    Hira fiderana mampitraka sy manandratra fanantenana ataon'ny chorale na tarika.

    Mandinika ny Soratra Masina

    Fianarana Baiboly 

    You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me.

    Dinihinareo ny Soratra Masina, satria ataonareo fa ao aminy no anananareo fiainana mandrakizay ary ireny no manambara Ahy.

    Mihira ho an'ny Tompo

    Gospel songs  - Hira Gospel

    Hankafizanao sy hihainoanao Gospel Songs.

    Listen to and enjoy Gospel Songs.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What means "Fanantenana ho anao"?

    "Fanantenana ho anao" is a Malagasy phrase that literally translates to "Hope for You" in English. Our mission is to spread hope and comfort through our experiences by walking daily with Jesus Christ.

    What means Hopefy?

    ๐ŸŒŸ Hopefy ๐ŸŒŸ

    Hopefy: (noun) The delicate bloom of optimism, nurtured by the sun of resilience and watered by the tears of perseverance. It is the seedling that pushes through cracks in concrete, defying odds and daring to dream.

    Hopefy: (verb) To infuse life with hope, like a painter brushing vibrant hues onto a blank canvas. It's the act of stitching constellations into the fabric of reality, binding stardust to our hearts.

    Hopefy: (adjective) Radiating hope, as if every heartbeat hums a secret melody—a symphony of courage and anticipation. It's the sparkle in eyes that have witnessed storms yet harbor rainbows.

    Hopefy: (adverb) Softly, gently, like the whisper of a forgotten promise. It lingers in the spaces between breaths, urging us forward when the path seems obscured.

    In the lexicon of the soul, "hopefy" transcends mere letters. It's the fragrance of dawn, the echo of laughter, the compass guiding us toward sunrise. So let us embrace this word, cradle it in our palms, and watch it bloom across the seasons.

    May you be ever hopefy, my fellow traveler. ๐ŸŒฟโœจ

    What is the mission of this website Fanantenana ho Anao - Hopefy?

    The Fanantenana ho Anao (which translates to “Hope for You”) is a platform that carries a message of hope and encouragement. 

    Fanantenana ho Anao - Hopefy aims to spread hope, comfort, and encouragement through various channels, including social media and website. Its mission likely revolves around inspiring individuals to find solace, trust, and renewed strength in challenging times.

    Discovering Fanantenana ho Anao - Hopefy has brought me an abundance of peace and inspiration. The platform's warm embrace and consistently uplifting messages have been a source of immense comfort. I am deeply thankful to have stumbled upon this site.

    — Sarah Johnson

    Contact us

    Reach out to us and let us know how we can support you on your spiritual journey.


    Fanantenana ho Anao - Hopefy
    Silver Spring, Maryland, United States