
Bread of life, Wednesday July 3, 2024, AN OPEN DOOR


Hebrews 11:5. « By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. »


When we learn to walk by faith and not by feeling, we shall have help from God just when we need it, and His peace will come into our hearts. It was this simple life of obedience and trust that Enoch lived. If we learn this lesson of simple trust, ours may be the testimony that he received, that he pleased God.


In every phase of your character building you are to please God. This you may do; for Enoch pleased Him though living in a degenerate age. And there are Enochs in this our day.


For three hundred years Enoch had been seeking purity of heart, that he might be in harmony with heaven. For three centuries he had walked with God. Day by day he had longed for a closer union; nearer and nearer had grown the communion, until God took him to Himself. He had stood at the threshold of the eternal world, only a step between him and the land of the blest; and now the portals opened, the walk with God, so long pursued on earth, continued, and he passed through the gates of the holy city,—the first from among men to enter there.


With the word of God in his hands, every human being, wherever his lot in life may be cast, may have such companionship as he shall choose. In its pages he may hold converse with the noblest and best of the human race, and may listen to the voice of the Eternal as He speaks with men.... He may dwell in this world in the atmosphere of heaven, imparting to earth’s sorrowing and tempted ones thoughts of hope and longings for holiness; ... like him of old who walked with God, drawing nearer and nearer the threshold of the eternal world, until the portals shall open, and he shall enter there. He will find himself no stranger. The voices that will greet him are the voices of the holy ones, who, unseen, were on earth his companions—voices that here he learned to distinguish and to love. He who through the word of God has lived in fellowship with heaven, will find himself at home in heaven’s companionship.


Mofon'Aina Alarobia 03 Jolay 2024 VARAVARANA MISOKATRA
Heb. 11:5. « Finoana no namindrana an’i Enoka tsy hiharan’ny fahafatesana; ka dia tsy hita izy, satria nafindran’Andriamanitra; fa talohan’ny namindrana azy dia nambara fa nankasitrahan’Andriamanitra izy. »
Rehefa mianatra mandeha amim- pinoana isika fa tsy amin’ny fahatsapana, dia handray ny fanampiana avy amin’Andriamanitra amin’ny fotoana ilantsika izany, ka dia hitoetra ao am-pontsika ny fiadanany. Izany fiainana tsotra feno fankatoavana sy fitokiana izany no niainan’i Enôka. (...)
Eo amin’ny ambaratonga rehetra eo amin’ny fanorenanao ny toetra amam-panahinao dia tokony hanao izay hankasitrahan’Andriamanitra anao ianao. Azonao atao izany; satria i Enôka dia nankasitrahany na dia velona tamin’ny fotoan’andro mivarilavo aza. Mbola misy Enôka koa amin’izao androntsika izao.
Nandritra ny telonjato taona no nikatsahan’i Enôka fahadiovam-po, mba hampirindrana ny fiainany amin’ny lanitra. Nandritra ny telonjato taona no niarahany nandeha tamin’Andriamanitra. Isan’andro no naniriany fatratra hanana fifandraisana ety dia ety amin’Andriamanitra; ary nihaety kokoa hatrany izany firaisana izany, mandra- pandraisan’Andriamanitra azy ho any Aminy. Nijoro teo an-tokonam- baravaran’ny fiainana mandrakizay izy, ka indray mandingana monja sisa ny elanelana nanasaraka azy sy ny tanànan’ireo olo-masina; koa ankehitriny dia nisokatra ny vavahady, ary ilay fiarahana nandeha tamin’Andriamanitra, izay notanterahina nandritra ny fotoana maharitra teto an-tany, no indro fa mitohy. Koa nandingana ny vavahadin’ny tanàna masina izy, ary izy no olombelona voalohany niditra tamin’izany.
Miaraka amin’ny tenin’Andriamanitra eny an-tanany, ny olombelona tsirairay, na manao ahoana na manao ahoana ny mety ho anjarany eo amin’ny fiainana, dia afaka manana fisakaizana tahaka izany, raha izany no ho safidiny. (...) Afaka mitoetra eto amin’izao tontolo izao ao anatin’ny rivo-piainan’ny lanitra izy, ka hizara fisainana feno fanantenana sy faniriana hahazo fahamasinana amin’ireo mijaly sy alaim-panahy eto an-tany, (...) tahaka ilay anankiray fahiny elabe izay niara-nandeha tamin’Andriamanitra, sy nanakaiky kokoa hatrany ny tokonam- baravaran’ny tontolo mandrakizay, mandra-pisokatry ny vavahady ka nidirany tao. Tsy hahatsiaro ny tenany ho vahiny akory izy. Ny feo izay hiarahaba azy tonga soa dia ny feon’ireo olo- masina, dia ireo sakaizany tsy hita maso teto an-tany – feon’ireo izay nianarany navahana sy notiavina fony tety an-tany. Izay nivelona tao anatin’ny fisakaizana tamin’ny lanitra tamin’ny alalan’ny tenin’Andriamanitra, dia hahatsapa ny tenany ho tompon-trano rehefa hiaraka hanandrana ny fisakaizan’ny lanitra manontolo. – CC, t. 31.



Bread of life, Tuesday July 2, 2024, ADAM HOME AGAIN!


1 Corinthians 15:22, 23. « For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. »


Amid the reeling of the earth, the flash of lightning, and the roar of thunder, the voice of the Son of God calls forth the sleeping saints.... The dead shall hear that voice, and they that hear shall live. And the whole earth shall ring with the tread of the exceeding great army of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people....


All come forth from their graves the same in stature as when they entered the tomb. Adam, who stands among the risen throng, is of lofty height and majestic form, in stature but little below the Son of God. He presents a marked contrast to the people of later generations; in this one respect is shown the great degeneracy of the race. But all arise with the freshness and vigor of eternal youth....


All blemishes and deformities are left in the grave. Restored to the tree of life in the long-lost Eden, the redeemed will “grow up” to the full stature of the race in its primeval glory....


As the ransomed ones are welcomed to the City of God, there rings out upon the air an exultant cry of adoration. The two Adams are about to meet. The Son of God is standing with outstretched arms to receive the father of our race—the being whom He created, who sinned against his Maker, and for whose sin the marks of the crucifixion are borne upon the Saviour’s form. As Adam discerns the prints of the cruel nails, he does not fall upon the bosom of his Lord, but in humiliation casts himself at His feet, crying: “Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain!” Tenderly the Saviour lifts him up and bids him look once more upon the Eden home from which he has so long been exiled....


This reunion is witnessed by the angels who wept at the fall of Adam and rejoiced when Jesus, after His resurrection, ascended to heaven, having opened the grave for all who should believe on His name. Now they behold the work of redemption accomplished, and they unite their voices in the song of praise.



Mofon'Aina Talata 02 Jolay 2024 TAFODY AN-TRANO INDRAY!


1 Kôr. 15:22,23. « Fa tahaka ny ahafatesan’ny olona rehetra ao amin’i Adama no ahaveloman’ny olona rehetra kosa ao amin’i Kristy. Nefa samy amin’ny filaharany avy: Kristy no santatra; rehefa afaka izany, dia izay an’i Kristy amin’ny fihaviany. »


Mivembena ny tany, mitsoriadriaka ny helatra, mirefodrefotra ny varatra, ary re ny feon’ny Zanak’Andriamanitra miantso ny olo-masina matory hifoha. (...) Eran’ny vazan-tany rehetra no handrenesan’ny maty io feo io, ary izay mandre dia ho velona. Koa dia ho re eran’ny tany ny fikatrokatroky ny tafika faran’izay lehibe avy amin’ny firenena rehetra, ny fokom-pirenena, ny samy hafa fiteny ary ny olona rehetra. (...)


Izay rehetra mivoaka ny fasana dia mitovy tsanganana tamin’ny fony izy ireo niditra tao am-pasana. I Adama izay mijoro miaraka amin’ny vahoaka nitsangana tamin’ny maty, dia ranjanana sy miendrik’andriana, nefa ho fohy kely kokoa noho ny Zanak’Andriamanitra. Manaitra ny fahasamihafany amin’ny olona amin’ny taranaka aty aoriana; ary izany dia ahitana ny fitotonganana lehibe teo amin’ny taranaka. Nefa samy mitsangana amin’ny hery sy ny tanjaky ny fahatanorana mandrakizay izy rehetra. (...)


Navela tao am-pasana ny kilema sy ny sampontsampona rehetra. Tafaverina eo amin’ny hazon’aina tao amin’i Edena efa very ela ireo navotana ka “hitombo"(Mal. 3:20), hanana bika aman'endrika feno teo amin’ny voninahiny tany am-boalohany. (...)


Rehefa raisina eo amin’ny tanànan’ Andriamanitra ny voavotra, dia manakoako manerana ny lanitra ny antsom-piderana feno hafaliana. Efa madiva hihaona ireo Adama roa. Mijoro ny Zanak’Andriamanitra, manatsotra ny tanany handray ny rain’ny taranak’olombelona – ilay nohariany nefa nanota tamin’ny Mpanao Azy, ary noho ny fahotana nataony no nitondran’ny tenan’ny Mpamonjy ny holatry ny nanomboana Azy tamin’ny hazo fijaliana. Rehefa hitan’i Adama ny marika navelan’ireo fantsika lozabe, dia tsy hiantoraka eo an-tratran’ny Tompony izy, fa hietry ka hiankohoka eo an-tongony, manao hoe: “Mendrika, mendrika ny Zanak’ondry izay voavono!” Hatsangan’ny Mpamonjy amim-pitiavana izy ary asainy mibanjina indray ilay fonenany tao Edena izay nilaozany nandritra ny fotoana elabe. (...)


Manatri-maso io fivoriana io ny anjely izay nitomany tamin’ny nahalavoan’i Adama ary niravoravo rehefa niakatra ho any an-danitra i Jesosy, taorian’ny nitsanganany tamin’ny maty, ka nanokatra ny fasana ho an’izay rehetra mino ny anarany. Izao izy ireo dia mibanjina ny asa fanavotana efa vita, ka mampiray ny feony amin’ny hiram-piderana. – CC, t. 23.


Bread of life, Monday July 1, 2024, ONE EXPENSIVE MISTAKE
Ecclesiastes 7:29. « God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. »
The book of Genesis gives quite a definite account of social and individual life, and yet we have no record of an infant’s being born blind, deaf, crippled, deformed, or imbecile. There is not an instance upon record of a natural death in infancy, childhood, or early manhood. There is no account of men and women dying of disease. Obituary notices in the book of Genesis run thus: “And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.”“And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.” ...
God endowed man with so great vital force that he has withstood the accumulation of disease brought upon the race in consequence of perverted habits, and has continued for six thousand years. This fact of itself is enough to evidence to us the strength and electrical energy that God gave to man at his creation.... If Adam, at his creation, had not been endowed with twenty times as much vital force as men now have, the race, with their present habits of living in violation of natural law, would have become extinct....
God did not create the race in its present feeble condition. This state of things is not the work of Providence, but the work of man; it has been brought about by wrong habits and abuses, by violating the laws that God has made to govern man’s existence.
God created man for His own glory, that after test and trial the human family might become one with the heavenly family, if they would show themselves obedient to His every word.
To Eve it seemed a small thing to disobey God by tasting the fruit of the forbidden tree, and to tempt her husband also to transgress; but their sin opened the floodgates of woe upon the world. Who can know, in the moment of temptation, the terrible consequences that will result from one wrong step?



Mofon'Aina Alatsinainy 01 Jolay 2024 FAHADISOANA NOVIDIN-DAFO
Mpitt. 7:29. « Indro, izao ihany no hitako: nataon'Andriamanitra mahitsy ny olona, kanjo namorona sain-kafa maro izy. »
Mirakitra tantara marina momba ny fiainan’ny fiarahamonina sy ny fiainan’ny isam-batan’olona ny bokin’ny Genesisy, kanefa dia tsy mahita velively fitantarana momba ny zaza teraka izay jamba, na marenina, na mandringa, na kilemaina, na tsy vory saina isika. Tsy misy ohatra momba ny fahafatesan’ny zaza menavava, na ny ankizy, na ny tanora vao herotrerony ao (...) Tahaka izao ny filazana manjô ao amin’ny bokin’ny Genesisy: “Ary ny andro rehetra niainan’i Adama dia telo-polo amby sivin-jato taona; dia maty izy.” “Ary ny andro rehetra niainan’i Seta dia roa ambin’ny folo amby sivin-jato taona; dia maty izy”. (...)
Nomen’Andriamanitra herim- batana lehibe ny olona hany ka voatohitr’izy ireo ny aretina mpahazo ny taranak’olombelona vokatry ny fahazarana manimba, ary nitohy nandritra ny enina arivo taona izany. Io zava-misy io dia porofo ampy hanehoana amintsika ny hery sy ny tanjaka izay nomen’Andriamanitra ny olona tamin’ny famoronana azy. (...) Raha toa i Adama, tamin’ny namoronana azy, ka tsy nomena herim- batana indroapolo avo heny noho izay ananan’ny olona ankehitriny, dia efa ringana ny taranak’olombelona tahaka izay noho ny fahazarany ankehitriny sy ny fiainany mifanohitra amin’ny lalàna voajanahary. (...)
Tsy namorona ny taranak’ olombelona amin’izao toe-tenany marefo ankehitriny izao Andriamanitra. Tsy vokatry ny asan’Andriamanitra io toe-javatra io, fa vokatry ny asan’ny olombelona. Fahazaran-dratsy sy fanararaotana ary fandikana ny lalàna napetrak’Andriamanitra mba hifehy ny fiainan’ny olona no nitondra izany.
Noforonin’Andriamanitra ho voninahiny ny olona, mba hahatonga ny fianakaviàmben’ny olombelona hiray amin’ny fianakaviamben’ny lanitra rehefa avy notsapaina sy nosedraina izy ireo. Fikasan’Andriamanitra ny hameno ny lanitra amin’ny fianakaviamben’ny olombelona, raha toa ka nankatô ny teniny tsirairay izy ireo.
Ho an’i Eva dia toa zavatra kely ny tsy hankatô an’Andriamanitra tamin’ny fanandramana ny voan’ny voankazo voarara, sy ny haka fanahy ny vadiny koa mba tsy hankatô; kanefa ny fahotan’izy ireo no nanokatra ny varavarana mba hidiran’ny fahoriana teto amin’izao tontolo izao. Iza no mahalala, amin’ny fotoana itrangan’ny fakam-panahy, ireo vokatra mahatsiravina izay hateraky ny dingana diso iray monja? – CC, t. 21.




Bread of life, Sunday June 30, 2024, BY THE TREE OF LIFE


Revelation 5:9. « And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation. »


Do we expect to get to heaven at last and join the heavenly choir? Just as we go into the grave we will come up, as far as the character is concerned....Now is the time for washing and ironing....


John saw the throne of God and around that throne a company, and he inquired, Who are these? The answer came, “These are they which ... have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb” (Revelation 7:14). Christ leads them to the fountains of living waters, and there is the tree of life and there is the precious Saviour. Here is presented to us a life that measures with the life of God. There is no pain, sorrow, sickness, or death there. All is peace and harmony and love....


Now is the time to receive grace and strength and power to combine with our human efforts that we can form characters for everlasting life. When we do this we will find that the angels of God will minister unto us, and we shall be heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. And when the last trump shall sound, and the dead shall be called from their prison house and changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the crowns of immortal glory shall be placed upon the heads of the overcomers. The pearly gates will swing back for the nations that have kept the truth and they will enter in. The conflict is ended.


“Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34). Do we want this benediction? I do, and I believe you do. May God help you that you may fight the battles of this life and gain a victory day by day and at last be among the number that shall cast their crowns at Jesus’ feet and touch the golden harps and fill all heaven with sweetest music. I want you to love my Jesus....Do not reject my Saviour, for He has paid an infinite price for you. I see in Jesus matchless charms, and I want you to see these charms.



Mofon'Aina Alahady 30 Jona 2024 EO AMIN'NY HAZON'AINA


Apôk. 5:9. « Ary nihira fihiram-baovao izy ka nanao hoe: Hianao no miendrika haka ny boky sy hamaha ny tombo-kaseny; fa voavono Hianao, ary ny ranao no nanavotanao ho an'Andriamanitra olona avy tamin’ny fokom-pirenena rehetra sy ny samy hafa fiteny, sy ny olona ary ny firenena rehetra. »


Manantena ny ho tonga any an-danitra sy ho isan’ny antoko mpihiran’ny lanitra ve isika amin’ny farany? Tahaka ny nidirantsika tao am-pasana ihany no hitsanganantsika avy ao, raha ny toetrantsika no resahina. (...) Izao no fotoana hanasantsika sy hipasohantsika ny fitafiantsika (...).


Nahita ny seza fiandrianan’Andriamanitra i Jaona, ary nisy vondron’olona nanodidina azy. Dia nanontany izy: “Iza moa ireo?” ary izao no valiny: “Ireo no avy tamin’ny fahoriana lehibe, ary ny akanjony nosasany sy nofotsiany tamin’ny ran’ny Zanak’ondry” – Apôk. 7:14. Mitondra azy ho amin'ny loharanon'ny ranon'aina i Kristy, eo no misy ny hazon’aina, eo no misy Ilay Mpamonjy sarobidy. Aseho antsika eto ny fiainana izay mifamatra amin’ny an’Andriamanitra. Tsy misy intsony na fanaintainana, na alahelo, na aretina, na fahafatesana. Fiadanana sy firindrana ary fitiavana no manjaka (...).


Tonga ny fotoana andraisantsika fahasoavana sy hery ary fahafahana, hiezahantsika olombelona mamolavola toetra ho amin’ny fiainana mandrakizay. Raha manao izany isika dia ho hitantsika fa hanompo antsika ny anjelin’Andriamanitra, ary ho mpandova an’Andriamanitra sy mpiara-mandova amin’i Jesôsy Kristy isika. Rehefa haneno ny trompetra farany ka hantsoina ho afaka amin’ny gadrany ny maty, ary hovana ao anatin’ny indray mipi-maso izy, dia hapetraka eo an-dohan’ireo nandresy ny satro-boninahitra mandrakizay. Hosokafana ho an’ireo firenena nihazona ny fahamarinana ilay vavahady voaravaka perila ka hiditra ao izy ireo. Tapitra ny ady.


“Avia hianareo izay notahin’ny Raiko, mandovà ny fanjakana izay voavoatra ho anareo hatrizay nanorenana izao tontolo izao” – Mat. 25:34. Maniry izany fitahiana izany ve isika? Iriko izany, ary mino aho fa toa ahy koa ianao. Andriamanitra anie hanampy anao amin’ny adinao eto amin’ity fiainana ity, hahazoanao fandresena isan’andro sy hahatonga anao ho isan’ireo izay manipy ny satro-boninahiny eo an-tongotr’i Jesôsy (...) Aza lavinao ny Mpamonjiko, fa vidiny tsy manam-petra no naloany ho fanavotana anao. – HP, t. 369.



Bread of life, Saturday June 29, 2024, IF CHRIST SHOULD COME TODAY


Luke 21:36. « Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. »


Christ bids us watch, that we may be accounted worthy to escape the things that are coming on the earth. It is of the greatest importance that we heed this warning. The enemy of all righteousness is on our track, seeking to lead us to forget God.


We should be filled with joy at the thought of Christ’s soon appearing. To those that love His appearing He will come without sin unto salvation. But if our minds are filled with thoughts of earthly things, we cannot look forward with joy to His appearing.


“If I knew that Christ were coming in a few years,” one says, “I should live very differently.” But if we believe that He is coming at all, we should live just as faithfully as if we knew that He would appear in a few years. We cannot see the end from the beginning, but Christ has provided sufficient help for every day in the year.


All we have to do with is this one day. Today we must be faithful to our trust. Today we must love God with all the heart and our neighbor as ourselves. Today we must resist the temptations of the enemy, and through the grace of Christ gain the victory. Thus we shall watch and wait for Christ’s coming. Each day we should live as if we knew that this would be our last day on this earth. If we knew that Christ would come tomorrow, would we not crowd into today all the kind words, all the unselfish deeds, that we could? We should be patient and gentle, and intensely in earnest, doing all in our power to win souls to Christ....


I urge you to turn your thoughts from worldly things and center them on the things of eternity. Christ has placed everlasting life within your reach, and He has promised to give you help in every time of need.... We should never rest satisfied with present attainments. If we put mind and heart into the work of reaching God’s ideal for us, if we go to Christ, the mighty helper, for aid, He will give us the very assistance that we need. He will bestow on us the very power that will enable us to be victorious in the struggle against evil.



Mofon'Aina Sabotsy 29 Jona 2024 RAHA TONGA ANIO I KRISTY


Lio. 21:36. « Fa miambena ka mivavaha mandrakariva, mba hahery hianareo ka handositra izany zavatra ho avy rehetra izany ary hitsangana eo anatrehan’ny Zanak’olona. »


Mibaiko antsika mba hiambina i Kristy, mba ho isan’izay mendrika ny ho afaka amin’ireo toe-javatra ho tonga eto an-tany isika. Tena zava-dehibe indrindra ny hiheverantsika io fampitandremana io. Manjohy antsika ilay fahavalon’ny fahamarinana, manao izay itaomana antsika hanadino an’Andriamanitra.


Tokony hameno fifaliana ny fontsika ny fisehoan’i Kristy tsy ho ela. Ho an’izay tia ny fisehoany dia ho tonga Izy, tsy manana ota, ary mitondra famonjena. Kanefa raha ny zavatry ny tany no mameno ny fisainantsika, dia tsy mba hiandrandra ny fisehoany amim-pifaliana isika.


Misy manao hoe “Raha fantatro fa ho avy afaka taona vitsy i Kristy, dia ho hafa kokoa no nitondrako ny fiainako.” Kanefa raha fantatsika fa tsy maintsy ho avy Izy, dia tokony hataontsika fotsiny izay hiainantsika amim-pahatokiana toy ny hoe ho avy afaka taona vitsy monja Izy. (...)


Ity andro anio ity no fantatsika. Anio isika no tsy maintsy mahatoky amin’izay nankinina tamintsika. Anio no tsy maintsy itiavantsika an’Andriamanitra amin’ny fontsika rehetra sy itiavantsika ny namantsika tahaka ny tenantsika. Anio isika no tsy maintsy manohitra ny fakam-panahy alefan’ny fahavalo, ka mahazo fandresena amin’ny alalan’ny fahasoavan’i Kristy. Toy izany no hiambenantsika sy hiandrasantsika ny fiavian’i Kristy. Isan’andro isika dia tokony hiaina toy ny hoe anio no andro farany iainantsika eto an-tany. Raha fantatsika fa ho avy rahampitso i Kristy (...) tsy hanao izay faraherintsika ve isika mba hanam-paharetana, ho tsara fanahy, ary hamonjy fanahy ho an’i Kristy? (...)


Mandrisika anao aho hampiala ny sainao amin’ny zavatry ny tany ka hampifantoka izany kosa amin’ny zava-panahy mandrakizay. (...) Tsy tokony ho afa-po velively amin’ny zava-bitantsika ankehitriny isika. Raha manao ny ezaka rehetra isika hanatrarana ny idealin’Andriamanitra ho antsika, raha mangataka fanampiana amin’i Kristy Mpamonjy mahery isika, dia homeny antsika tokoa izay fanampiana tena ilaintsika. Homeny antsika ny hery hahatonga antsika ho mpandresy amin’ny ady ataontsika amin’ny ratsy. – HP, t. 355.



Bread of life, Friday June 28, 2024, A WORK OF PREPARATION


Philippians 1:6. « Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. »


There is an earnest work of preparation to be done by Seventh-day Adventists if they would stand firm in the trying experiences just before them. If they remain true to God in the confusion and temptation of the last days, they must seek the Lord in humility of heart for wisdom to resist the deceptions of the enemy....


Ever are we to keep in mind the solemn thought of the Lord’s soon return, and in view of this to recognize the individual work to be done. Through the aid of the Holy Spirit we are to resist natural inclinations and tendencies to wrong, and weed out of the life every un-Christlike element. Thus we shall prepare our hearts for the reception of God’s blessing, which will impart to us grace and bring us into harmony with the faith of Jesus. For this work of preparation great advantages have been granted to this people in light bestowed, in messages of warning and instruction, sent through the agency of the Spirit of God.


Because of the increasing power of Satan’s temptations, the times in which we live are full of peril for the children of God, and we need to learn constantly of the Great Teacher, that we may take every step in surety and righteousness. Wonderful scenes are opening before us, and at this time a living testimony is to be borne in the lives of God’s professing people, so that the world may see that in this age when evil reigns on every side, there is yet a people who are laying aside their will and are seeking to do God’s will—a people in whose hearts and lives the law of God is written. There are strong temptations before us, sharp tests. The commandment-keeping people of God are to prepare for this time of trial by obtaining a deeper experience in the things of God and a practical knowledge of the righteousness of Christ.... Not to unbelievers only, but to church members the words are spoken, “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near” (Isaiah 55:6)....


Let your daily lives witness to the faith you profess.



Mofon'Aina Zoma 28 Jona 2024 ASA FIOMANANA


Fil. 1:6. « Ary matoky indrindra aho fa izay nanomboka asa tsara tao anatinareo no hahatanteraka izany mandra-pihavin’ny andron’i Jesosy Kristy. »


Misy asa fiomanana lehibe tsy maintsy ataon’ny Advantista Mitandrina ny Andro Fahafito raha tian’izy ireo ny ho tafajoro amin’ilay fotoam-pitsapana efa antomotra. Raha mitoetra ho mahatoky amin’Andriamanitra ao anatin’ny fikororohana sy ny fakam-panahin’ny andro farany izy ireo dia tsy maintsy mangataka fahendrena amin’Andriamanitra amin’ny fo manetry tena, mba hahatohitra ny famitahana ataon’ny fahavalo (...).


Aoka hotsaroantsika mandrakariva fa ho avy tsy ho ela ny Tompo, ka hahatsapa tena ny tsirairay ny amin’ny asa tokony mbola hovitainy. Mila manohitra ireo fironana ratsy ao anatintsika isika (...) miaraka amin’ny fanampian’ny Fanahy Masina. Toy izany no anomanantsika ny fontsika handray ny fitahian’Andriamanitra, (...) ka hahatonga ny fiainantsika hifandrindra amin’ny finoana an’i Jesôsy. Tombontsoa lehibe maro no natolotra ho an’ny vahoakan’Andriamanitra ho amin’io asa fiomanana io, tamin’ny alalan’ny fahazavana sy ireo hafatra fampitandremana ary toro-lalana nomena azy, izay niampita taminy tamin’ny alalan’ny asan’ny Fanahy Masina.


Mitombo hery ny fakam-panahin’i Satana; izany no mahatonga izao androntsika izao ho feno loza ho an’ny vahoakan’Andriamanitra. Mila mianatra mandrakariva amin’ilay Mpampianatra lehibe isika mba handeha eo amin’ny lala-marina sy azo antoka isaky ny indray mandingana.


Misy toe-javatra mahagaga maro miseho eo anoloantsika, ary amin’izao fotoana izao no tokony ho epistily velona ny fiainan’ireo mitonona ho vahoakan’Andriamanitra mba ho hitan’ny olona rehetra fa amin’izao andro izay anjakan’ny faharatsiana izao dia mbola misy olona mampilefitra ny sitrapony ka mikatsaka hanao ny sitrapon’Andriamanitra – olona manana ny lalàn’Andriamanitra voasoratra ao am-pony sy eo amin’ny fiainany. Misy fakam-panahy lehibe sy fizahan-toetra mahamay miandry antsika. Mila miomana ho amin’io fotoam-pitsapana io ny vahoakan’Andriamanitra mitandrina ny didiny, amin’ny alalan’ny fifankazarana lalina kokoa amin’ny zava- panahy sy ny fampiharana ny fahalalana ny fahamarinan’i Kristy eo amin’ny fiainany (...). Tsy ho an’ny tsy mpino ihany no ilazana ity teny ity fa ho an’ny mambran’ny fiangonana ihany koa: “Mitadiava an’i Jehovah, dieny mbola hita Izy, miantsoa Azy, dieny mbola akaiky Izy.” – Isa. 55:6. – HP, t. 347.



Bread of life, Thursday June 27, 2024, OUR OBLIGATIONS TO THE POOR


Matthew 25:35, 36. « For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. »


While the world needs sympathy, while it needs the prayers and assistance of God’s people, while it needs to see Christ in the lives of His followers, the people of God are equally in need of opportunities that draw out their sympathies, give efficiency to their prayers, and develop in them a character like that of the divine pattern.


It is to provide these opportunities that God has placed among us the poor, the unfortunate, the sick, and the suffering. They are Christ’s legacy to His church, and they are to be cared for as He would care for them. In this way God takes away the dross and purifies the gold, giving us that culture of heart and character which we need.


The Lord could carry forward His work without our cooperation. He is not dependent on us for our money, our time, or our labor. But the church is very precious in His sight. It is the case which contains His jewels, the fold which encloses His flock, and He longs to see it without spot or blemish or any such things. He yearns after it with unspeakable love. This is why He has given us opportunities to work for Him, and He accepts our labors as tokens of our love and loyalty.


In placing among us the poor and the suffering, the Lord is testing us to reveal to us what is in our hearts.... The culture of the mind and heart is more easily accomplished when we feel such tender sympathy for others that we bestow our benefits and privileges to relieve their necessities....


Good works cost us a sacrifice, but it is in this very sacrifice that they provide discipline. These obligations bring us into conflict with natural feelings and propensities, and in fulfilling them we gain victory after victory over the objectionable traits of our characters.


The world will be convinced not so much by what the pulpit teaches as by what the church lives. The preacher announces the theory of the gospel, but the practical piety of the church demonstrates its power.



Mofon'Aina Alakamisy 27 Jona 2024 NY ADIDINTSIKA AMIN’NY MAHANTRA


Mat. 25:35,36. « Fa noana Aho, dia nomenareo hanina; nangetaheta Aho dia nampisotroinareo: nivahiny Aho, dia nampiantranoinareo; tsy nanan-kitafy Aho, dia notafianareo, narary Aho, dia notsaboinareo, tao an-tranomaizina Aho, dia novangianareo. »


Mila ny firaisam-pontsika izao tontolo izao, mila vavaka sy fanampiana avy amin’ny vahoakan'Andriamanitra, ary mila mahita an’i Kristy eo amin’ny fiainan’ireo mpanara-dia Azy; kanefa ny vahoakan’Andriamanitra koa mila azy ireo mba hanehoany firaisam-po, mba hampisy vokany ny vavaka ataony, ary mba hahazoany mamolavola toetra araka an’Andriamanitra ao aminy.


Izany no antony nametrahan’Andriamanitra ny vahoakany eo anivon’ny mahantra, ny sahirana, ny marary, ary ny mijaly. Lova navelan’i Kristy ho an’ny fiangonana ireo fadiranovana ireo, natao hokarakaraintsika tahaka ny nikarakaran’i Kristy antsika. Toy izany no anesoran’Andriamanitra ny tain-drendrika sy anadiovany ny volamena, ka anomezany antsika ny toe-po sy ny toe-tsaina ilaintsika.


Azon’Andriamanitra tanterahina tsy misy antsika ny asany. Tsy miankina amin’ny volantsika, na ny fotoantsika, na ny filofosantsika Izy tsy akory. Saingy sarobidy indrindra eo imasony ny fiangonana. Ao no itoeran'ny vatosoany sarobidy, vala misy ny andian'ondriny, ary iriny fatratra izy tsy hisy pentimpentina na fiketronana na izay toy izany. Fitiavana tsy hay lazaina no itiavany azy. Izany no nanomezany antsika fahafahana hiasa ho Azy, ary ekeny ho mariky ny fitiavantsika Azy sy ny fahatokiantsika Aminy ny asa ataontsika.


Apetrak’Andriamanitra eo anivon’ireo mahantra sy mijaly isika mba hizahana ny toetrantsika, hanehoana amintsika ny toe-pontsika. (…)


Mitaky fahafoizan-tena avy amintsika ny asa tsara, ary amin’izany indrindra no hahaizantsika mifehy tena. Mahatonga antsika hanohitra ireo fihetseham-po sy fironana ara-nofo ao amintsika izany adidy izany, ary raha tanteratsika, dia hahazoantsika fandresena miampy fandresena eo am-pitolomantsika amin’ireo toetra ratsintsika.


Tsy izay ampianarina eny amin’ny polipitra loatra no handresy lahatra izao tontolo izao fa ny fiainan’ny fiangonana. Manambara ny foto-pampianaran’ny filazantsara ny mpitory teny, fa ny fahamasinana iainan’ny fiangonana kosa no maneho ny heriny. – HP, t. 324.



Bread of life, Wednesday June 26, 2024, THE MOST POWERFUL ARGUMENT


Isaiah 43:11,12. « I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour.... Therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God. »


Of His true followers the Lord says, “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise” (verse 21). They are My witnesses, My chosen representatives, in an apostate world....


God calls for our cooperation. His requirements are just and reasonable.... When we take the name of Christ we pledge ourselves to represent Him. In order for us to be true to our pledge, Christ must be formed within, the hope of glory. The daily life must become more and more like the Christ life. We must be Christians in deed and in truth. Christ will have nothing to do with pretense. He will welcome to the heavenly courts those only whose Christianity is genuine. The lives of professed Christians who do not live the life of Christ are a mockery to religion.


God does not ask us to purchase His favor by any costly sacrifice. He asks only for the service of a humble, contrite heart, which has gladly and thankfully accepted His free gift. The one who receives Christ as his personal Saviour has in his possession the salvation provided by Christ. And he is never to forget that as he has freely received, so he is freely to impart.


Do you realize your value in the sight of God? He says, Ye are laborers together with Me. Are you letting your light shine in clear rays to a fallen world? Are you seeking to exercise every faculty and every power which God has given you? You may not be a minister, but you can be a witness. You may not be an eloquent speaker, but you can be eloquent in living Christ, you can be eloquent in letting your light shine before men.


A true, lovable Christian is the most powerful argument that can be advanced in favor of Bible truth. Such a man is Christ’s representative. His life is the most convincing evidence that can be borne to the power of divine grace. When God’s people bring the righteousness of Christ into the daily life, sinners will be converted and victories over the enemy will be gained.





Isa. 43:11,12. « Izaho dia Izaho ihany no Jehovah ary tsy misy Mpamonjy afa-tsy Izaho. (...) Dia hianareo no vavolombeloko, hoy Jehovah, ary Izaho no Andriamanitra. »


Hoy ny Tompo amin’ireo mpanara-dia Azy marina: “Izao olona noforoniko ho Ahy izao no hanambara ny fiderana Ahy.” – and. 21. Izy ireo no vavolombeloko, nofidiko hisolo tena Ahy eo amin’izao tontolo izao mpikomy. (...)


Miantso antsika hiara-miasa Aminy Andriamanitra, ary rariny sy mitombina ny fangatahany (...). Matoa misalotra ny anaran’i Kristy isika dia manaiky hisolo tena Azy. Mba ho marina ny fanolorantsika tena, dia tsy maintsy ao anatintsika i Kristy, Ilay fanantenana ny voninahitra. Tsy maintsy mitovy bebe kokoa hatrany amin’ny fiainan’i Kristy ny fiainantsika isan’andro. Tsy maintsy Kristianina amin’ny asa sy ny fahamarinana isika. (...) Ireo izay tena Kristianina marina ihany no harahabain’i Kristy tonga soa any an-danitra. Ny fiainan’ireo izay mitonona ho Kristianina kanefa tsy miaina araka ny fiainan’i Kristy dia manala baraka ny fivavahana.


Tsy mangataka ny hanaovantsika sorona lehibe Andriamanitra mba hahazoantsika ny fankasitrahany. Ny hany angatahiny dia fanompoana avy amin’ny fo torotoro sy manetry tena, izay manaiky amim-pifaliana sy fisaorana ny fanomezany maimaimpoana. (...)


Azonao an-tsaina ve ny tombam-bidinao eo imason’Andriamanitra? Hoy Izy, mpiara-miasa Amiko ianao. Mamela ny fahazavanao hamirapiratra eo amin’izao tontolo izao lavo ve ianao? Miezaka mampiasa ny fahaizanao rehetra sy ny herinao rehetra izay nomen’Andriamanitra anao ve ianao? Mety tsy ho mpitandrina ianao, saingy azonao atao ny mijoro ho vavolombelona. Mety tsy ho mpandaha-teny mahay ianao, saingy ny fiainanao ao amin’i Kristy sy ny famelanao ny fahazavanao hamirapiratra eo imason’ny olona dia efa mitory zavatra betsaka.


Ny Kristianina marina sy maha-te ho tia no tohan-kevitra mahomby indrindra manohana ny fahamarinan’ny Baiboly. Izany olona izany no solontenan’i Kristy. Ny fiainany no porofo mandresy lahatra indrindra ny amin’ny herin’ny fahasoavan’Andriamanitra. Rehefa manana ny fahamarinan’i Kristy eo amin’ny fiainany isan’andro ny vahoakan’Andriamanitra, dia hiova fo ny mpanota ary fandresena maro no ho azo amin’ny ady atao amin’ny fahavalo. – HP, t. 318.



Bread of life, Tuesday June 25, 2024, OUR MISSION TO THE WORLD


John 17:18. « As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world. »


Will separation from the world, in obedience to the divine command, unfit us for the work the Lord has left us? Will it hinder us from doing good to those around us? No; the firmer hold we have on heaven, the greater will be our power of usefulness. We should study the Pattern, that the spirit which dwelt in Christ may dwell in us. The Saviour was not found among the exalted and honorable of the world. He did not spend His time among those who were seeking their ease and pleasure. He worked to help those who needed help, to save the lost and perishing, to lift up the bowed down, to break the yoke of oppression from those in bondage, to heal the afflicted, and to speak words of sympathy and consolation to the distressed and sorrowing. We are required to follow this example. The more we partake of the spirit of Christ, the more we shall seek to do for our fellow men. We shall bless the needy and comfort the distressed....


Probation is about to close.... Soon the last prayer for sinners will have been offered, the last tear shed, the last warning given, the last entreaty made, and the sweet voice of mercy will be heard no more. This is why Satan is making such mighty efforts to secure men and women in his snare.... The enemy is playing the game of life for every soul. He is working to remove from us everything of a spiritual nature, and in the place of the precious graces of Christ to crowd our hearts with the evil traits of the carnal nature—hatred, evil surmising, jealousy, love of the world, love of self, love of pleasure, and the pride of life. We need to be fortified against the incoming foe, ... for unless we are watchful and prayerful these evils will enter the heart and crowd out all that is good.


How great is the responsibility placed upon the disciple of Christ. How imperative the duty to reflect the light of heaven upon a world enshrouded in darkness. The deeper the surrounding gloom, the brighter should shine out the light of Christian faith and Christian example.


Jao. 17:18. « Tahaka ny nanirahanao Ahy ho amin’izao tontolo izao no mba nanirahako azy kosa ho amin’izao tontolo izao. »
Moa ve mahatonga antsika tsy ho afaka manao ny asa nanirahan’ny Tompo antsika ny fisarahantsika amin’izao tontolo izao noho ny fitandremantsika ny didin’Andriamanitra? Manakana antsika tsy hanao ny tsara amin’ny manodidina antsika ve izany? Tsia, arakaraka ny ifikirantsika amin’ny lanitra no vao mainka hahombiazantsika amin’ny asa. Aoka isika handinika Ilay Môdely mba ho ao anatintsika koa ny toe-tsaina izay tao amin’i Kristy. Tsy mba isan’ireo olo-malaza sy nomem-boninahitra teto amin’izao tontolo izao i Kristy. Tsy mba niaraka tamin’ireo nitady harena sy fahafinaretana Izy. Niasa ho fanampiana ny sahirana Izy, namonjy ireo very sy efa ho faty, nampiarina ireo nitanondrika, namaha ny fatoram-pahorian’ireo nandevozina, nampahery ireo mijaly, ary nanao teny feno fangorahana sy fampiononana ho an’ireo fadiranovana sy malahelo. Natao hanaraka izany ohatra izany isika. Arakaraka ny hananantsika ny toe-tsain’i Kristy no hitadiavantsika hanao soa ho an’ny mpiara-belona amintsika. (...)
Efa hikatona ny varavaram-pahasoavana (...). Tsy ho ela intsony dia ho voatonona ny vavaka farany ho an’ny mpanota, hilatsaka ny ranomaso farany, homena ny fampitandremana farany, hatao ny fitalahoana farany, ary tsy ho re intsony ilay feo mamin’ny famindrampo. Izany no mahatonga an’i Satana manao ny ezaka lehibe indrindra mba hihazonana ny lehilahy sy ny vehivavy ao amin’ny fandriny (...). Ataon’i Satana izay hanesorana amintsika izay rehetra mety ho ara-panahy, ka ny fahasoavan’i Kristy ao am-pontsika dia soloany toetra ara-nofo – fankahalana, eritreri-dratsy, fialonana, fitiavana an’izao tontolo izao (...). Mila hery hiatrehana ilay fahavalo isika, (...) Raha tsy miambina sy mivavaka mantsy isika dia hiditra hameno ny fontsika sy handroaka ny tsara rehetra ao am-pontsika ireo zava-dratsy ireo.
Tena lehibe ny andraikitra mipetraka amin’ireo mpianatr’i Kristy. Tsy maintsy entina ho eo amin’izao tontolo izao rakotra haizina ny fahazavana avy any an-danitra. Arakaraky ny halehiben’ny haizina no tsy maintsy hamirapiratan’ny fahazavan’ny finoana sy ny oha-piainana kristianina. – HP, t. 312.



Bread of life, Monday June 24, 2024, REMEMBER YOUR HIGH CALLING


2 Peter 1:12. « Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth. »


No matter how long we may have been traveling in the way of life eternal we need often to recount the mercies of our heavenly Father toward us and gather hope and courage from the promises of His Word....Peter realized the value of constant vigilance in the Christian life, and he felt impelled by the Holy Spirit to urge upon the believers the importance of exercising great carefulness in the daily life....


“Always in remembrance.” Oh, if only we were to keep before our minds those things that pertain to our eternal welfare, we should not engage in any foolishness or idle speaking! Our lifework is before us. It is for us to give diligence to make our calling and election sure, by giving heed to the plain instruction contained in God’s Holy Word....


There are many wrong things which we allow to pass by unnoticed, when by our godly conversation we might set an example of rightdoing that would be a standing rebuke to the evildoers. We cannot afford by our example to seem to sanction wrongdoing. There is a heaven to win and a hell to shun. In large churches of believers... there is special danger of lowering the standard. Where many are gathered together some are more liable to grow careless and indifferent than they would be if isolated and made to stand alone. But even under adverse circumstances we may watch unto prayer and set an example in godly conversation that will be a powerful testimony for the right.... We cannot afford to speak words that would discourage our fellow pilgrims in the Christian pathway. Christ has given His life in order that we might live with Him in glory. Throughout eternity He will bear in His hands the prints of the cruel nails by which He was transfixed to the cross of Calvary....


We are now fitting up for the future, eternal life; and soon, if faithful, we shall see the gates of the city of our God swing back on their glittering hinges that the nations who have kept the truth may enter in to their eternal inheritance.





2 Pet. 1:12. « Koa hazoto mandrakariva hampahatsiaro anareo ny amin’izany zavatra izany aho, na dia efa fantatrareo aza, ka efa naorina tsara amin’ny fahamarinana izay efa eo aminareo. »


Na toy inona na toy inona faharetan’ny diantsika mankany amin’ny fiainana mandrakizay dia ilaintsika ny mitantara ny famindrampo nasehon’ny Ray tamintsika sy ny manovo fanantenana sy hery ao amin’ireo teny fikasana ao amin’ny Teniny (...). Takatr’i Petera ny ilana fiambenana mandrakariva, ary tsapany manery azy ny Fanahy Masina mba hanantitrantitra amin’ny mpino ny maha-zava-dehibe ny fitandremana fatratra eo amin’ny fiainana isan’andro (...)


Oh! Raha mba hazonintsika mandrakariva ao an-tsaina mantsy ny momba ny mahasoa antsika mandrakizay, dia tsy hanao fahadalana isika na hiteniteny foana! Manoloana antsika ny asantsika mandritra ny fiainana. Anjarantsika ny manao izay hahaazo antoka ny fiantsoana sy ny fifidianana antsika, amin’ny alalan’ny fitandremana tsara ireo torolalana voarakitra ao amin’ny Teny masin’Andriamanitra (...)


Azontsika atao ny maneho ohatra tsara araka ny tokony ho izy amin’ny alalan’ny fitenintsika feno fahamasinana, izay fananarana ho an’ny mpanao ratsy. Tsy azontsika atao ny maneho oha-piainana izay toa mankasitraka ny fanaovan-dratsy. Misy lanitra tokony hotratrarintsika ary helo tokony handosirana. Any amin’ireny fiangonan-dehibe ireny (...) dia ahina ny fitotonganana. Noho ny habetsaky ny mambra ao am-piangonana dia mirona kokoa ho amin’ny tsirambina sy ny tsy firaihana ny sasany, kanefa tsy ho toy izany raha vitsy na tsy maintsy hijoro irery izy ireo. Na tsy tsara aza anefa ny toe- javatra misy antsika dia azontsika atao mandrakariva ny miambina sy mivavaka ary maneho ohatra tsara amin’ny fomba fitenintsika, izay vavolombelona mahery miasa ho an’ny fahamarinana. (...) Aoka isika tsy hanao teny manakivy ny namantsika (...). Nanolotra ny ainy i Kristy mba hahafahantsika manana fiainam-boninahitra miaraka Aminy. Ho hita eo amin’ireo tanany mandrakizay ny marik’ireo fantsika tsy mifaditrovana nanomboana Azy teo amin’ny hazo fijalian’i Kalvary (...).


Mivonona ho amin’ilay fiainana mandrakizay ho avy isika ankehitriny, ary tsy ho ela intsony, raha mahatoky isika, dia hahita ny vavahadin’ny tanànan’Andriamanitra hisokatra (...) mba hidiran’ireo izay nihazona ny fahamarinana handray ny lovany mandrakizay. – HP, t. 299.



Bread of life, Sunday June 23, 2024, MEMBERS OF GOD’S HOUSEHOLD


Ephesians 2:19, 20. « Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone. »


The Lord Jesus is making experiments on human hearts through the exhibition of His mercy and abundant grace. He is effecting transformations so amazing that Satan ... stands viewing them as a fortress impregnable to his sophistries and delusions. They are to him an incomprehensible mystery. The angels of God ... look on with astonishment and joy, that fallen men, once children of wrath, are through the training of Christ developing characters after the divine similitude, to be sons and daughters of God, to act an important part in the occupations and pleasures of heaven.


The Lord has provided His church with capabilities and blessings, that they may present to the world an image of His own sufficiency, and that His church may be complete in Him, a continual representation of another, even the eternal world, of laws that are higher than earthly laws. His church is to be a temple built after the divine similitude....


To His church, Christ has given ample facilities, that He may receive a large revenue of glory from His redeemed, purchased possession. The church, being endowed with the righteousness of Christ, is His depository, in which the wealth of His mercy, His love, His grace, is to appear in full and final display. The declaration in His intercessory prayer, that the Father’s love is as great toward us as toward Himself, the only-begotten Son, and that we shall be with Him where He is, forever one with Christ and the Father, is a marvel to the heavenly host, and it is their great joy. The gift of His Holy Spirit, rich, full, and abundant, is to be to His church as an encompassing wall of fire, which the powers of hell shall not prevail against. In their untainted purity and spotless perfection, Christ looks upon His people as the reward of all His suffering, His humiliation, and His love, and the supplement of His glory—Christ, the great center from which radiates all glory.



Mofon'Aina Alahady 23 Jona 2024 ANKOHONAN’ANDRIAMANITRA


Efes. 2:19,20. « Koa dia tsy mba vahiny sy mpivahiny intsony hianareo, fa tompon-tany, mpiray fanjakana amin'ny olona masina sady ankohonan’Andriamanitra, natsangana teo ambonin’ny fanorenan’ny Apostoly sy ny mpaminany, ary Kristy Jesosy no fehizoro indrindra. »


Iasan’ny Tompo Jesôsy ny fon’ny olombelona ka anehoany famindrampo sy fahasoavana lehibe. Misy fanovana mahagaga ataony, hany ka manda mafy tsy hain’ny fitaka na ny hafetseny tohaina no fahitan’i Satana izany (...). Talanjona sy feno hafaliana ny anjelin’ny lanitra, ny serafima sy ny kerôbima, dia ireo hery nirahina hiara-miasa amin’ny olona, eo am-pitazanana ny olombelona lavo, izay efa zanaky ny fahatezerana, kanefa noho ny fanofanan’i Kristy dia manjary manam-pitoviana amin’Andriamanitra ary tonga zanany lahy sy zanany vavy sady manana anjara lehibe eo amin’ny raharaha sy ny fifalian’ny lanitra.


Nomen’ny Tompo fahafaha-manao sy fitahiana ny fiangonany mba hahafahany maneho amin’izao tontolo izao ny maha-ampy ny fahasoavany, ary koa mba ho tanteraka ao Aminy ny fiangonany, izay fanehoana tsy mitsahatra ilay tontolo hafa, dia ilay tontolo mandrakizay, sy fanehoana ireo lalàna izay ambony lavitra noho ny lalàna eto an-tany. Tokony ho tempoly voaorina araka ny endrik'Andriamanitra ny fiangonany. (...)


Ny fiangonana, izay mitafy ny fahamarinan’i Kristy, dia trano firaketany, ka ao no tokony hahitana mazava sy amin’ny fahafenoany ny haren’ny famindrampony sy ny fitiavany. ary ny fahasoavany. Fahagagana ho an’ny mponin’ny lanitra, ary fifaliana lehibe ho azy ireo ny fanambaran’i Kristy ao amin’ilay vavaka nataony ho an’ny mpianany, fa lehibe tahaka ny fitiavan’ny Ray Azy, Izay Zanaka Lahitokan’Andriamanitra, ny fitiavan’ny Ray antsika, ary koa hiaraka Aminy any amin’izay itoerany isika ka ho iray amin’i Kristy sy ny Ray mandrakizay. Toy ny andry afo miaro ny fiangonany amin’ny herin’ny maizina ireo fanomezam-pahasoavan’ny Fanahy Masina, izay maro karazana sy miavosa. Ho an’i Kristy, ny vahoakany ao anatin’ny fahadiovana sy fahatanterahana tsy misy pentina no valin-kasasarany, izay niaretany fahoriana, fahafaham-baraka, izay tsy nitsitsiany fitiavana, ary fanehoana ny voninahiny. I Kristy no ivo izay iaingan’ny tara-pahazavana be voninahitra rehetra. – HP, t. 282.


Bread of life, Saturday June 22, 2024, STRENGTH FOR TODAY
Zechariah 13:9. « And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God. »
By trial the Lord proves the strength of His children. Is the heart strong to bear? Is the conscience void of offense? Does the Spirit bear witness with our spirit that we are the children of God? This the Lord ascertains by trying us. In the furnace of affliction He purifies us from all dross. He sends us trials, not to cause needless pain, but to lead us to look to Him, to strengthen our endurance, to teach us that if we do not rebel, but put our trust in Him, we shall see of His salvation....
Christ’s love for His children is as strong as it is tender. It is a love stronger than death, for He died for us. It is a love more true than that of a mother for her children. The mother’s love may change, but Christ’s love is changeless. “I am persuaded,” Paul says, “that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38, 39).
In every trial we have strong consolation. Is not our Saviour touched with the feeling of our infirmities? Has He not been tempted in all points like as we are? And has He not invited us to take every trial and perplexity to Him? Then let us not make ourselves miserable over tomorrow’s burdens. Bravely and cheerfully carry the burdens of today. Today’s trust and faith we must have. But we are not asked to live more than a day at a time. He who gives strength for today will give strength for tomorrow....
Nothing wounds the soul like the sharp darts of unbelief. When trial comes, as it will, do not worry or complain. Silence in the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. “Then are they glad because they be quiet” (Psalm 107:30). Remember that underneath you are the everlasting arms. “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him” (Psalm 37:7). He is guiding you into a harbor of gracious experience.







Mofon'Aina Sabotsy 22 Jona 2024 HERY HIATREHANA NY ANIO


Zak. 13:9. « Ary ho entiko miditra amin ’ny afo ny ampahatelony, ary harendrika toy ny fandrendrika volafotsy izy, ary hizahako toetra toy ny fizaha toetra ny volamena izy; hiantso ny anarako izy, ary Izaho hamaly azy; Izaho hanao hoe: Oloko izy ary izy hanao hoe: Jehovah no Andriamanitro. »


Mizaha toetra ny herin’ireo zanany Andriamanitra amin’ny alalan’ny fitsapana. Mahazaka tsara ve ny fo? Tsy meloka ve ny fieritreretana? Miara-milaza amin’ny fanahintsika ve ny Fanahy fa zanak’Andriamanitra isika? Tian’Andriamanitra ho azo antoka amin’ny alalan’ny fizahan-toetra avokoa ny amin’izany. Dioviny ho afaka amin’ny tain-drendrika rehetra isika ao amin’ny memin’ny fahoriana. Tsy fitiavana hampahory antsika tsy akory no antony amelany antsika hiharan’ny fitsapana fa mba hisarihana ny fijerintsika ho Aminy, mba hanamafy orina ny fifaharantsika, mba hampianarana antsika fa raha tsy mikomy isika fa matoky Azy, dia hahita ny famonjeny. (...)


Mahery sady mamy ny fitiavan’i Kristy ny zanany. Fitiavana mahery noho ny fahafatesana izany satria nafoiny ho antsika ny ainy. Fitiavana mahatoky mihoatra noho ny fitiavan’ny reny ny zanany izany. (...) Hoy i Paoly: “Fa matoky aho fa na fahafatesana, na fiainana, na inona na inona amin’izao zavatra ary rehetra izao, dia tsy hahasaraka antsika amin’ny fitiavan’Andriamanitra izay ao amin’i Kristy Jesosy Tompontsika.” — Rôm. 8:38,39.


Omena fampaherezana lehibe isika amin’ny fitsapana tsirairay. Tsy efa fantatry ny Mpamonjy tsara ve ny fahalementsika? Tsy efa nalaim-panahy tamin’ny zavatra rehetra tahaka antsika ve Izy? Tsy efa nanasa antsika ve Izy hametraka Aminy ny olana sy ny fanahiantsika rehetra? Koa aoka isika tsy ho kivy ny amin’ny enta-mavesatry ny ampitso. Andeha hozakaintsika amin-kerim-po sy fifaliana ny enta-mavesatry ny anio. Anio isika no mila matoky sy mino, tsy nomena antsika ny hiaina ankoatra ny ankehitriny. Ilay manome hery hiatrehana ny anio no hanome hery hiatrehana ny ampitso. (…)


Tsy misy mandratra ny fanahy toy ny antsy maranitry ny fisalasalana sy ny tsy finoana. Rehefa tonga ny fitsapana, satria tsy maintsy ho avy izany, dia aza manahy na mimonomonona. Ny fanginan’ny fanahy no ahenoana mazava kokoa ny feon’Andriamanitra (Sal. 37:7). (...) Mitondra anao ho amin’ny fanandramana mahafinaritra Izy. – HP, t.



Bread of life, Friday June 21, 2024, NO ONE FREE FROM TEMPTATION


1 Peter 1:5, 6. « Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations. »


Do not think that the Christian life is free from temptation. Temptations will come to every Christian. Both the Christian and the one who does not accept Christ as his leader will have trials. The difference is that the latter is serving a tyrant, doing his mean drudgery, while the Christian is serving the One who died to give him eternal life. Do not look upon trial as something strange, but as the means by which we are to be purified and strengthened. “Count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations,” James admonishes; “knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience” (James 1:2, 3).


In the future life we shall understand things that here greatly perplex us. We shall realize how strong a helper we had and how angels of God were commissioned to guard us as we followed the counsel of the Word of God.


To all who receive Him, Christ will give power to become the sons of God. He is a present help in every time of need. Let us be ashamed of our wavering faith. Those who are overcome have only themselves to blame for their failure to resist the enemy. All who choose can come to Christ and find the help they need.


There stands among you the mighty Counselor of the ages, inviting you to place your confidence in Him. Shall we turn away from Him to uncertain human beings, who are as wholly dependent on God as we ourselves are? Have we fallen so far below our privileges? Have we not been guilty of expecting so little that we have not asked for what God is longing to give?


“I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel.... For he said, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie: so he was their Saviour. In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them” (Isaiah 63:7-9).


l Pet. 1:5,6. « Izay arovan’ny herin'Andriamanitra amin'ny finoana ho amin’ny famonjena efa vonona haseho any am-parany. Izany no iravoravoanareo, na dia ampalahelovina vetivety ankehitriny amin’ny fakam-panahy maro samy hafa aza hianareo, raha tsy maintsy hisy izany. »
Aza mihevitra fa tsy misy fakam- panahy ny fiainan’ny Kristianina. Ho tonga amin’ny Kristianina tsirairay ny fakam-panahy. Tsy maintsy handalo fizahan-toetra na ny Kristianina na izay tsy manaiky an’i Kristy ho Tompony. Izao no maha-samy hafa azy: manompo tompo lozabe sady manao ny asa ratsiny ireo izay tsy manaiky an’i Kristy; fa ny Kristianina kosa dia manompo Ilay nahafoy ny ainy mba hanome azy fiainana mandrakizay. Aza atao mahagaga ny fizahan-toetra, fa raiso ho toy ny fomba fanadiovana sy fanatanjahana antsika izany. “Ataovy ho fifaliana avokoa, raha iharan’ny fakam-panahy samy hafa ianareo. ” Hoy i Jakôba, “Satria fantatrareo fa ny fizahan-toetra ny finoanareo dia mahatonga faharetana.” –Jak. 1:2,3.
Ho takatsika any amin’ny fiainana ho avy ny amin’ireo toe-javatra izay nahavery hevitra antsika tety. Ho hitantsika ny halehiben’ny herin’Ilay namonjy antsika sy ny fomba nanirahana ny anjelin’Andriamanitra hiambina antsika teo am-panarahantsika ny tolo-tsaina avy amin’ny tenin’Andriamanitra.
Izay rehetra mandray Azy dia homen’i Kristy hery ho tonga zanak’Andriamanitra. Mpamonjy vonona mandrakariva amin’ny fotoana ilana ny fanampiany Izy. (...) Tsy afaka hanameloka afa-tsy ny tenany ireo izay resy noho ny tsy nanoherany ny fahavalo. Afaka mankeo amin’i Kristy avokoa izay rehetra misafidy hanao izany, ka hahazo ny fanampiana izay ilainy.
Eo aminao Ilay Mpanolo-tsaina mahery nandritra fotoana nifandimby, ary manasa anao mba hatoky Azy tanteraka. Hiala Aminy ve isika ka hitodika amin’olombelona tsy azo antoka, izay tsy afa-miala amin’ny fiankinana amin’Andriamanitra tahaka antsika ihany? Tsy takatsika mihitsy ve ny tombontsoa ananantsika? Tsy meloka ve isika noho fahakelezan’ny fanantenantsika ka tsy mangataka amin’Andriamanitra izay iriny fatratra homena antsika?
“Ny famindram-pon’i Jehovah no hambarako, dia ny fiderana an’i Jehovah araka izay rehetra nataony tamintsika sy ny haben’ny fahasoavana tamin'ny taranak'Isiraely. (...) Fa hoy Izy: Oloko tokoa ireo, dia zanaka tsy mba handainga, ka dia tonga Mpamonjy azy izy Tamin’ny fahoriany rehetra dia niory koa izy, ary Ilay Anjelin ny tavany no namonjy ireo.” – Isa. 63:7-9. – HP. t. 257.

Bread of life, Thursday June 20, 2024, LIVING FOR OTHERS
Matthew 20:28. « Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. »
We are not to live for ourselves. Christ came to this world to live for others—not to be ministered unto, but to minister. If you strive to live as He lived you are saying to the world, “Behold the Man of Calvary.” By precept and example you are leading others in the way of righteousness.
The sin which is indulged to the greatest extent, and which separates us from God and produces so many contagious spiritual disorders, is selfishness. There can be no returning to the Lord except by self-denial. Of ourselves we can do nothing; but through God strengthening us we can live to do good to others, and in this way shun the evil of selfishness. We need not go to heathen lands to manifest our desire to devote all to God in a useful, unselfish life. We should do this in the home circle, in the church, among those with whom we associate and with whom we do business. Right in the common walks of life is where self is to be denied and kept in subordination.
Paul could say: “I die daily” (1 Corinthians 15:31). It is the daily dying to self in the little transactions of life that makes us overcomers. We should forget self in the desire to do good to others. With many there is a decided lack of love for others. Instead of faithfully performing their duty, they seek rather their own pleasure.
God positively enjoins upon all His followers a duty to bless others with their influence and means.... In doing for others, a sweet satisfaction will be experienced, an inward peace which will be a sufficient reward. When actuated by a high and noble desire to do others good, they will find true happiness in a faithful discharge of life’s manifold duties. This will bring more than an earthly reward; for every faithful, unselfish performance of duty is noticed by the angels and shines in the life record. In heaven none will think of self, nor seek their own pleasure; but all, from pure, genuine love, will seek the happiness of the heavenly beings around them. If we wish to enjoy heavenly society in the earth made new, we must be governed by heavenly principles here. — IN HEAVENLY PLACES



Mofon'Aina Alakamisy 20 Jona 2024 VELONA HO AN’NY HAFA


Mat. 20:28. « Fa tahaka izany, ny Zanak’olona tsy tonga mba hotompoina, fa mba hanompo ka hanolotra ny ainy ho avotra hisolo ny maro. »


Tsy natao hivelona ho an’ny tenantsika isika. Velona ho an’ny hafa i Kristy fony Izy teto amin’izao tontolo izao – tsy tonga hotompoina Izy fa hanompo. Raha miezaka miaina eto an-tany tahaka ny niainan’i Jesôsy ianao dia milaza amin’izao tontolo izao hoe: “Banjino Ilay Lehilahin’i Kalvary.” Mitarika ny hafa ho eo amin’ny lalan’ny fahamarinana ianao amin’ny alalan’ny foto-kevitra sy ny ohatra asehonao.


Ny fahotana kolokoloina indrindra, izay mampisaraka antsika amin’Andriamanitra sy mahatonga areti-mifindra ara-panahy maro, dia ny fitiavan-tena. Tsy misy fomba hitodihana amin’Andriamanitra afa-tsy amin’ny alalan’ny fandavan-tena. Tsy mahavita na inona na inona isika raha amin’ny herin’ny tenantsika; faafaka ny ho velona mba hanao soa ho an’ny hafa kosa amin’ny alalan’Andriamanitra izay mampahery antsika, ka ho afa- miala amin’ny haratsian’ny fitiavan-tena. Tsy mila mankany amin’ny tanin’ny mpanompo sampy isika mba hanehoana amin’Andriamanitra ny fanoloran-tenantsika hanana fiainana manampy ny hafa sy tsy tia tena. Ao an- tokantrano, ao am-piangonana, ary eo anivon’ny namana sy ny mpiara-miasa amintsika no tokony hanaovantsika izany. (...)


“Maty isan’andro aho”, hoy i Paoly – 1 Kôr. 15:31. Ny fahafatesan’ny “izaho” isan’andro eo amin’ny raharaha madinika atao eo amin’ny fiainana no mahatonga antsika ho mpandresy. (...)


Mibaiko mazava ny mpanara-dia Azy rehetra Andriamanitra mba hanao soa amin’ny hafa amin’ny alalan’ny hery miasa mangina ananany sy ny fahafaha-manaony. (...) Ahazoana fahafaham-po sy fiadanana mamy ao am-po ny fiasana ho an’ny hafa, ary valisoa ampy tokoa izany. (...) Tsy eto an-tany ihany io valisoa io fa mihoatra noho izany; voamariky ny anjely sy mamirapiratra ao anatin’ny bokin’ny fiainana mantsy ny adidy tsirairay atao amim-pahatokiana sy tsy amim-pitiavan-tena. Tsy hisy olona hihevitra ny tombontsoan’ny tenany na hitady izay mahafinaritra azy fotsiny any an-danitra. Ny hahasambatra ireo mponin’ny lanitra manodidina azy no hokatsahiny. Raha tiantsika ny hiara-paly amin’ireo mponin’ny lanitra ireo any amin’ny tany vaovao, dia ny fitsipiky ny lanitra no tsy maintsy mifehy antsika dieny ety. – HP, t. 233.



Bread of life, Wednesday June 19, 2024, THE VOICE OF DUTY


Ecclesiastes 9:10. « Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. »


The voice of duty is the voice of God—an inborn, heaven-sent guide. Whether it be pleasing or unpleasing, we are to do the duty that lies directly in our pathway. If the Lord would have us bear a message to Nineveh, it will not be pleasing to Him for us to go to Joppa or Capernaum. God has reasons for sending us to the place to which our feet are directed....


It is the little foxes that spoil the vines, the little neglects, the little deficiencies, the little dishonesties, the little departures from principle, that blind the soul and separate it from God.


It is the little things of life that develop the spirit and determine the character. Those who neglect the little things will not be prepared to endure severe tests when they are brought to bear upon them. Remember that the character building is not finished till life ends. Every day a good or bad brick is placed in the structure. You are either building crookedly or with the exactness and correctness that will make a beautiful temple for God. Therefore, in looking for great things to do, neglect not the little opportunities that come to you day by day. He who neglects the little things, and yet flatters himself that he is ready to do wonderful things for the Master, is in danger of failing altogether, Life is made up, not of great sacrifices and of wonderful achievements, but of little things.


Whatever your hands find to do, do it with your might. Make your work pleasant with songs of praise. If you would have a clean record in the books of heaven, never fret or scold. Let your daily prayer be, “Lord, help me to do my best.... Give me energy and cheerfulness. Help me to bring into my service the loving ministry of the Saviour.”


Look upon every duty, however humble, as sacred because it is part of God’s service. Do not allow anything to make you forgetful of God. Bring Christ into all that you do. Then your lives will be filled with brightness and thanksgiving. You will do your best, moving forward cheerfully in the service of the Lord, your hearts filled with His joy.



Mofon'Aina Alarobia 19 Jona 2024 NY ANTSON'NY ADIDY


Mpitt. 9:10. « Izay rehetra azon’ny tànanao atao dia ataovy amin'ny herinao. »


Ny antson’ny adidy dia feon’Andriamanitra – mpitari-dalana voajanahary, nirahin’ny lanitra. Tsy maintsy manatanteraka ny adidy manoloana antsika mivantana isika, na mahafinaritra izany na tsia. Raha tian’Andriamanitra hitondra hafatra any Ninive isika dia tsy ho faly Izy raha any Jopa na any Kapemaomy indray no alehantsika. Misy antony matoa Andriamanitra maniraka antsika any amin’ny toerana izay itarihany ny tongotsika (…)


Ireo amboahaolo madinika izay manimba ny tanimboaloboka, ny tsirambina madinidinika, ny fahalemena kely, ny tsy fahatokiana kely, ny fihatahana kely amin’ny fitsipika, ireo no manajamba ny fanahy sy manasaraka azy amin'Andriamanitra.


Ireo zava-madinika eo amin’ny fiainana no mamolavola ny toe-tsaina sy mamaritra ny toetra. Izay manao tsirambina amin’ny zava-madinika dia tsy ho vonona hiaritra ny fizahan- toetra mahamay rehefa tonga aminy izany. Aza hadinoina fa mandritra ny androm-piainana no anorenana ny toetra, toy ny trano. Isan'andro dia na biriky tsara, na biriky ratsy, no arafitra eo. Na ianao manao tandrametaka, na ianao manorina mahitsy tsara tsy mivaona. ka mahavita tempoly tsara rafitra ho an’Andriamanitra. Noho izany, raha te hanao zava-dehibe ianao, dia aza atao an-tsirambina ireo fotoana kely fanararaotra mandalo eo aminao isan’andro. Izay manao kitoatoa amin’ny zava-madinika kanefa midera tena ho vonona hanao zavatra miezinezina ho an’ny Tompo, dia ahina tsy hahomby velively. (...)


Izay rehetra azon’ny tànanao atao dia ataovy amin’ny herinao. Ataovy izay hampahafinaritra ny asanao amin’ny fandravahanao azy amin’ny hiram-piderana. Raha tianao tsy hisy tomika ny mombamomba anao voarakitra ao amin’ny bokin’ny lanitra, dia aza be fanahiana na fitarainana. Aoka ny fivavakao ho toy izao: “Ampio aho Andriamanitra hanao ny tsara indrindra mety ho vitako ... Omeo hery sy fifaliana aho. Ampio mba ho hita taratra eo amin’ny asa fanompoana ataoko ny fanompoam-pitiavana nataon’ny Mpamonjy.”


Raiso ho masina ny adidy tsirairay, na dia ny tsotra indrindra aza, fa anisan’ny fanompoana an’Andriamanitra izany. Aza avela hisy zavatra hampanadino anao an’Andriamanitra. Na inona na inona ataonao dia ento miaraka aminao i Kristy, dia ho feno famirapiratana ny fiainanao ka ho velom-pisaorana Azy ianao. – HP, t. 226.



Bread of life, Tuesday June 18, 2024, KEEPING LOVE ALIVE


Colossians 3:18,19. « Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. »


How much trouble and what a tide of woe and unhappiness would be saved if men, and women also, would continue to cultivate the regard, attention, and kind words of appreciation and little courtesies of life which kept love alive and which they felt were necessary in gaining the companions of their choice. If the husband and wife would only continue to cultivate these attentions which nourish love, they would be happy in each other’s society and would have a sanctifying influence upon their families. They would have in themselves a little world of happiness and would not desire to go outside this world for new attractions and new objects of love....


Many women pine for words of love and kindness and the common attentions and courtesies due them from their husbands who have selected them as their life companions.... It is these little attentions and courtesies which make up the sum of life’s happiness....


If the hearts were kept tender in our families, if there were a noble, generous deference to each other’s tastes and opinions, if the wife were seeking opportunities to express her love by actions in her courtesies to her husband, and the husband were manifesting the same consideration and kindly regard for the wife, the children would partake of the same spirit. The influence would pervade the household, and what a tide of misery would be saved in the families! ...


Every couple who unite their life interest should seek to make the life of each as happy as possible. That which we prize we seek to preserve and make more valuable if we can. In the marriage contract men and women have made a trade, an investment for life, and they should do their utmost to control their words of impatience and fretfulness, even more carefully than they did before their marriage, for now their destinies are united for life as husband and wife, and each is valued in exact proportion to the amount of painstaking effort put forth to retain and keep fresh the love so eagerly sought for and prized before marriage.





Kôl. 3:18,19. « Hianareo vehivavy, maneke ny vadinareo araka izay mety hatao ao amin ny Tompo. Hianareo lehilahy, tiava ny vadinareo. ary aza sosotra aminy. »


Maro be ny olana sy ny fahoriana ho voasoroka raha kolokoloin’ny lehilahy sy ny vehivavy hatrany ny fifampiheverana, ny fifampitsinjovana, ny teny mamy feno fankasitrahana, ny fifanajana amin’ny zavatra madinidinika eo amin’ny fiainana, izay mamelona ny fitiavana. Hita fa nilaina koa izany teo amin’ny fitadiava-namana tiana niarahana. Raha mitozo amin’izany fifampiheverana mikolokolo fitiavana izany ny mpivady dia ho sambatra eo amin’ny fiarahamonina misy azy tsirairay avy, ary hanana hery miasa mangina eo amin’ny fianakaviany. Ho feno fahasambarana ny tontolo kelin’izy ireo ary tsy haniry hiala ao amin’izany tontolo izany izy mba hitady fitiavana hafa (...).


Maro dia maro ny vehivavy manantena hahazo tambitamby sy teny mamy, ary fanehoam-pitiavana madinidinika avy amin’ny vadiny izay nifidy azy ho namana mandra-maty. (...) Ireny mari-pitiavana madinidinika ireny no mitondra fahasambarana eo amin’ny fiainana. (...)


Raha mba mitoetra ho malefaka mandrakariva ny fontsika ao an-tokantrano, raha mba fifandeferana sy fifampihainoana amim-pitiavana no asetrintsika ny fanehoan-kevitra sy ny fomba fijerin’ny ankilany, raha mba miezaka ny vehivavy mitady izay fomba hanehoana fitiavana amin’ny vadiny, ary ny lehilahy koa toraka izany amin’ny vadiny, dia hiampita amin’ireo zanany izany toe-tsaina izany. (...)


Ny lahy sy vavy, izay miara-dia eo amin’ny fiainana, dia tokony samy hanao ny fomba rehetra hahasambatra ny anankiray. Izay sarobidy amintsika no arovantsika sy kolokolointsika hihatsara hatrany araka, izay azo atao. Nisy fifanakalozana natao sy fanoloran-tena ho mandritra ny fiainana tao anatin’ny fifanekena ara-panambadiana, koa tokony hiezaka araka izay tratra ny lahy sy ny vavy hifehy ny lelany andrao manao teny tsy am-piheverana na feno fahasorenana. Mihoatra noho ny talohan’ny fanambadiana aza ny ezaka tokony hataony satria efa nampiraisin’ny fanambadiana mandritra ny fiainana izy ireo izao, ary na ny lahy na ny vavy dia samy tokony hikely aina mba hitehirizana ny fitiavana ho vao hatrany, dia ilay fitiavana sarobidy nokatsahina fatratra talohan’ny fanambadiana. – HP, t. 206.



Bread of life, Monday June 17, 2024, THE TEST OF APPETITE


1 Corinthians 9:27. « But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. »


After His baptism the Son of God entered the dreary wilderness, there to be tempted by the devil. For nearly six weeks He endured the agonies of hunger.... He realized the power of appetite upon man; and in behalf of sinful man, He bore the closest test possible upon that point. Here a victory was gained which few can appreciate. The controlling power of depraved appetite and the grievous sin of indulging it can only be understood by the length of the fast which our Saviour endured that He might break its power....


Intemperance lies at the foundation of all the moral evils known to man. Christ began the work of redemption just where the ruin began. The fall of our first parents was caused by the indulgence of appetite. In redemption, the denial of appetite is the first work of Christ.


The Son of God saw that man could not of himself overcome this powerful temptation.... He came to earth to unite His divine power with our human efforts, that through the strength and moral power which He imparts, we might overcome in our own behalf. Oh! what matchless condescension for the King of glory to come down to this world to endure the pangs of hunger and the fierce temptations of a wily foe, that He might gain an infinite victory for man. Here is love without a parallel. Yet this great condescension is but dimly comprehended by those for whom it was made.


It was not the gnawing pangs of hunger alone which made the sufferings of our Redeemer so inexpressibly severe. It was the sense of guilt which had resulted from the indulgence of appetite that had brought such terrible woe into the world, which pressed so heavily upon His divine soul....


With man’s nature, and the terrible weight of his sins pressing upon Him, our Redeemer withstood the power of Satan upon this great leading temptation, which imperils the souls of men. If man should overcome this temptation, he could conquer on every other point.



Mofon'Aina Alatsinainy 17 Jona 2024 ZAHAN-TOETRA NY FITIAVAN-KOMANA


1 Kôr. 9:27. « Fa asiako mafy ny tenako ho mangana ka andevoziko, fandrao, na dia efa nitory tamin’ny sasany aza aho, dia holavina kosa ny tenako. »


Taorian’ny batisany dia nankany an’efitra ny Zanak'Andriamanitra mba halain’ny devoly fanahy. Niaritra hanoanana mafy Izy nandritra ny enina herinandro teo ho eo. (...) Tsapany ny herin’ny fitiavan-komana eo amin’ny maha-olombelona, ary teo amin’ny toerantsika dia nalaim-panahy tamin’ny fomba henjana indrindra Izy tamin’io lafiny io. Azony ny fandresena teo, ary vitsy no tena mahatakatra izany. Ny herin’ny filan-kanina sy ny fahotan’ny fanaranam-po amin’izany dia tsy mety ho takatra raha amin’ny fandinihana ny faharetan’ilay fifadian-kanina nataon’ny Mpamonjy mba handravana ny fahefan’izany (...).


Ny tsy fahalalana onony no fototry ny haratsiam-pitondran-tena rehetra fantatry ny olona. Teo amin’izay niantombohan’ny fahasimbana indrindra no nanombohan’ny Mpamonjy ny asa fanavotana. Ny tsy fahalalana onony amin’ny sakafo no nahatonga ny fahalavoan’ireo ray aman-drenintsika voalohany. (...)


Hitan’ny Zanak’Andnamanitra fa tsy vitan’ny herin’ny olombelona samirery ny mandresy io fakam-panahy lehibe io (...). Tonga teto an-tany Izy hampiray ny herin’Andriamanitra amin’ny ezaka ataon’ny olombelona, mba hahafahantsika mandresy amin’ny alalan’ny hery sy ny tanja-tsaina omeny antsika. Oh! Nietry tokoa Ilay Mpanjakan’ny voninahitra nidina teto amin’izao tontolo izao, niaritra ny hamafin’ny hanoanana sy ny herin’ny fakam-panahy avy amin’ny fahavalo fetsy, mba hahazoany fandresena ho an’ny olombelona. Izany no fitiavana tsy manam-paharoa. Noho ny amin’ny olombelona izany fietrena lalina izany, kanefa zara raha takatr’ireo izany.


Tsy ny hanoanana ihany no tena nahamafy indrindra ny fahorian’ny Mpanavotra antsika. Nitambesatra indrindra tamin’ny fanahiny ny fahamelohana vokatry ny hatendan- kanina izay nahatonga loza lehibe teto amin’izao tontolo izao. (...)


Tamin’ny maha-olombelona Azy, sady nilanja ny vesatra mahatsiravin’ny fahotana teo Aminy, no nanoheran’ny Mpamonjintsika an’i Satana tao anatin’io fakam-panahy lehibe io, izay mamery ny fanahin’ny olona. Raha resin’nv olona io fakam-panahy io, dia handresy amin’ny lafiny rehetra koa izy. – HP, t. 194.


Bread of life, Sunday June 16, 2024, KIND AND COURTEOUS WORDS
Isaiah 50:4. « The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned. »
What Christ was in His life on this earth, that every Christian is to be. He is our example, not only in His spotless purity, but in His patience, gentleness, and winsomeness of disposition. He was firm as a rock where truth and duty were concerned, but He was invariably kind and courteous. His life was a perfect illustration of true courtesy.... His presence brought a purer atmosphere into the home, and His life was as leaven working amid the elements of society. Harmless and undefiled, He walked among the thoughtless, the rude, the uncourteous; amid the unjust publicans, the unrighteous Samaritans, the heathen soldiers, the rough peasants, and the mixed multitude.
He spoke a word of sympathy here and a word there as He saw men weary and compelled to bear heavy burdens. He shared their burdens and repeated to them the lessons He had learned from nature, of the love, the kindness, the goodness of God. He sought to inspire with hope the most rough and unpromising, setting before them the assurance that they might become blameless and harmless, attaining such a character as would make them manifest as children of God.... Jesus sat an honored guest at the table of the publicans, by His sympathy and social kindliness showing that He recognized the dignity of humanity; and men longed to become worthy of His confidence. Upon their thirsty souls His words fell with blessed, life-giving power. New impulses were awakened, and the possibility of a new life opened to these outcasts of society.
The religion of Jesus softens whatever is hard and rough in the temper and smooths off whatever is rugged and sharp in the manners. It is this religion that makes the words gentle and the demeanor winning. Let us learn from Christ how to combine a high sense of purity and integrity with sunniness of disposition. A kind, courteous Christian is the most powerful argument that can be produced in favor of the gospel.




Mofon'Aina Alahady 16 Jona 2024 TENY MAMY SY FENO FANAJANA


Isa. 50:4. « Jehovah Tompo nanome Ahy ny lelan ’ny efa mahay, mba hahaizako manao teny hampahatanjaka izay reraka; ampandrenesiny isa-maraina isa-maraina, eny, ampandrenesiny ny sofiko hihaino tahaka ny efa mahay. »


Diniho i Kristy sy ny fiainany teto an-tany; tokony ho toa Azy ny Kristianina tsirairay. Izy no Ohatra ho antsika, tsy noho ny amin’ny fahadiovany tsy misy pentina ihany, fa noho ny amin’ny faharetany, ny fahatsaram-panahiny, ny toe-tsainy miabo. Mafy orina toy ny vatolampy Izy rehefa ny fahamarinana sy ny adidy no resahina, kanefa be fitiavana sy feno fanajana hatrany Izy. (...) Rivo-piainana madio no nentin’ny fanatrehany tao an- tokantrano, ary ny fiainany dia toy ny masirasira miasa amin’ireo singa ao amin’ny fiarahamonina. Feno fitiavana sy tsy nanan-tsiny Izy raha nandeha teo anivon’ireo olona tsy miraika, ratsy fanahy, tsy manaja, ireo mpamory hetra tsy marina, ireo Samaritana tsy hendry, ireo miaramila mpanompo sampy, ireo tantsaha henjan-toetra, sy ireo olona maro hafa.


Nanao teny mamy tetsy sy teroa Izy raha nahita ireo olona trotraka sy noterena hitondra enta-mavesatra. Nanampy nitondra ny entan’ireo Izy ary namerimberina taminy ireo lesona voarainy tamin’ny alalan’ny zavaboary, ny amin’ny fitiavana, ny fahamoram-panahy, ary ny fahatsaran’Andriamanitra. Nanao izay hanomezana fanantenana an’ireo izay mafy fo sy mahantra Izy, ka nitondra toky ho azy ireo fa mety ho tonga tsy manan-tsiny sy malemy fanahy izy ireo, dia hanana toetra toy ny an’ny zanak’Andriamanitra (...). Niara- nisakafo tamin’ny mpamory hetra toy ny vahiny manan-kaja Izy; nasehony tamin’ny fangorahana sy ny fitiava-namana fa fantany tsara ny tombam-bidin’ny maha-olona, ary naniry fatratra ny ho mendrika ny fitokiany ny olona. Nitondra hery feno aina sy fitahiana ho an’ny fanahin’izy ireo noana ny Teniny. Nisy ainga vao tao amin’izy ireo, ary hitan’ireto olona nailikiliky ny fiaraha-monina ireto fa mbola azo atao ny manantena fiainam-baovao.


Manalefaka izay rehetra henjana sy miridiridy ao amin’ny toetra ny fivavahan’i Jesôsy, ary manalama izay rehetra mikitoantoana sy maranidranitra amin’ny fomba amam-pihetsika. (...) Ny Kristianina malemy fanahy sy feno fanajana no fitaovana mahery vaika sy mahomby indrindra ho fampandrosoana ny filazantsara. – HP, t. 181



Bread of life, Saturday June 15, 2024, THE GOLD OF CHRISTIAN CHARACTER


Proverbs 22:1. « A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. »


Men may aspire to renown. They may desire to possess a great name. With some the possession of houses and lands and plenty of money, that which will make them great according to the measure of the world, is the height of their ambition. They desire to reach the place where they can look down with a sense of superiority upon those who are poor. All such are building on the sand, and their house will fall suddenly. Superiority of position is not true greatness. That which does not increase the value of the soul is of no real value in itself. That which alone is worth obtaining is greatness of soul in the sight of Heaven. The true and exalted nature of your work you may never know. The value of your own being you can only measure by the value of that Life given to save all who will receive it.


Every man will have some estimate of his own worth when he becomes a laborer together with Christ, doing the work that Christ did, filling the world with Christ’s righteousness, bearing a commission from the Most High.... The commission given to the disciples is given to all who are connected with Christ. They are to make any and every sacrifice for the joy of seeing souls saved who are perishing out of Christ....


The highest honor that can be conferred upon human beings, be they young or old, rich or poor, is to be permitted to lift up the oppressed, to comfort the feeble-minded. The world is full of suffering. Go, and preach the gospel to the poor; heal the sick. This is the work to be connected with the gospel message. “The poor have the gospel preached to them” (Matthew 11:5). Colaborers with God are to fill the space they occupy in the world with the love of Jesus.... The love of Christ in the heart is expressed in the actions. If love for Christ is dull the love for those for whom Christ died will degenerate....


True riches are genuine faith and genuine love. These make the character complete in Christ. If there were more faith, simple, trusting faith in Jesus, there would be love, pure love, which is the gold of Christian character.





Ohab. 22:1. « Aleo ho tsara laza toy izay ho be harena, ary tsara ny fitia noho ny volafotsy sy ny volamena. »


Mety haniry laza sy voninahitra ny olona. Ho an’ny sasany, ny fananana trano sy tany maro ary vola be, izay hahazoany fahalehibiazana araka izao tontolo izao, no faniriany ambony indrindra. Tian’izy ireo ny ho eo amin’ny toerana izay ahafahany mianjonanjona amin’ireo mahantra noho ny fahamboniany. Ny toa azy ireny no manorina ambonin’ny fasika, ka ho rava tampokany tranon’izy ireo. (...) Ny fahalehibiazana ara- panahy eo imason’Andriamanitra ihany no mendrika hokatsahina. Mety tsy ho fantatrao mandrakizay ny tena toetra sy ny fahambonian’ny asanao. Tsy fantatrao ny tombam-bidin’ny tenanao raha tsy ampitahainao amin’ilay aina nafoy ho famonjena izay rehetra mandray azy izany.


Ho azon’ny olona tsirairay an-tsaina ny tombam-bidin’ny tenany rehefa tonga mpiara-miasa amin’i Kristy izy, ka manao ny asa nataon’i Kristy, mameno izao tontolo izao amin’ny fahamarinan’i Kristy, mamita ny iraka avy amin’ny Avo Indrindra. (...) Omena izay rehetra mifandray amin’i Kristy ny iraka nomena ny mpianatra. Aoka hikely aina fatratra izy ireo ho amin’ny fifalian’ny famonjena ireo fanahy tsy ao amin’i Kristy ka efa ho faty.


Ny voninahitra ambony indrindra mety hatafy ny olombelona, na tanora izy na antitra, na manan-karena na mahantra, dia ny famelana azy hiaro ny ampahorina sy hampahery ireo ketraka. Feno fahoriana izao tontolo izao. Mandehana torio amin’ny mahantra ny filazantsara, sitrano ny marary. Izany no asa mifandray amin’ny hafatry ny filazantsara (Mat. 11:15). (...) Miseho amin’ny asa ny fitiavantsika an’i Kristy. Raha mihena ny fitiavantsika Azy dia hihalefy koa ny fitiavantsika ireo izay namoizany ny ainy (...).


Ny finoana marina sy ny fitiavana marina no tena harena. Ireo no mahatanteraka ny toetra ao amin’i Kristy. Raha be kokoa ny finoana, finoana feno fahatsorana sy mitoky amin’i Jesôsy, dia hisy ny fitiavana, fitiavana madio izay toetra volamenan’ny Kristianina. – HP, t. 173.

Bread of life, Friday June 14, 2024, CHRIST IN ALL OUR THOUGHTS
Psalm 139:23,24. « Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. »
Few realize that it is a duty to exercise control over the thoughts and imaginations. It is difficult to keep the undisciplined mind fixed upon profitable subjects. But if the thoughts are not properly employed, religion cannot flourish in the soul. The mind must be preoccupied with sacred and eternal things, or it will cherish trifling and superficial thoughts. Both the intellectual and the moral powers must be disciplined, and they will . . improve by exercise.
In order to understand this matter aright, we must remember that our hearts are naturally depraved, and we are unable of ourselves to pursue a right course. It is only by the grace of God, combined with the most earnest effort on our part, that we can gain the victory. The intellect, as well as the heart, must be consecrated to the service of God. He has claims upon all there is of us.
Few believe that humanity has sunk so low as it has or that it is so thoroughly bad, so desperately opposed to God, as it is.... When the mind is not under the direct influence of the Spirit of God, Satan can mold it as he chooses. All the rational powers which he controls he will carnalize. He is directly opposed to God in his tastes, views, preferences, likes and dislikes, choice of things and pursuits; there is no relish for what God loves or approves, but a delight in those things which He despises....
If Christ is abiding in the heart, He will be in all our thoughts. Our deepest thoughts will be of Him, His love, His purity. He will fill all the chambers of the mind. Our affections will center about Jesus. All our hopes and expectations will be associated with Him. To live the life we now live by faith in the Son of God, looking forward to and loving His appearing, will be the soul’s highest joy. He will be the crown of our rejoicing.
Those who have trained the mind to delight in spiritual exercises are the ones who can be translated and not be overwhelmed with the purity and transcendent glory of heaven.





Sal. 139:23,24. « Diniho aho, Andriamanitra ô, ary fantaro ny foko; izahao toetra aho. ary fantaro ny eritreritro. Ary izahao na misy làlana mampahory ato anatiko, dia tariho amin 'ny làlana mandrakizay aho. »


Vitsy ihany no mahatsapa fa adidiny ny mifehy ny fisainana sy ny fieritreretana. Sarotra ny mihazona ny saina tsy voataiza hifantoka amin-javatra mahasoa. Rehefa tsy ampiasaina araka ny tokony ho izy anefa ny eritreritra, dia tsy ho afaka hiaina ao amin’ny fanahy ny fivavahana. Tsy maintsy ampiasaina amin’ny zavatra masina sy maharitra mandrakizay ny saina, fa raha tsy izany izy dia hankafy ireo eritreritra manidina sy haitraitra fotsiny. Tsy maintsy tezaina ireo herin’ny saina sy ireo hery ara-pitondran-tena, ka ny fanazarana azy no hanatanjaka sy hanatsara azy.


Mba hahatakarantsika tsara izany lohahevitra izany, dia aoka tsy hohadinointsika fa ny fontsika dia manana fironana ratsy, ary tsy haintsika, raha isika samirery, ny manaraka ny lala- marina. Ny fahasoavan’Andriamanitra irery ihany, akambana amin’ny ezaka tsara indrindra vitantsika, no ahafahana mahazo ny fandresena. Samy tsy maintsy atokana ho amin’ny fanompoana an'Andriamanitra na ny saina na ny fo. (...)


Vitsy ihany no mino fa tena latsaka ambany tokoa ny olombelona ary tena ratsy tanteraka ka manohitra an’Andriamanitra. (...) Rehefa tsy fehezin’ny Fanahin’Andriamanitra mivantana ny fanahintsika dia volavolain’i Satana ho araka izay tiany. Ny saina rehetra eo ambany vahohony dia ovany ho ara-nofo; manohitra mivantana an’Andriamanitra izy amin’ny fironany, ny heviny, (...) ny safidiny sy ny asany. Izay zavatra tian’Andriamanitra sy ankasitrahany, tsy tiany, fa izay halan’Andriamanitra no ahitany fahafinaretana (...).


Raha mitoetra ao am-po i Kristy, dia hameno ny fisainantsikâ manontolo Izy. Izy sy ny fitiavany ary ny fahadiovany no hosaintsainintsika lalina. (...) Hifantoka amin’i Jesôsy ny fitiavantsika. Izy no ho fanantenantsika sy handrandraintsika amin’ny zavatra rehetra. Ny mivelona amin’ny finoana ny Zanak’Andriamanitra eto amin’ity fiainana ity, ny manantena sy tia ny fisehoany, no ho fifalian’ny fanahy ambony indrindra. (...)


Ireo izay nanazatra ny sainy hiravoravo amin’ny zava-panahy no ho azo afindra any an-danitra ka tsy hahafaty azy ny fahadiovana sy ny halehiben’ny voninahitry ny lanitra. – HP, t. 163.


Bread of life, Thursday June 13, 2024, THE HIGHEST CULTURE
Proverbs 3:13. « Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. »
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the man who consents to be molded and fashioned after the divine similitude is the noblest specimen of the work of God....
The experimental knowledge of true godliness, in daily consecration and service to God, ensures the highest culture of the mind, soul, and body.... The impartation of divine power honors our sincere striving after wisdom for the conscientious use of our highest faculties to honor God and bless our fellow men. As these faculties are derived from God, and not self-created, they should be appreciated as talents from God to be employed in His service.
The Heaven-entrusted faculties of the mind are to be treated as the higher powers, to rule the kingdom of the body. The natural appetites and passions are to be brought under the control of the conscience and the spiritual affections....
The religion of Jesus Christ never degrades the receiver; it never makes him coarse or rough, discourteous or self-important, passionate or hardhearted. On the contrary, it refines the taste, sanctifies the judgment, purifies and ennobles the thoughts by bringing them into captivity to Jesus Christ.
God’s ideal for His children is higher than the highest human thought can reach. The living God has given in His holy law a transcript of His character. The greatest Teacher the world has ever known is Jesus Christ. And what is the standard He has given for all who believe in Him to reach? “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). As God is perfect in His high sphere of action, so man may be perfect in his human sphere. The ideal of Christian character is Christlikeness. There is opened before us a path of continual advancement. We have an object to reach, a standard to gain which includes everything good and pure and noble and elevated. There should be continual striving and constant progress onward and upward toward perfection of character.





Mofon'Aina Alakamisy 13 Jona 2024 FANABEAZANA AMBONY INDRINDRA
Ohab. 3:13. « Sambatra izay olona mahita fahendrena sy izay olona mahazo fahalalana. »
Ny fahatahorana an’i Jehovah no fiandoham-pahendrena, ary ny olona manaiky hovolavolaina sy hotefena araka ny endrik’Andriamanitra no mendrika indrindra amin’ny asan’ny tanan’Andriamanitra. (...) Ny fahalalana ny fahamasinana avy amin’ny fanandramana iainana, amin’ny alalan’ny fanoloran-tena ho amin’ny fanompoana an’Andriamanitra isan’andro, no miantoka ny fanabeazana ambony indrindra ho an’ny saina sy ny fanahy ary ny tena. (...) Rehefa miezaka amin’ny fo marina isika mikatsaka fahendrena, ka manao izay fara fahaizantsika hanomezam-boninahitra an’Andriamanitra sy hanampiana ny namantsika, dia omen’Andriamanitra antsika ny heriny. Avy amin'Andriamanitra avokoa ireny fahaizana ireny fa tsy avy amintsika; talenta nomen’Andriamanitra mba hampiasaintsika ho fanompoana Azy no tokony handraisantsika izany.
Tokony horaisina ho fahefana ambony kokoa mifehy ny tena ny saina sy ny fahaizana nomen’ny lanitra azy. Mila alefitra eo ambanin’ny fifehezan’ny eritreritra sy ny faharesen-dahatra ara-panahy ny fironana sy ny filàna ao anatintsika. (...)
Tsy mba mampitotongana izay mandray azy velively ny fivavahan’i Jesôsy Kristy, na mahatonga azy ho ratsy na henjam-piteny, na tsy hahalala fomba, na hanandra-tena, na ho mora tezitra, na ho mafy fo. Ny mifanohitra amin’izany, mahatonga ny olona hanana fironana tsara izany, manamasina ny fandanjalanjan’ny sainy, manadio sy manao izay mahamendrika ny fieritreretany amin’ny famaboana azy ho an’i Jesôsy Kristy.
Ambony lavitra noho izay mety hiheveran’ny olona azy ny idealin’Andriamanitra ho an’ny zanany. Nomen’Ilay Andriamanitra velona ao amin’ny lalàny ny fanehoana mazava ny toetrany. I Jesôsy no mpampianatra lehibe indrindra, ary tsy misy toa Azy eran’izao tontolo izao. Ary inona ny fenitra natao hotratrarin’izay rehetra mino Azy? “Aoka ho tanteraka hianareo toy ny fahatanterahan’ny Rainareo Izay any an-danitra.” – Mat. 5:48. (...) Ny toetra tahaka ny an’i Kristy no idealin’ny toetra kristianina. Misy lalana mitondra ho amin’ny fandrosoana tsy mitsahatra misokatra eo anoloantsika. Manan-tanjona sy fenitra hotratrarina isika, dia izay tsara sy madio sy mendrika ary ambony. Aoka hisy ezaka mitohy sy maharitra handrosoana ho amin’ny fahatanterahan-toetra. – HP, t. 141.



Bread of life, Wednesday June 12, 2024, OUR EXAMPLE IN OBEDIENCE


1 Peter 2:21, 22. « For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. »


Before us is held out the wonderful possibility of being like Christ—obedient to all the principles of the law of God. But of ourselves we are utterly powerless to attain to this condition. All that is good in man comes to him through Christ. The holiness that God’s Word declares we must have before we can be saved is the result of the working of divine grace as we bow in submission to the discipline and restraining influence of the Spirit of truth.


Man’s obedience can be made perfect only by the incense of Christ’s righteousness, which fills with divine fragrance every act of true obedience. The part of the Christian is to persevere in overcoming every fault. Constantly he is to pray to the Saviour to heal the disorders of his diseased soul. He has not the wisdom and strength without which he cannot overcome. They belong to the Lord, and He bestows them on those who in humiliation and contrition seek Him for help.


The work of transformation from unholiness to holiness is a continuous work. Day by day God labors for man’s sanctification, and man is to cooperate with Him by putting forth persevering efforts in the cultivation of right habits....


God will more than fulfill the highest expectations of those who put their trust in Him. He desires us to remember that when we are humble and contrite, we stand where He can and will manifest Himself to us. He is well pleased when we urge past mercies and blessings as a reason why He should bestow on us higher and greater blessings. He is honored when we love Him and bear testimony to the genuineness of our love by keeping His commandments. He is honored when we set apart the seventh day as sacred and holy. To those who do this, the Sabbath is a sign, ... God declares, “that I am the Lord that sanctify them” (Ezekiel 20:12). Sanctification means habitual communion with God. There is nothing so great and powerful as God’s love for those who are His children.





1 Pet. 2:21,22. « Fa ho amin'izany no niantsoana anareo; fa Kristy aza efa nijaly hamonjy anareo ka namela fianarana ho anareo, mba hanarahanareo ny diany; Izay tsy nanota akory, sady tsy nisy fitaka teo am-bavany. »


Mazava eo anatrehantsika ny tombontsoa mahagagan’ny fahafahantsika ho tonga tahaka an’i Kristy – mpankato ny foto-kevitra rehetra ao amin’ny lalàn’Andriamanitra. Kanefa raha ny herin’ny tenantsika ihany dia tsy ho vitantsika velively ny ho tonga tahaka Azy. Avy amin’i Kristy avokoa izay tsara rehetra ao amin’ny olona. Ny fahamasinana lazain’ny Soratra Masina fa tsy maintsy ananantsika mba hahazoana mamonjy antsika dia vokatry ny fahasoavan’Andriamanitra, rehefa milefitra amin’ny fifehezan’ny herin’ny Fanahin’ny fahamarinana isika.


Tsy mety ho tanteraka ny fankatoavan’ny olona raha tsy amin’ny alalan’ny hanitry ny fahamarinan’i Kristy, izay mahatonga ny asam-pankatoavana marina rehetra ho feno hanitra masina. Ny anjaran’ny Kristianina dia ny mitozo amin’ny fialana amin’ny ota tsirairay. Mila mivavaka mandrakariva amin’ny Mpamonjy izy mba hanasitrana ny fanahiny marary. Tsy manana fahendrena sy hery handresena izy fa ny Tompo no manana, ary omeny izay rehetra mangata-bonjy Aminy amim-panetren-tena sy fo torotoro izany.


Asa maharitra sy mitohy ny fanovana ny tsy masina ho masina. Miasa isan’andro ho fanamasinana ny olona Andriamanitra, ary ny olona kosa mila miara-miasa Aminy amin’ny fanaovana ezaka amim-paharetana, amin’ny fikolokoloana fahazarana tsara. (...)


Mihoatra noho izay faniriany ambony indrindra no omen’Andriamanitra izay matoky Azy. Tiany ho fantatsika fa rehefa manetry tena sy torotoro fo isika dia eo indrindra Izy no afaka maneho ny Tenany amintsika. Mahafaly Azy ny fitanisantsika ny famindrampony sy ny fitahiany tamin’ny lasa ho antony tokony handrotsahany fitahiana lehibe kokoa amintsika. Omem-boninahitra Izy rehefa tia Azy isika ka manambara ny fitiavantsika Azy marina amin’ny alalan’ny fitandremantsika ny didiny. Omem-boninahitra izy rehefa atokantsika ho masina ny andro fahafito. Ho an’izay manao izany, (...) hoy Andriamanitra, ny Sabata dia “ho famantarana ho amiko sy ho aminy mba ho fantany fa Izaho Jehovah no manamasina azy.” – Ezek. 20:12. Ny atao hoe fanamasinana dia fahazarana mifandray amin’Andriamanitra. Tsy misy zava-dehibe sy mahery toy ny fitiavan’Andriamanitra ny zanany. – HP, t. 129.

Bread of life, Tuesday June 11, 2024, A WORKING FAITH
Philippians 3:9. « And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. »
It is one thing to read and teach the Bible, and another thing to have by practice its life-giving, sanctifying principles engrafted on the soul.... “By grace are ye saved through faith” (Ephesians 2:8). The mind should be educated to exercise faith rather than to cherish doubt, suspicion, and jealousy. We are too prone to regard obstacles as impossibilities. To have faith in the promises of God, to go forward by faith, pressing on without being governed by circumstances, is a lesson hard to learn. Yet it is a positive necessity that every child of God should learn this lesson. The grace of God through Christ is ever to be cherished, for it is given us as the only way of approaching God....
The faith mentioned in God’s Word calls for a life in which faith in Christ is an active, living principle. It is God’s will that faith in Christ shall be made perfect by works; He connects the salvation and eternal life of those who believe, with these works, and through them provides for the light of truth to go to all countries and peoples. This is the fruit of the workings of God’s Spirit.
We show our faith in God by obeying His commands. Faith is always expressed in words and actions. It produces practical results, for it is a vital element in the life. The life that is molded by faith develops a determination to advance, to go forward, following in the footsteps of Christ.
We have been taken as rough stones out of the quarry of the world by the cleaver of truth and placed in the workshop of God. He who has genuine faith in Christ as his personal Saviour will find that the truth accomplishes a definite work for him. His faith is a working faith.... We cannot create our faith, but we can be colaborers with Christ in promoting the growth and triumph of faith.
The faith that works by love and purifies the soul produces the fruit of humility, patience, forbearance, long-suffering, peace, joy, and willing obedience.



Mofon'Aina Talata 11 Jona 2024 FINOANA MIASA


Fil. 3:9. « Ary mba ho hita ao aminy aho tsy manana ny fahamarinako, izay avy amin’ny lalàna, fa izay avy amin’ny finoana an’i Kristy, dia ny fahamarinan’Andriamanitra amin’ny finoana. »


Tsara ny mamaky sy ny mampianatra Baiboly, fa tena tsara koa ny mampihatra ireo foto-kevitra mitondra fiainana sy manamasina ao aminy, izay nambolena tao amin’ny fanahy (...). “Fa fahasoavana no namonjena anareo amin’ny finoana.” – Efes. 2:8. Tokony hobeazina haneho finoana ny saina fa tsy hikolokolo fisalasalana, na fiahiahiana, na fialonana. Matetika loatra ny sakana no raisintsika ho tsy fisiam-bahaolana intsony. Lesona sarotra ianarana tokoa ny mino ireo teny fikasan’Andriamanitra, ny mandroso amim-pinoana, ny manohy hatrany ka tsy fehezin’ny toe-java-mitranga. Saingy lesona tsara ianaran’ny zanak’Andriamanitra tsirairay izany. Natao hohazonintsika mandrakariva ny fahasoavan’Andriamanitra amin’ny alalan’i Kristy; nomena antsika mantsy izany ho hany fomba ahazoantsika manatona an’Andriamanitra. (...)


Ny finoana resahina ao amin’ny Tenin’Andriamanitra dia foto- kevitra miasa sy velona eo amin’ny fiainana. Sitrapon’Andriamanitra ny hanatanterahana ny finoana an’i Kristy amin’ny alalan’ny asa; ampifandraisiny amin’izany asa izany ny famonjena sy ny fiainana mandrakizain’ireo mino, ary amin’ny alalan’izany asa izany no ielezan’ny fahazavan’ny fahamarinana any amin’ny firenena rehetra sy ny mponina rehetra. Io no vokatry ny asan’ny Fanahin’Andriamanitra.


Amin’ny alalan’ny fitandremantsika nydidin’Andriamanitranoanehoantsika ny finoantsika Azy. Miseho amin’ny teny sy ny asa mandrakariva ny finoana. (...) Ny fiainana voavolavolan’ny finoana dia ahitana fahavononana handroso, handroso hatrany amin’ny fanarahana ny dian’i Kristy. (...) Izay manana finoana marina an’i Kristy ho Mpamonjy ny tenany manokana dia hahita fa miasa amin’ny fomba mazava ho azy ny finoany. Finoana miasa ny finoany (...). Tsy mahay mamorona finoana isika, saingy azontsika atao ny miara-miasa amin’i Kristy amin’ny fampitomboana sy fampandresena ny finoana.


Ny finoana izay miasa amin’ny alalan’ny fitiavana dia manadio ny fanahy ary mamoa fanetren-tena, faharetana, fandeferana, fahari-po, fiadanana, fifaliana, ary fankatoavana an-tsitrapo. – HP, t. 109.



Bread of life, Monday June 10, 2024, THE ACT OF FAITH


Hebrews 11:1. « Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. »


Faith is not the ground of our salvation, but it is the great blessing—the eye that sees, the ear that hears, the feet that run, the hand that grasps. It is the means, not the end. If Christ gave His life to save sinners, why shall I not take that blessing? My faith grasps it, and thus my faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Thus resting and believing, I have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ.


Faith, saving faith ... is the act of the soul by which the whole man is given over to the guardianship and control of Jesus Christ. He abides in Christ and Christ abides in the soul by faith as supreme. The believer commits his soul and body to God, and with assurance may say, Christ is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day. All who will do this will be saved unto life eternal. There will be an assurance that the soul is washed in the blood of Christ and clothed with His righteousness and precious in the sight of Jesus.


Remember that the exercise of faith is the one means of preserving it. Should you sit always in one position, without moving, your muscles would become strengthless and your limbs would lose the power of motion. The same is true in regard to your religious experience. You must have faith in the promises of God.... Faith will perfect itself in exercise and activity.


It is of the greatest importance to us that we surround the soul with the atmosphere of faith. Every day we are deciding our own eternal destiny in harmony with the atmosphere that surrounds the soul. We are individually accountable for the influence that we exert, and consequences that we do not see will result from our words and actions. If God would have saved Sodom for the sake of ten righteous persons, what would be the influence for good that might go out as the result of the faithfulness of the people of God if every one who professed the name of Christ were also clothed with His righteousness?



Mofon'Aina Alatsinainy 10 Jona 2024 NY ASAN'NY FINOANA


Heb. 11:1. « Ary ny finoana no fahatokiana ny amin'ny zavatra antenaina, fanehoana ny zavatra tsy hita. »


Tsy ny finoana no fototry ny famonjena antsika, kanefa fitahiana lehibe kosa izy – maso mahita, sofina mandre, tongotra mamindra, ary tanana mihazona. Fitaovana ny finoana fa tsy tanjona farany. Raha nanolotra ny ainy ho famonjena ny mpanota i Kristy, nahoana moa aho no tsy handray izany fitahiana izany? Ny finoako no mihazona izany, ary amin’izany ny finoako no fahatokiako ny amin’ny zavatra antenaiko, fanehoana ny zavatra tsy hita. (...)


Amin’ny alalan’ny finoana, io ilay finoana mahavonjy (...), ny fanahin’ny olona no manolo-tena tanteraka hofehezin’i Jesôsy Kristy. Mitoetra ao amin’i Kristy izy ary i Kristy mitoetra ao amin’ny fanahiny amin’ny finoana, sy manapaka ao. Apetrak’ilay mpino eo an-tanan’Andriamanitra ny tenany sy ny fanahiny, ary afaka milaza amin-toky izy hoe: ‘Hain’i Kristy ny mitahiry izay napetrako Taminy ho amin’ilay andro iray.’ Ho voavonjy mandrakizay izay rehetra manao izany. Misy toky ho an’ny fanahy izay voasasan’ny ran’i Kristy sy voatafy amin’ny fahamarinany ary sarobidy eo imason’i Jesôsy.


Tadidio fa anisan’ny fomba fanamafisana ny finoana ny fampiasana azy. Raha mipetraka lalandava ianao ka tsy mihetsika mihitsy, dia halemy ny hozatrao, ary ny rantsam-batanao ho osa ka tsy ho afa-mihetsika intsony. Marina koa izany eo amin’ny fanandramana ara-pivavahana. Tsy maintsy mino ireo teny fikasan’Andriamanitra ianao. (...)


Tena zava-dehibe indrindra ho antsika ny manao izay hahatonga ny fanahintsika ho voahodidin’ny rivo-piainan’ny finoana. Manapa-kevitra ny amin’izay ho anjarantsika mandrakizay isika isan’andro, miankina amin’ny rivo-piainana manodidina antsika. Samy hampamoahina isika tsirairay ny amin’izay asehontsika amin’ny hafa, fa misy vokany tsy hitantsika maso ny teny sy ny asa ataontsika. Raha ho namonjy an’i Sôdôma Andriamanitra noho ny fisian’ny olona folo marina, ho tsara hanao ahoana re ny vokatra raha ny vahoakan’Andriamanitra, dia izay rehetra mitondra ny anaran’i Kristy, no mahatoky sy mitafy ny fahamarinany e ? – HP, t. 104.



Bread of life, Sunday June 9, 2024, ANGELS IN THE HOME


Psalm 91:11, 12. « For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. »


Angels of God are watching over us. Upon this earth there are thousands and tens of thousands of heavenly messengers commissioned by the Father to prevent Satan from obtaining any advantage over those who refuse to walk in the path of evil. And these angels who guard God’s children on earth are in communication with the Father in heaven. “Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones,” Christ said; “for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 18:10).


Scarcely any of us realize that angels are about us; and these precious angels, who minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation, are saving from us many, many temptations and difficulties. The whole family of heaven is interested in the families here below; and how thankful we should be for this interest manifested for us day and night.


Words spoken in our homes which are impatient and unkind, angels hear; and do you want to find in the books of heaven a record of the impatient and passionate words you have uttered in your family? Impatience brings the enemy of God and man into your family and drives out the angels of God. If you are abiding in Christ, and Christ in you, you cannot speak angry words.


Fathers and mothers, I beseech you for Christ’s sake, to be kind, tender, and patient in your homes. Then light and sunshine will enter your homes, and you will feel that bright beams from the Sun of Righteousness are indeed shining into your hearts.


It is the absence of the graces of God’s Spirit that leaves the home in a dark, unhappy condition. Your home should be a blessed sanctuary where God can come in, and where His holy angels can minister unto you. If impatience and unkindness are manifested one to another, angels cannot be attracted to your home; but where love and peace abide, these heavenly ones love to come and bring still more of the holy influence of the home above.



Mofon'Aina Alahady 09 Jona 2024 ANJELY AO AN-TOKANTRANO


Sal. 91:11,12. « Fa Izy handidy ny anjeliny ny aminao mba hiaro anao eny amin'izay rehetra halehanao. Eny an-tànany no hitondran'ireo anao, fandrao ho tafintohina amin'ny vato ny tongotrao. »


Miahy sy miambina antsika ireo anjelin’Andriamanitra. Arivoarivo sy alinalina ireo mpitondra hafatra avy any an-danitra irahin’ny Ray ho eto an-tany mba hanakana an’i Satana tsy hanao na inona na inona amin’ireo izay mandà tsy handeha amin’ny lalan’ny faharatsiana. Hoy i Kristy: “Mitandrema, fandrao manao tsinontsinona na dia ny iray aza amin’ireny madinika ireny hianareo; fa lazaiko aminareo: Ny anjeliny any an-danitra mahita mandrakariva ny tavan’ny Raiko Izay any an-danitra.” — Mat. 18:10.


Vitsy monja no mba mahatsapa fa manodidina antsika ny anjely, ary ireo anjely sarobidy ireo, izay manao fanompoana ho an’izay handova famonjena, dia mamonjy antsika amin’ny fakam-panahy sy zava-tsarotra maro dia maro. Liana ny amin’izay manjo ny ankohonana eto amin’ity tany ity ny ankohonan’ny lanitra manontolo. Tokony ho velom-pankasitrahana tokoa isika noho ny fiheverany andro aman’alina ny momba antsika.


Ren’ny anjely ny fitenintsika ao an-tokantrano maneho tsy faharetana sy haratsiam-panahy. (...) Mampiditra ny fahavalo ao an-tokantrano ny tsy faharetana ary mandroaka ny anjelin’Andriamanitra. Raha mitoetra ao amin’i Kristy ianao, ary Izy ao anatinao, dia tsy hahay hanao tenim-pahatezerana ianao.


Ry ray aman-dreny, miangavy anareo amin’ny anaran’i Kristy aho mba halemy fanahy, ho be fitiavana, ary ho feno faharetana ao an-tokantranonareo. Dia hisy tara-pahazavana hiditra ao ka ho tsapanareo ny taratr’Ilay Masoandron’ny fahamarinana mamirapiratra ao am-ponareo.


Ny tsy fisian’ny fahasoavan’Andriamanitra no mampanjombona ny ao an-trano sy tsy maha-sambatra azy. Tokony ho fitoerana masina feno fitahiana ny tokantranonao, izay azon’Andriamanitra idirana sy ahafahan’ireo anjeliny masina manao fanompoana ho anao. Tsy mety ho voasarika ho ao amin’ny tokantrano misy olona mifaneho haratsiam-panahy sy tsy manam-paharetana ny anjely, fa raha manjaka ao kosa ny fitiavana sy ny fiadanana dia mahafinaritra ny anjely ny miditra ao mba hitondra misimisy kokoa amin’ny rivo-piainan’ny lanitra. – HP, t. 99.



Bread of life, Saturday June 8, 2024, OUR PERSONAL INTERCESSOR


Romans 8:34. « Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. »


The Lord Jesus is your personal intercessor.... Repeat over and over many times through the day, “Jesus has died for me. He saw me in peril, exposed to destruction, and poured out His life to save me. He does not behold the soul as a trembling suppliant prostrate at His feet without pity, and He will not fail to raise me up.” He has become the advocate for man. He has lifted up those who believe in Him and placed a treasurehouse of blessing at their demand. Men cannot bestow one blessing upon their fellows, they cannot remove one stain of sin. It is only the merit and righteousness of Christ that will avail anything, but this is placed to our account in rich fullness. We may draw upon God every moment. As we turn to Him, He answers, “Here I am.”


Christ proclaims Himself our Intercessor. He would have us know that He has graciously engaged to be our Substitute. He places His merit in the golden censer to offer up with the prayers of His saints, so that the prayers of His dear children may be mingled with the fragrant merit of Christ as they ascend to the Father in the cloud of incense.


The Father hears every prayer of His contrite children. The voice of supplication from the earth unites with the voice of our Intercessor, who pleads in heaven, whose voice the Father always hears. Let our prayers therefore continually ascend to God. Let them not come up in the name of any human being, but in the name of Him who is our Substitute and Surety. Christ has given us His name to use....


Jesus receives and welcomes you as His own friend. He loves you; He has pledged Himself to open before you all the treasures of His grace for your appropriation. He says, “At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you: for the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God” (John 16:26, 27). He virtually says, Make use of My name, and it will be your passport to the heart of My Father, and to all the riches of His grace.





Rôm. 8:34. « Iza no manameloka? Kristy Jesôsy no efa maty, eny, sady nitsangana tamin'ny maty koa ka mitoetra eo amin’ny tànana ankavanan'Andriamanitra ary mifona ho antsika. »


Manao fanelanelanana ho antsika manokana ny Tompo Jesôsy (...). Averimbereno matetika mandritra ny andro hoe: “Maty ho ahy i Jesôsy. Hitany aho fa very, vonona ho amin’ny fandringanana, dia nafoiny hamonjena ahy ny ainy. Tsy mba tahaka ny an’ny olona lozabe ny fijeriny ny fanahy mangovitra mitalaho sy miankohoka eo an-tongony, ary tsy maintsy hampiarina ahy Izy.” Tonga Mpisolovavan’ny olona Izy. Asandrany ireo izay mino Azy ary vonona Izy handrotsaka ny harem-pitahiana avy ao amin’ny trano firaketany ho azy ireo araka izay ilainy. Tsy misy olona mahay mitahy ny olona namany, tsy mahay manaisotra na pentin’ota iray aza izy. Ny fahamendrehan’i Kristy sy ny fahamarinany ihany no ilaina, kanefa dia omena antsika amin’ny fahafenoany tanteraka izany. Azontsika antsoina amin’ny fotoana rehetra Izy. Rehefa mitodika Aminy isika dia hoy Izy hoe: “Inty Aho”. (...)


Nanambara ny Tenany ho Ilay mpanao fanelanelanana ho antsika i Kristy. Tiany ho fantatsika fa nanolo-tena ho Mpisolo antsika Izy. Napetrany ao amin’ilay lovia volamena fandoroana ditin-kazo manitra ny fahamendrehany (...) mba hifangaro amin’ny hanitry ny fahamendrehan’i Kristy ny vavak’ireo zanany malalany (...).


Ren’Andriamanitra Ray ny vavaka tsirairay ataon’ny zanany torotoro fo. Ny feontsika mitalaho eto amin’ity tany ity dia miara-miakatra amin’ny feon’Ilay Mpanelanelana antsika, Izay mifona ho antsika any an-danitra, feo izay ren’Andriamanitra Ray mandrakariva. Koa aoka hisandratra mandrakariva ho any amin’Andriamanitra ny vavaka ataontsika. Aoka tsy hatao amin’ny anaran’ny olombelona izany, fa amin’ny anaran’Ilay maty nisolo antsika sy Mpiaro antsika. Nomen’i Kristy hampiasaintsika ny anarany. (...)


Mandray tsara anao toy ny fandraisany ny sakaizany i Jesôsy. Tiany ianao; nanome toky Izy fa hanokatra eo anoloanao ny harem-pahasoavany mba ho azonao ampiasaina. Hoy Izy: “Amin’izany andro izany dia hangataka amin’ny anarako hianareo; ary tsy milaza aminareo Aho fa Izaho no hangataka amin’ny Ray ho anareo; fa ny Ray dia tia anareo satria hianareo efa tia Ahy, ary efa nino fa nivoaka avy tamin’ny Ray Aho. ” –Jao. 16:26,27. – HP, t. 79.



Bread of life, Friday June 7, 2024, NOTHING TOO SMALL


Lamentations 3:25. « The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. »


There are few who rightly appreciate or improve the precious privilege of prayer. We should go to Jesus and tell Him all our needs. We may bring Him our little cares and perplexities as well as our greater troubles. Whatever arises to disturb or distress us, we should take it to the Lord in prayer.


We lose many precious blessings by failing to bring our needs and cares and sorrows to our Saviour. He is the wonderful Counselor. He looks upon His church with intense interest and with a heart full of tender sympathy. He enters into the depth of our necessities. But our ways are not always His ways. He sees the result of every action, and He asks us to trust patiently in His wisdom, not in the supposedly wise plans of our own making.


Do not cease to pray. If the answer tarry, wait for it. Lay all your plans at the feet of the Redeemer. Let your importunate prayers ascend to God. If it be for His name’s glory, the soothing words will be spoken, “Be it unto thee according to thy word.”


We can never weary Christ by earnest supplications. We do not depend on God as we should. Let us leave unsaid every word of complaint. Talk faith and courage while waiting for God.... Be afraid to doubt, lest this become a habit that will destroy faith. The dealing of the heavenly Father may seem dark and mysterious and unexplainable; nevertheless we are to trust in Him.


Oh, how precious is Jesus to the soul who trusts in Him! But many are walking in darkness because they bury their faith in the shadow of Satan.... Never for a moment should we allow Satan to think that his power to distress and annoy is greater than the power of Christ to uphold and strengthen....


Every sincere prayer that is offered is mingled with the efficacy of Christ’s blood. If the answer is deferred, it is because God desires us to show a holy boldness in claiming the pledged word of God. He is faithful who hath promised. He will never forsake the soul who is wholly surrendered to Him.



Mofon'Aina Zoma 07 Jona 2024 TSY MISY ZAVA-MADINIKA LOATRA


Fit. 3:25. « Tsara Jehovah amin’izay manantena Azy, dia amin’ny olona izay mitady Azy. »


Vitsy ihany ireo mahatakatra tsara na manome lanja araka ny tokony ho izy ny tombontsoa sarobidin'ny vavaka. Tokony hanatona an’i Jesôsy isika ary hilaza Aminy izay ilaintsika. Azontsika entina eo Aminy ny zava-madinika manahirana ny saintsika, tahaka ireo olana lehibe kokoa. Na inona na inona mampitebiteby na mahakivy antsika, dia tokony hoentintsika eo antin’ny Tompo amin’ny alalan’ny vavaka izany.


Fitahiana sarobidy maro no verintsika amin’ny tsy fanaovantsika izany. Izy Ilay Mpanolo-tsaina mahagaga. Manan-danja lehibe Aminy ny fiangonana, ary amim-pitiavana sy fangorahana no ijereny azy. (...)


Aza mitsahatra mivavaka. Raha mitaredretrany valiny dia andraso ihany. Apetraho eo an-tongotry ny Mpamonjy ny drafitrao rehetra. Aoka hahery hivavaka amin’Andriamanitra ianao. Raha ho voninahitr’Andriamanitra izany dia hotononina ireto teny manome toky ireto hoe: “Aoka anie ho tonga aminao araka ny teninao.”


Tsy hanasatra an’i Kristy velively ny fitalahoantsika mafy indrindra. (...) Aoka ny molotsika tsy hamoaka fitarainana. Finoana sy herim-po no resaho eo am-piandrasana Azy (...) Tandremo ny fisalasalana, andrao ho tonga fahazaran-dratsy hamono ny finoana izany. Mety hanjavozavo sy tsy hay hazavaina ny fitondran’ny Raintsika any an-danitra, fa tsy maintsy mitoky Aminy isika na izany aza.


Oh, sarobidy loatra i Jesôsy ho an’izay matoky Azy! Saingy maro no mandeha amin’ny maizina satria nandevina ny finoany ho eo ambanin’ny alok’i Satana. (...) Tsy azontsika atao mihitsy ny mamela an’i Satana hihevitra fa ny heriny manakivy sy misompatra antsika dia lehibe kokoa noho ny herin’i Kristy manandratra sy mampahery. (...)


Miharo amin’ny ran’i Kristy mahavonjy ny vavaka tsirairay atao amin’ny fo marina. Raha tsy mivaly eo no ho eo ny vavaka dia satria tian’Andriamanitra hanana fahasahiana masina hitaky Aminy ny teny fikasana isika. Mahatoky Ilay nanao ny teny fikasana. Tsy handao na oviana na oviana ny fanahy izay manolo-tena tanteraka ho Azy Izy. — HP, t. 74.



Bread of life, Thursday June 6, 2024, LET US ASK OF GOD


James 1:5. « If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. »


It is the privilege of every believer first to talk with God in his closet, and then as God’s mouthpiece to talk with others. In order that we may have something to impart, we must daily receive light and blessing. Men and women who commune with God, who have an abiding Christ, who, because they cooperate with holy angels, are surrounded with holy influences, are needed at this time. The cause needs those who have power to draw with Christ, power to express the love of God in words of encouragement and sympathy.


As the believer bows in supplication before God, and in humility and contrition offers his petition from unfeigned lips, he loses all thought of self. His mind is filled with the thought of what he must have in order to build up a Christlike character. He prays, “Lord, if I am to be a channel through which Thy love is to flow day by day and hour by hour, I claim by faith the grace and power that Thou hast promised.” He fastens his hold firmly on the promise, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, ... and it shall be given him.”


How this dependence pleases the Master! How He delights to hear the steady, earnest pleading! ... With wonderful and ennobling grace the Lord sanctifies the humble petitioner, giving him power to perform the most difficult duties. All that is undertaken is done unto the Lord, and this elevates and sanctifies the lowliest calling. It invests with new dignity every word, every act, and links the humblest worker ... with the highest of the angels in the heavenly courts....


The sons and daughters of God have a great work to do in the world. They are to accept the Word of God as the man of their counsel and to impart it to others. They are to diffuse light. All who have received the engrafted word will be faithful in giving that word to others. They will speak the words of Christ. In conversation and in deportment they will give evidence of a daily conversion to the principles of truth. Such believers will be a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men, and God will be glorified in them.





Jak. 1:5. « Ary raha misy hianareo tsy manam-pahendrena, aoka izy hangataka amin’Andriamanitra, Izay manome malalaka ho an’ny olona rehetra sady tsy mandatsa; ary dia homena azy izany. »


Tombontsoan’ny mpino tsirairay ny miresaka amin’Andriamanitra ao amin’ny efitranony aloha, ary avy eo, miresaka amin’ny hafa amin’ny maha-mpitondra tenin’Andriamanitra azy. Tsy maintsy mandray fahazavana sy fitahiana isan’andro isika raha te hanan-javatra hozaraina amin’ny hafa. Vehivavy sy lehilahy mifandray amin’Andriamanitra, manana an’i Kristy mitoetra ao anatiny, izay voahodidin’ny rivo-piainana masina satria miara-miasa amin’ireo anjely masina, ireo no ilaina amin’izao andro izao. Mila olona manana hery mamabo fanahy ho an’i Kristy, afaka maneho ny fitiavan’Andriamanitra amin’ny alalan’ny teny mamy mampahery, ny asa.


Rehefa mandohalika mivavaka eo anatrehan’Andriamanitra ny mpino, ka maneho ny fangatahany amim-panetren-tena sy fo torotoro, amin’ny molotra tsy mandainga, dia tsy mihevitra ny tenany intsony izy. Inona no tsy maintsy ananany mba hamolavolany toetra tahaka ny an’i Kristy? Izany no mameno ny fisainany. Izao no vavaka ataony: “Tompo o, raha tokony ho fantsona ikorianan’ny fitiavanao isan’andro sy isan’ora aho, dia amin’ny finoana no itakiako Aminao ny fahasoavana sy ny hery efa nampanantenainao.” Fikiriny mafy ilay teny fikasana manao hoe: “Ary raha misy hianareo tsy manam-pahendrena, aoka izy hangataka amin’Andriamanitra, (...) ary dia homena azy izany.”


(...) Amin’ny alalan’ny fahasoavany mahagaga sy manandratra no anamasinan’ny Tompo ilay mpivavaka feno fanetren-tena ka anomezany azy hery hanatanterahany ny adidy sarotra indrindra. Ho an’Andriamanitra avokoa no anaovany ny zavatra rehetra, ka amin’izany dia manjary ambony sy masina ny asa tsotra indrindra. Manjary mendrika ny teniny sy ny fihetsiny rehetra (...)


Manana asa lehibe atao eto amin’izao tontolo izao ireo zanakalahy sy zanakavavin’Andriamanitra. Tokony hekeny ho mpanolo-tsaina azy ireo ny tenin'Andriamanitra, ary tokony hozarainy amin’ny hafa. Natao hampiely fahazavana izy ireo. (...) Ny tenin’i Kristy no hambaran’izy ireo. Ho hita amin’ny fiteniny sy ny fihetsiny fa voaova fo isan’andro ho amin’ny foto-kevitry ny fahamarinana izy ireo. Zava-mahagaga dinihin’izao tontolo izao sy ny anjely ary ny olona ny mpino toy izany, ary homem-boninahitra ao amin’izy ireo Andriamanitra. – HP, t. 67.



Bread of life, Wednesday June 5, 2024, THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE


Psalm 16:11. « Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. »


Do not think that when you walk with Jesus you must walk in the shadow. The happiest people in the world are those who trust in Jesus and gladly do His bidding. From the lives of those who follow Him, unrest and discontent are banished.... They may meet with trial and difficulty, but their lives are full of joy; for Christ walks beside them, and His presence makes the pathway bright....


When you arise in the morning, rise with the praise of God on your lips, and when you go out to work, go with a prayer to God for help.... Wait for a leaf from the tree of life. This will soothe and refresh you, filling your heart with peace and joy. Fix your thoughts upon the Saviour. Go apart from the bustle of the world and sit under Christ’s shadow. Then, amid the din of daily toil and conflict, your strength will be renewed. It is positively necessary for us to sit down sometimes and think of how the Saviour descended from heaven, from the throne of God, to show what human beings may become if they will unite their weakness to His strength. Having gained renewal of strength by communion with God, we may go on our way rejoicing, praising Him for the privilege of bringing the sunshine of Christ’s love into the lives of those we meet....


Heavenly intelligences are waiting to cooperate with human instrumentalities, that the world may see what human beings may become through a union with the divine. Those who consecrate body, soul, and spirit to God’s service will constantly receive a new endowment of physical, mental, and spiritual power. The inexhaustible supplies of heaven are at their command. Christ gives them the life of His life. The Holy Spirit puts forth its highest energies to work in mind and heart. Through the grace given us we may achieve victories which, because of our defects of character and the smallness of our faith, may have seemed to us impossible.


To every one who offers himself to the Lord for service, withholding nothing, is given power for the attainment of measureless results.



Mofon'Aina Alarobia 05 Jona 2024 NY OLONA SAMBATRA INDRINDRA


Sal. 16:11.« Hampahafantatra ahy ny lalan’aina Hianao ; fahavokisam-pifaliana no eo anatrehanao, ary fahafinaretana no eo an-tànanao ankavanana mandrakizay. »


Aza mihevitra fa rehefa miaraka amin’i Jesôsy ianao dia tsy maintsy ho maloka ny dianao. Ireo izay matoky an’i Jesôsy sy mankato amim-pifaliana ny baikony no olona sambatra indrindra eto an-tany. Lavitry ny fiainan’izay manaraka Azy ny savorovoro sy ny fahasorenana. (...) Mety ho tojo fitsapana sy zava-tsarotra izy ireo, saingy feno fifaliana ny fiainany satria miaraka aminy eo anilany i Kristy, ary ny fanatrehany no manazava ny lalany (...).


Fenoy fiderana an’Andriamanitra eo am-bavanao raha vao mifoha maraina, ary raha mivoaka ny trano ianao dia mivavaha hahazoanao ny fanampian’Andriamanitra (...) Afantohy amin’ny Mpamonjy ny sainao. Mialà amin’ny rotoroton’izao tontolo izao ka mitoera eo ambanin’ny alok’i Kristy. (...) Hihavao ny herinao. Tena ilaintsika tokoa ny mipetraka mba hisaintsaina ny fomba nidinan’ny Mpamonjy avy any an-danitra, avy eo amin’ny seza fiandrianany, mba hampiseho amin’ny olombelona ny zava-dehibe mety ho vitany raha manaiky hanakambana ny fahalemeny amin’ny heriny izy ireo. Rehefa nahazo hery vaovao avy amin’ny firaisana amin’Andriamanitra isika dia afaka mandroso amim-pifaliana, sady midera Azy noho ny tombontsoa ahafahantsika mitondra ny fahazavan’i Kristy eo amin’ny fiainan’izay rehetra mifanerasera amintsika. (...)


Ny tafiky ny lanitra dia maniry hiara-miasa amin’ny olombelona, hahazoany maneho amin’izao tontolo izao izay mety ho toetran’ny olombelona rehefa miray amin’Andriamanitra ny maha-olombelona. Ireo izay manokana ny tenany sy ny fanahiny ary ny sainy ho amin’ny fanompoana an’Andriamanitra dia hohavaozina mandrakariva ny heriny ara-batana sy ara-tsaina ary ara-panahy. (...) Miasa amin’ny heriny rehetra ny Fanahy Masina eo amin’ny saina sy ny fo. Noho ny fahalemen-toetra sy ny tsy finoantsika dia mety hihevitra isika fa tsy mety ho azo ny fandresena, kanefa noho ny fahasoavana dia afaka mandresy isika.


Na iza na iza manolo-tena hanompo ny Tompo, ka mahafoy ny zavatra rehetra, dia omena hery hahatrarany fahombiazana tsy hita fetra. – HP, t. 62.



Bread of life, Tuesday June 4, 2024, OUR SURE FOUNDATION


1 Corinthians 3:11-13. « For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. »


As fire reveals the difference between gold, silver, and precious stones, and wood, hay, and stubble, so the day of judgment will test characters, showing the difference between characters formed after Christ’s likeness and characters formed after the likeness of the selfish heart. All selfishness, all false religion, will then appear as it is. The worthless material will be consumed; but the gold of true, simple, humble faith will never lose its value. It can never be consumed; for it is imperishable.


Character is not obtained by receiving an education. Character is not obtained by amassing wealth or by gaining worldly honor. Character is not obtained by having others fight the battle of life for us. It must be sought, worked for, fought for; and it requires a purpose, a will, a determination. To form a character which God will approve, requires persevering effort. It will take a continual resisting of the powers of darkness to ... have our names retained in the book of life. Is it not worth more to have our names registered in that book, have them immortalized among the heavenly angels, than to have them sounded in praise throughout the whole earth?


In the probationary time granted us here we are each building a structure that is to have the inspection of the Judge of all the earth. This work is the molding of our characters. Every act of our lives is a stone in that building, every faculty is a worker, every blow that is struck is for good or for evil. The words of inspiration warn us to take heed how we build, to see that our foundation is sure. If we build upon the solid rock, pure, noble, upright deeds, the structure will go up beautiful and symmetrical, a fit temple for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.



Mofon'Aina Talata 04 Jona 2024 FANORENANA AZO ANTOKA


1 Kôr. 3:11-13. « Fa tsy misy mahay manao fanorenana hafa afa-tsy izay natao, dia Jesôsy Kristy. Ary raha misy mandrafitra volamena, na volafotsy, na vato tsara, na hazo, na bozaka, na mololo, eo ambonin’ny fanorenana, dia haseho avokoa ny asan’ny olona rehetra; fa ny andro no hampiseho azy, satria haseho amin’afo izany andro izany, ka dia hozahan-toetra amin’ny afo ny asan’ny olona rehetra. »


Tahaka ny afo mampiseho sy manavaka ny volamena, ny volafotsy, ny vato tsara, ny hazo, ny bozaka, ary ny mololo, dia toy izany koa ny andro fitsarana izay hisedra ny toetran’ny olona, ka ho hita miavaka ny toetra voatefy tahaka ny an’i Kristy sy ny toetra voavolavolan’ny fo feno fitiavan-tena. (...) Ho levona izay rehetra tsy misy vidiny, fa ny tena volamena kosa, dia ny finoana tsotra sy manetry tena, dia (...) tsy ho levona mandrakizay; tsy mba mety lo mantsy izany.


Na iza na iza dia mety ho tonga araka izay tiany hahatongavana. Tsy azo amin’ny alalan’ny fanabeazana, na amin’ny fanangonan-karena, na fahazoana voninahitra araka izao tontolo izao, ny toetra maha-izy ny olona iray. (...) Mba hamolavolana toetra tsara ankasitrahan’Andriamanitra dia ilaina ny ezaka feno faharetana. Mila manohitra mandrakariva ny herin’ny maizina isika raha irintsika ny hitehirizana ny anarantsika ao amin’ny bokin’ny fiainana. Tsy tsara lavitra ve ny hanana ny anarantsika ao amin’izany boky izany mba hiarahantsika monina amin’ny anjelin’ny lanitra mandrakizay, toy izay ny hoderaina eto amin’ity tany ity?


Mandritra ny androm-pahasoavana omena antsika eto dia samy manorina toetra hotsarain’Ilay Mpitsara ny tany rehetra isika. (...) Ny asa tsirairay ataontsika eo amin’ny fiainana dia toy ny vato arafitra ho trano iray, ny fahaiza-manao tsirairay no mpandrafitra azy, ny kapoka tsirairay amin’izany dia na ho amin’ny tsara na ho amin’ny ratsy. Mampitandrina antsika ny Soratra Masina mba handinika tsara raha azo antoka ny fanorenantsika. Raha eo ambonin’ny vatolampy isika no manorina, eo amin’ny asa madio sy mendrika ary marina, dia ho kanto sy tsara rafitra ny tranontsika, ho tempoly azon’ny Fanahy Masina onenana. – HP, t. 47.



Bread of life, Monday June 3, 2024, THE HEAVENLY ELECTION


2 Peter 1:10. « Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall. »


This is the only election regarding which the Bible speaks. Fallen in sin, we may become partakers of the divine nature and attain to a knowledge far in advance of any scientific learning. By partaking of the flesh and the blood of our crucified Lord, we shall gain life eternal. In the sixth of John we read: “Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life” (John 6:54). “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (verse 63).


None need lose eternal life. Everyone who chooses daily to learn of the heavenly Teacher will make his calling and election sure. Let us humble our hearts before God and follow on to know Him whom to know aright is life eternal.


“Give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:10, 11).


Here are your life-insurance papers. This is not an insurance policy the value of which someone else will receive after your death; it is a policy that assures you a life measuring with the life of God—even eternal life. O what an assurance! what a hope! Let us ever reveal to the world that we are seeking for a better country, even a heavenly. Heaven has been made for us, and we want a part in it. We cannot afford to allow anything to separate us from God and heaven. In this life we must be partakers of the divine nature. Brethren and sisters, you have only one life to live. O let it be a life of virtue, a life hid with Christ in God!


Unitedly we are to help one another gain perfection of character. To this end, we are to cease all criticism. Onward and still onward we may advance toward perfection, until at last there will be ministered unto us an abundant entrance into the heavenly kingdom.



Mofon'Aina Alatsinainy 03 Jona 2024 FIFIDIANANA AVY ANY AN-DANITRA


2 Pet. 1:10. « Ary amin’izany dia mazotoa kokoa, ry rahalahy, hampitoetra ny fiantsoana sy ny fifidianana anareo; fa raha manao izany zavatra izany hianareo, dia tsy ho tafintohina akory mandrakizay. »


Io ihany no karazana fifidianana resahina ao amin’ny Baiboly. Mety ho tonga mpiray fomba amin’Andriamanitra sy hahazo fahalalana mihoatra lavitra noho ny an’ny siansa rehetra isika na dia lavo tao amin’ny fahotana aza. Amin’ny fandraisantsika anjara amin’ny nofo sy ny ran’ny Tompontsika nohomboana teo amin’ny hazo fijaliana dia ho azontsika ny fiainana mandrakizay. Izao no voalaza ao amin’ny Jao. 6:54,63: "Izay mihinana ny nofoko sy misotro ny rako no manana fiainana mandrakizay; ary Izaho hanangana azy amin’ny andro farany. (...) Ny fanahy no mahavelona; ny nofo tsy mahasoa na inona na inona; ny teny izay nolazaiko taminareo dia fanahy sy fiainana.”


Tsy misy olona voatery ho very anjara tsy hahazo ny fiainana mandrakizay. Azo antoka ny fiantsoana sy ny fifidianana ireo izay mifidy ny hianatra isan’andro amin’Ilay Mpampianatra avy any an-danitra. (...) “Ary amin’izany dia mazotoa kokoa, ry rahalahy, hampitoetra ny fiantsoana sy ny fifidianana anareo; fa raha manao izany zavatra izany hianareo, dia tsy ho tafintohina akory mandrakizay, fa toy izany no hanomezana malalaka ho anareo ny fidirana ho any amin ’ny fanjakana mandrakizay, izay an’i Jesosy Kristy, Tompontsika sy Mpamonjy antsika.” – 2 Pet 1:10,11.


(...) Toky sy fanantenana manao ahoana re izany! Aoka hambarantsika tsy tapaka amin’izao tontolo izao fa mikatsaka ny tsara lavitra isika, dia ny any an-danitra. Natao ho antsika ny lanitra ary maniry hanana anjara amin’izany isika. Tsy misy na inona na inona azontsika avela hampisaraka antsika amin’Andriamanitra sy ny lanitra. Eto amin’ity fiainana ity no tsy maintsy ho mpiray amin’ny fomban’Andriamanitra isika. Ranadahy sy rahavavy isany, fiainana tokana ihany no ananantsika. Aoka re izany mba ho fiainam-pahendrena, miara-miafina amin’i Kristy ao amin’Andriamanitra!


Mila miray saina sy mifanampy isika mba hanatrarantsika ny fahatanterahan-toetra. Amin’izany dia aoka hatsahatra izay rehetra mety ho fitsikerana. Afaka mandroso ho amin’ny fahatanterahana hatrany isika mandra-panokafana midanadana eo anoloantsika ny fanjakan’ny lanitra ho antsika. – HP, t. 29.



Bread of life, Sunday June 2, 2024, NOT TO CONDEMN BUT TO SAVE


John 3:17. « For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. »


There are souls who are trembling in unbelief. They ask, “How can I know that God is reconciled to me? How can I be assured that He loves and pardons me?” It is not for you, dear youth, to make yourselves just with God. Jesus invites you to come to Him with all your burdens and perplexities.... Accept the promise and the provision that God has made.... Look away from self to Jesus; for in Christ the character of the Father is revealed.


The blood of Christ in ever-abiding efficacy is our only hope, for through His merits alone we have pardon and peace.


The character of God as revealed by Christ invites our faith and love, for we have a Father whose mercy and compassion fail not. At every step of our journey heavenward He will be with us to guide in every perplexity, to give us help in every temptation.


Your reason and imagination should be touched with the life-giving power of Christ, that forms of beauty and truth may be impressed thereon. There are great and precious truths that demand your contemplation, in order that you may have a sound foundation for your faith by having a correct knowledge of God. O that the superficial, vain seeker for truth would learn that the world by wisdom, however much acquired, knew not God.


It is proper to seek to learn all that is possible from nature, but do not fail to look from nature to Christ for the complete representation of the character of the living God. By contemplation of Christ, by conformity to the divine likeness, your conceptions of the divine character will expand, and your mind and heart will be elevated, refined, and ennobled. Let the youth aim high, not relying upon human wisdom, but living day by day as seeing Him who is invisible, doing their work as in the sight of the intelligences of heaven....


He who constantly depends upon God through simple trust and prayerful confidence, will be surrounded by the angels of heaven. He who lives by faith in Christ, will be strengthened and upheld, able to fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold upon eternal life.



Mofon'Aina Alahady 02 Jona 2024 TSY HANAMELOKA FA HAMONJY


Jao. 3:17. « Fa Andriamanitra tsy naniraka ny Zanaka ho amin’izao tontolo izao hanameloka izao tontolo izao, fa mba hamonjeny izao tontolo izao. »


Misy ireo fanahy izay mangovitra ao anatin’ny fisalasalana, mametra-panontaniana hoe: “Ahoana no ahafantarako fa vita fihavanana amin’Andriamanitra marina aho? Ahoana no ahazoako antoka fa tena tia ahy sy namela ny heloko marina Izy?” Tsy anjaranao ry zandry malala ny manao izay hahamarina anao eo anatrehan’Andriamanitra. Manasa anao i Jesôsy hanatona Azy miaraka amin’izao enta-mavesatrao sy olanao rehetra izao (...) Raiso ny teny fikasana sy ny fanampiana efa nomen’Andriamanitra (...) Aza mijery ny tenanao fa jereo i Jesôsy; ao amin’i Kristy mantsy no isehoan’ny toetran’ny Ray.


Ny ran’i Kristy mahavonjy no hany fanantenantsika; amin’ny alalan’ny fahamendrehany irery ihany mantsy no ahazoantsika famelan-keloka sy fiadanana.


Mitombo ny finoantsika sy ny fitiavantsika satria raha ny fahitana ny toetran'Andriamanitra ao amin’i Kristy dia manana Ray be famindrampo sy feno antra isika (...)


Tokony ho voakasiky ny herin’i Kristy mitondra fiainana ny hevitrao sy ny fisainanao, mba hisy fahatsarana sy fahamarinana mitoetra ao. Misy fahamarinana lehibe sy sarobidy ilainao banjinina mba hahamafy orina ny finoanao sy hanananao fahalalana marina an’Andriamanitra. O raha mba fantatr’ireo izay feno tsy firaihana sy tsy mifototra tsara amin’ny fikatsahana ny fahamarinana mantsy, fa na toy inona na toy inona fahendren’izao tontolo izao dia tsy mahalala an’Andriamanitra izy.


Tsara ny mianatra araka izay azo atao ny zavatra rehetra avy amin’ny zavaboary, saingy aoka tsy hohadinoina ny mitodika any amin’i Kristy avy eo mba hahafantarantsika amin’ny fahafenoany ny toetran’Ilay Andriamanitra velona. Hitombo amin’ny fahalalana ny toetrany ianao amin’ny fibanjinanao an’i Kristy sy ny fiezahanao hanahaka Azy, ka hanjary ambony sy madio ary mendrika ny sainao sy ny fonao. Aoka ny tanora hikendry avo, tsy hiankina amin’ny fahendren’olombelona (...)


Hitoby manodidina izay miantehitra mandrakariva amin’Andriamanitra ka matoky sy mivavaka Aminy amin’ny fo tsotra ny anjelin’ny lanitra (...)


Izay miaina amim-pinoana an’i Kristy dia hahazo hery sy hasandratra, ho afaka hiady ny ady tsaran’ny finoana, ary hahazo ny fiainana mandrakizay. – HP, t. 16.

Bread of life, Saturday June 1, 2024, LEARNING OF GOD THROUGH HIS WORKS
Psalm 145:9,10. « The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee. »
We love to contemplate the character and love of God in His created works. What evidences has He given the children of men of His power, as well as of His parental love! He has garnished the heavens and made grand and beautiful the earth. “O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! ... When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?”“All thy works praise thee, O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee” (Psalm 8:1, 3, 4; 145:10).
Had our world been formed with a perfectly level surface the monotony would have fatigued the eye and wearied the senses. God has adorned our world with grand mountains, hills, valleys, and ranges of mountains. The rugged granite, bare mountains, also the mountains decorated with evergreens and verdure, and the valleys with their softened beauty make the world a mirror of loveliness. The goodness, wisdom, and power of God are manifest everywhere. In mountains, rocks, hills, and valleys, I see the works of divine power. I can never be lonely while viewing the grand scenery of nature. On the journey over the plains and mountains I have had feelings of the deepest reverence and awe while viewing the frowning precipice and snow-capped mountain heights.
The mountains, hills, and valleys should be to us as schools in which to study the character of God in His created works. The works of God which we may view in the ever-varying scenes—in mountains, hills, and valleys, in trees, shrubs, and flowers, in every leaf, every spire of grass—should teach us lessons of the skill and love of God and of His infinite power.
Those who study nature cannot be lonesome. They love the quiet hours of meditation, for they feel that they are brought in close communion with God while tracing His power in His created works.





Sal. 145:9,10. « Manisy soa izao tontolo izao Jehovah; Ary ny fiantràny dia eny amin’ny asany rehetra. Jehovah ô, midera Anao ny asanao rehetra; ary ny olonao masina misaotra Anao. »


Tiantsika erÿ ny mandinika ny toetran’Andriamanitra sy ny fitiavany ao amin’ny asan’ny tanany. Porofo lehibe nomeny ny zanak’olombelona ny amin’ny heriny sy ny fitiavany amin’ny maha-Raintsika Azy izany! Noravahany tsara tarehy ny lanitra, ary ny tany kosa nataony miezinezina sy kanto.


“Jehovah, Tomponay ô, endrey ny voninahitry ny anaranao amin’ny tany rehetra! Nataonao eny amin’ny lanitra ny voninahitrao. (...) Raha jereko ny lanitrao, izay asan ’ny rantsan-tànanao, sy ny volana aman-kintana, izay noforoninao, inona moa ny olona, no ahatsiarovanao azy? Ary ny zanak’olombelona, no amangianao azy?” “Jehovah ô, midera Anao ny asanao rehetra; ary ny olonao masina misaotra Anao.” – Sal. 8:1,3,4; 145:10.


Raha toa ka natao nitovy tantana sy fisaka tanteraka avokoa ity tanintsika ity dia ho namizana ny maso sy nahatofokany saina izany. Fa noravahan’Andriamanitra tendrombohitra sy havoana ary lohasaha maro ny tany. Ary na ny granita miranirany, na ny tendrombohitra sola, na ny tendrombohitra anirian ny alan- kesika sy ny ahi-maitso, na ny lohasaha feno zava-maniry milenodenoka mahafinaritra; ireo dia manome endrika kanto ny tanintsika. Hita hatraiza hatraiza ny fahatsaran’Andriamanitra sy ny fahendreny ary ny heriny. (...) Tsy mba mahatsiaro ho manirery na oviana na oviana aho eo am-pandinihana ny hafatratry ny zavaboary. (...) Feno fanajana sy talanjona aho mahita ny hantsana lalina sy ny tampon- tendrombohitra rakotra oram-panala.


Tokony hataontsika sekoly hianarantsika momba ny toetran’Andriamanitra ao amin’ny zavaboariny ireny tendrombohitra sy havoana ary lohasaha ireny. Na ireo voatanisa ireo, na ny hazo, na ny voninkazo, hatramin’ny ravin-kazo sy ny ahitra tsirairay, dia tokony hampianatra antsika ny amin’ny fahaizan’Andriamanitra sy ny fitiavany ary ny heriny tsy hita fetra.


Tsy hahatsiaro ho manirery velively izay mandinika ny zavaboary. Mankamamy ireo ora mangina fisaintsainana izy ireo; tsapany mantsy fa voataona hanakaiky an'Andriamanitra amin’ny fomba ety indrindra izy ireo eo am-pibanjinana ny herin’Andriamanitra ao amin’ireo voary noforoniny. – HP, t. 9.



Bread of life, Friday May 31, 2024, WE SHALL SEE HIS FACE


Revelation 22:4. « And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. »


We cannot now see the glory of God, but it is only by receiving Him here that we shall be able by and by to see Him face to face. God would have us keep our eyes fixed on Him, that we may lose sight of the things of this world. We have ... no time for any of us to delay that preparation which will enable us to see the face of God....


Only by looking to Jesus, the Lamb of God, and following in His steps, can you prepare to meet God. Follow Him, and you will one day walk the golden streets of the city of God. You will see Him who laid aside His royal garments and His kingly crown, and disguising Himself with humanity, came to our world and bore our sins, that He might lift us up and give us a revelation of His glory and majesty. We shall see Him face to face if we now give ourselves up to be molded and fashioned by Him and prepared for a place in the kingdom of God.


Those who consecrate their lives to the service of God will live with Him through the ceaseless ages of eternity. “God himself shall be with them, and be their God” (Revelation 21:3)....


Their minds were given to God in this world; they served Him with their heart and intellect, and now He can put His name in their foreheads. “And there shall no night there; ... for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever” (Revelation 22:5). They do not go in as those that beg a place there, for Christ says to them, “Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25:34). He takes them as His children, saying, Enter ye into the joy of your Lord. The crown of immortality is placed on the brow of the overcomers. They take their crowns and cast them at the feet of Jesus, and touching their golden harps, they fill all heaven with rich music in songs of praise to the Lamb. Then “they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.”



Mofon'Aina Zoma 31 Mey 2024 HAHITA NY TAVANY ISIKA


Apôk. 22:4. « Hahita ny tavany [izy ireo], ary ny anarany dia ho eo amin’ny handriny. »


Tsy hitantsika ankehitriny ny voninahitr’Andriamanitra, kanefa ny fandraisantsika Azy ankehitriny no hahafahantsika tsikelikely hahita Azy mivantana. Asain’Andriamanitra mibanjina Azy isika, mba tsy hifantohantsika amin’ireo zavatr’ity tany ity. Tsy manam-potoana isika hanemorana ny fiomanana izay manomana antsika amin’ny fanatrehana ny tavan’Andriamanitra. (...) Amin’ny fibanjinana an’i Jesôsy ilay Zanak’ondrin’Andriamanitra sy ny fanarahana ny dian-tongony ihany no hahafahanao miomana hihaona amin’Andriamanitra. Manaraha Azy dia handeha eo amin’ny lalana volamenan’ilay tanànan’Andriamanitra ianao. Hahita Ilay namela ny fitafiana maha-mpanjaka Azy sy ny satroboninahiny Ianao, Ilay nitafy ny maha-olombelona sy tonga teto amin’ny tontolontsika ary nitondra ny otantsika, mba hanandratana antsika sy hanehoana amintsika ny Voninahiny sy ny Fiandrianany. Hahita Azy mivantana isika raha manaiky hovany sy hovolavolainy ary homaniny ho amin'ilay fitoerana any amin’ny fanjakan’Andriamanitra.


Ireo izay manokana ny fiainany ho amin’ny fanompoana an’Andriamanitra no hiaraka honina Aminy mandritra ireo taona tsy manam-pahataperan’ny mandrakizay. “(...) ary Andriamanitra no hitoetra eo aminy, dia ho Andriamaniny.” – Apôk. 21:3. (...)


Natolony an’Andriamanitra ny fisainan’izy ireo teto amin’ity tontolo ity, nanompo Azy tamin’ny fony sy ny fisainany izy, ary izao dia hataon’Andriamanitra eo amin’ny handrin’izy ireo ny Anarany. “Ary tsy hisy alina intsony; (...) fa ny Tompo Andriamanitra no hanazava azy; ary hanjaka mandrakizay mandrakizay izy."– Apôk. 22:5. Tsy miditra ao tahaka ny mpangataka fitoerana izy ireo satria izao no holazain’i Kristy aminy: “Avia hianareo izay notahin’ny Raiko, mandovà ny fanjakana izay voavoatra ho anareo hatrizay nanorenana izao tontolo izao” – Mat. 25:34. Raisiny ho zanany izy ireo ka ilazany hoe: “midira amin’ny fifalian’ny Tomponao.” Apetraka eo amin’ny handrin’ireo mpandresy ny satro-boninahitry ny tsy fahafatesana. Mandray ny satro-boninahiny izy ireo ary manipy izany ho eo an-tongotr’i Jesôsy, mitendry ny lokanga volamenany izy ary mameno ny lanitra amin’ny feon-kira kanto ho fiderana Ilay Zanak’ondry. Rehefa izay dia “hahita ny tavany [izy ireo], ary ny anarany dia ho eo amin’ny handriny.” – TMK t. 364.

Bread of life, Thursday May 30, 2024, EXALTING THE MAN OF CALVARY
John 3:14,15. « And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. »
I point you to the cross of Calvary. I ask you to consider the infinite sacrifice made in your behalf that through faith in Jesus Christ you may not perish but have everlasting life.... I point you to Jesus. You are safe in committing to Him the innermost working of your mind. The Lord Jesus hath purchased you with an infinite price. You may commit the keeping of your soul to Jesus. You may trust Him as your Counselor.... Constantly draw nigh unto God. He will help you.
O be sure you receive your illumination from the Source of all light. He is the great central Light of the universe of heaven and the great Light of the world. He will enlighten every man that cometh into the world. Reach no cheap, low standard. Cultivate the gentleness of Christ. Secure the highest attainments, and draw your inspiration from Jesus Christ. He is your Friend. You may always depend upon Him and find Him faithful and true. When you need His sympathy in your greatest perplexity, wounded and bruised, He will not pass you by on the other side. To Him you may come in the simplicity of children. To Him you may come with joy and rejoicing. With everything that is flattering to your hopes, every success which attends your labors in the Lord, look up to Jesus and lay every honor at His feet. Everything depends upon your walking in all humility of mind. Write the name of Christ upon your banner and never dishonor your colors.
All heaven was given to us in Christ Jesus.... O honor Jesus by giving to Him the heart’s best and holiest services! He has given His life for you. Who is He that hath done this? The only begotten Son of God, He that was One with the Father before the world was.
Lift up your banner, lift it up higher. Never, never let it trail in the dust of the earth. Exalt Jesus. Lift Him up, the Man of Calvary, higher and still higher.





Jao. 3:14.15. « Ary tahaka ny nanandratan 'i Mosesy ny menarana tany an-efitra no tsy maintsy hanandratana ny Zanak’olona, mba hanana fiainana mandrakizay izay rehetra mino Azy. »


Mampitodika anao ho eo amin’ny hazo fijalian’i Kalvary aho. Asaiko ianao handinika ny sorona tsy manam-petra natao teo (...) mba tsy hahavery anao fa hanananao ny fiainana mandrakizay noho ny finoana an’i Jesôsy Kristy. (...) Asaiko ianao mba hitodika amin’i Jesôsy. Voaro ianao rehefa apetrakao Aminy ny fisainanao lalina iridrindra. Efa novidin’i Jesôsy Tompo tamin’ny sanda tsy manam-petra ianao. Azonao atolotra an’i Jesôsy ny fanahinao. Azonao atao ny mitoky Aminy ka manao Azy ho Mpanoro lalana anao. (...) Manatôna mandrakariva an’Andriamanitra fa hanampy anao Izy.


Aoka ho azonao antoka fa mandray fahazavana avy amin’Ilay Loharanon’ny fahazavana rehetra ianao. (...) Hanazava ny olona rehetra izay eto amin’izao tontolo izao Izy. Aoka tsy hametraka fenitra ambany sy mora vidy isika. Kolokoloy ny fahamoram-pon’i Kristy. Tratraro ny haavo ambony indrindra ary mianara amin'i Jesôsy Kristy. Sakaizanao Izy. Azonao atao mandrakariva ny miankina Aminy, Izy ilay mahatoky sy marina. Rehefa mila ny fangorahany ianao raha ao anatin'ny fotoana mahavery hevitra indrindra, ary koa rehefa maratra sy torotoro, dia tsy handalo fotsiny anao Izy. Azonao atao ny mankeo Aminy amin’ny fahatsoran’ny zaza. Azonao atao ny manatôna Azy amin’ny fifaliana sy ny firavoravoana. Amin’ny zavatra rehetra manandratra ny fanantenanao, amin’ny fahombiazana rehetra aorian’ny asa nataonao ho an’ny Tompo, dia mijere an’i Jesôsy ary apetraho eo an-tongony ny haja rehetra amin’izany. (...) Soraty eo amin’ny fanevanao ny anaran’i Kristy ary aza manala baraka ny fanevanao.


Nomena antsika ao amin’i Kristy Jesôsy ny lanitra manontolo. (...) Omeo voninahitra i Jesôsy amin’ny fanomezana Azy ny tsara indrindra ao am-po sy ny fanompoana masina indrindra! Efa nanolotra ny ainy ho anao Izy. (...)


Asandrato ny fanevanao; akaro avo izany. Aza avela hitatsaka amin’ny vovoky ny tany na oviana na oviana izany. Asandrato i Jesôsy. Asandrato avo ilay Lehilahin’i Kalvary, asandrato avo hatrany Izy. – TMK, t. 341.


Bread of life, Wednesday May 29, 2024, PUTTING OUR GIFTS TO WORK
1 Corinthians 7:7. « But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. »
God gives more than money to His stewards. Your talent of imparting is a gift. What are you communicating of the gifts of God, in your words, in your tender sympathy? ... The knowledge of truth is a talent. There are many souls in darkness that might be enlightened by true, faithful words from you. There are hearts that are hungering for sympathy, perishing away from God. Your sympathy may help them. The Lord has need of your words, dictated by His Holy Spirit....
The first work for all Christians to do is to search the Scriptures with most earnest prayer, that they may have that faith that works by love and purifies the soul from every thread of selfishness. If the truth is received into the heart, it works like good leaven, until every power is brought into subjection to the will of God. Then you can no more help shining than can the sun....
All natural gifts are to be sanctified as precious endowments. They are to be consecrated to God, that they may minister for the Master. All social advantages are talents. They are not to be devoted to self-pleasing, amusement, or self-gratification.... The gift of correct example is a great thing. But many gather about the soul an atmosphere that is malarious....
The gifts of speech, of knowledge, of sympathy and love, communicate a knowledge of Christ. All these gifts are to be converted to God. The Lord stands in need of them, He calls for them. All are to act a part in preparing their own souls and the souls of others to rededicate their talents to God. Every soul, every gift, is to be laid under contribution to God. All are to cooperate with God in the work of saving souls. The talents you possess are given you of God to make you efficient colaborers with Christ. There are hearts hungering for sympathy, perishing for the help and assistance God has given you to give to them.





1 Kôr. 7:7. « Kanefa samy manana izay fanomezam-pahasoavana nomen'Andriamanitra azy avy, ka ny anankiray toy izao ary ny anankiray toy izao kosa. »
Mihoatra noho ny vola no omen’Andriamanitra ireo mpitantam-pananany. Fanomezam-pahasoavana ny fahaiza-mizara anananao. Inona no asehonao mikasika ireo fanomezam-pahasoavana avy amin’Andriamanitra, eo amin’ny teninao ary eo amin’ny firaisam-po feno halemem-panahy? (...) Talenta ny fahalalana ny fahamarinana. Fanahy maro ao anatin’ny haizina no mety hohazavain’ny teny feno fahamarinana sy fahatokiana ataonao. Fon’olona maro no mangetaheta firaisam-po sy efa ho faty lavitra an’Andriamanitra. Mety hanampy azy ireo ny fangorahanao. Ilain’ny Tompo ny teninao izay ampitenenan’ny Fanahiny Masina. (...)
Ny asa voalohany indrindra tokony hataon’ny Kristianina dia ny mandinika ny Soratra amim-bavaka mafana, mba hananan’izy ireo finoana miasa amin’ny fitiavana sy manadio ny fanahy amin’ny asam-pitiavan-tena rehetra. Raha raisina ao am-po ny fahamarinana dia miasa tahaka ny lalivay tsara, mandra-pahatonga ny hery rehetra hilefitra eo ambany sitrapon’Andriamanitra. Amin’izay dia tsy maintsy hamirapiratra tahaka ny masoandro ianao. (...)
Tokony hohamasinina tahaka ny tanomezana sarobidy ny fanomezana avy amin’Andriamanitra rehetra. Tokony hatokana ho an’Andriamanitra ireny, mba hiasa ho an’ilay Tompo. Talenta ny tombontsoa ara-tsôsialy rehetra. Tsy natao hanaovana izay mahafinaritra ny tena na ho fialam-boly sy ho fahafinaretana izany. (...) Zava-manan-danja tokoa ny fanomezam-pahasoavan’ny fanehoana môdely tsara. (...)
Mampita fahalalana an’i Kristy ny fanomezam-pahasoavan’ny fitenenana, ny fahalalana ary ny fangorahana sy ny fitiavana. Aoka ireo fanomezam-pahasoavana ireo hatokana ho an’Andriamanitra. Ilain’ny Tompo ireo, ary manao antso ny amin’ny hampiasana izany Izy. Tokony handray anjara ny rehetra amin’ny fanomanana ny fanahiny ary koa amin’ny fanomanana ny hafa mba hanolotra ny talentany ho an’Andriamanitra. Aoka ho vonona hampiasaina ho an’Andriamanitra ny fanahy sy ny fanomezam-pahasoavana tsirairay. Tokony hiara- miasa amin’Andriamanitra amin’ny asa famonjem-panahy ny rehetra. Omen’Andriamanitra anao ny talenta mba hahatonga anao ho mpiara-miasa mahomby amin’i Kristy. Fon’olona maro no mangetaheta firaisam-po, ary mila fatratra ny fanampiana sy ny fanohanana izay nomen’Andriamanitra anao mba homena azy ireo. – TMK, t. 327.



Bread of life, Tuesday May 28, 2024, AN EXAMPLE OF THE BELIEVERS


Titus 2:11, 12. « For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world. »


There is a great work for us to do if we would inherit eternal life. We are to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and live a life of righteousness.... There is no salvation for us except in Jesus, for it is through faith in Him that we receive power to become the sons of God. But it is not merely a passing faith, it is faith that works the works of Christ.... Living faith makes itself manifest by exhibiting a spirit of sacrifice and devotion toward the cause of God. Those who possess it stand under the banner of Prince Emmanuel and wage a successful warfare against the powers of darkness. They stand ready to do whatsoever their Captain commands. Each one is exhorted to be “an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12), for we are to “live soberly, righteously, and godly” in this present evil world, representing the character of Christ, and manifesting His spirit....


Those who are connected with Jesus are in union with the Maker and Upholder of all things. They have a power that the world cannot give nor take away. But while great and exalted privileges are given to them, they are not simply to rejoice in their blessings. As stewards of the manifold grace of God they are to become a blessing to others. They are entrusted with great truth, and “unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required” (Luke 12:48). There are weighty responsibilities resting upon all who have received the message for this time. They are to exert an influence that will draw others to the light of God’s Word.... We are our brother’s keeper....


If we are true believers in Jesus we shall be gathering rays from glory, and we shall shed light on the darkened pathway of those around us. We shall reveal the gracious character of our Redeemer, and many will be drawn by our influence to “behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).



Mofon'Aina Talata 28 Mey 2024 FIANARANA HO AN'NY MINO


Tit. 2:11,12. « Fa efa miseho ny fahasoavan’Andriamanilra, izay famonjena ny olona rehetra, mampianatra antsika handà izay toe-panahy tsy araka an'Andriamanitra sy ny filàn'izao fiainana ankehitriny izao. »


Misy asa lehibe tokony hataontsika raha tiantsika ny handova ny fiainana mandrakizay. Tokony halavirintsika ny toetra rehetra tsy araka an’ Andriamanitra sy ny filan’izao tontolo izao, ary tokony hiaina fiainana feno fahamarinana isika. (...) Ao amin’i Jesôsy irery ihany no misy famonjena ho antsika, satria amin’ny alalan’ny finoana Azy no andraisantsika hery hahatongavana ho zanak’Andriamanitra. Tsy finoana mandalo fotsiny anefa izany fa finoana manao ny asan’i Kristy. (...) Ny finoana velona dia miseho amin’ny alalan’ny toe-tsain’ny fahafoizan- tena sy fanoloran-tena hanao ny raharahan’Andriamanitra. Ireo izay manana izany dia mijoro eo ambany fanevan’ilay Imanoela Andriana ary manohitra ny herin’ny haizina am- pahombiazana. Vonona ny hanao izay rehetra asain’ny Kapiteniny atao izy ireo. Ary ny tsirairay no anarina mba “ho tonga fianarana ho an’ny mino (...) amin’ny fiteny, amin’ny fitondrantena, amin’ny fitiavana, amin’ny finoana, amin’ny fahadiovana" – 1 Tim. 4:12, satria asaina isika “mba hisaina tsara sy hanao izay mahitsy ary hahafoy tena ho an’Andriamanitra eo amin’ny fiainantsika” (DIEM) eto amin’ity tontolo ankehitriny ity. Amin'izany no anehoantsika ny toetran’i Kristy sy ny fomba fisainany. (...)


Ireo izay mifandray amin’i Jesôsy dia manana firaisana amin’ilay Mpanao sy Mpihazona ny zavatra rehetra. Manana hery izay tsy azon’izao tontolo izao omena na esorina aminy izy ireo. Tsy natao hifaly fotsiny amin’ny fitahiana azony anefa izy ireo rehefa atolotra azy ny tombontsoa lehibe. Amin’ny maha-mpitantana ny fahasoavan’Andriamanitra azy dia tokony ho fitahiana ho an’ny hafa izy. (...) Misy andraikitra goavana ankinina amintsika izay efa nandray ny hafatra ho an’izao andro izao. Tokony hanana hery miasa mangina izay hitaona ny hafa ho eo amin’ny fahazavan’ny Tenin’Andriamanitra izy ireo. (...) Mpitandrina ny rahalahintsika isika (...).


Raha tena mpino marina an’i Jesôsy isika dia hanangona taratry ny voninahitra ka hitsilo ny lalana maizina izay misy ireo manodidina antsika. Haneho ny toetra be fahasoavan’ilay Mpanavotra antsika, ary noho ny hery miasa mangina avy amintsika dia maro no ho voataona hibanjina “ny Zanak’ondrin'Andriamanitra, Izay manaisotra ny fahotan’izao tontolo izao?” – Jao. 1: 29 – TMK, t. 316.



Bread of life, Monday May 27, 2024, FILLED WITH HIS FULLNESS


Ephesians 3:19. « And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. »


There are many who think that it is impossible to escape from the power of sin, but the promise is that we may be filled with all the fullness of God. We aim too low. The mark is much higher. Our minds need expansion, that we may comprehend the significance of the provision of God. We are to reflect the highest attributes of the character of God. We should be thankful that we are not to be left to ourselves. The law of God is the exalted standard to which we are to attain.... We are not to walk according to our own ideas..., but we are to follow in the footsteps of Christ.


The work of overcoming is in our hands, but we are not to overcome in our own name or strength, for of ourselves we cannot keep the commandments of God. The Spirit of God must help our infirmities. Christ has become our sacrifice and surety. He has become sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Through faith in His name He imputes unto us His righteousness, and it becomes a living principle in our life.... Christ imputes to us His sinless character and presents us to the Father in His own purity.


We cannot provide a robe of righteousness for ourselves, for the prophet says, “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). There is nothing in us from which we can clothe the soul so that its nakedness shall not appear. We are to receive the robe of righteousness woven in the loom of heaven, even the spotless robe of Christ’s righteousness. We are to say, “He died for me. He bore my soul’s disgrace, that in His name I might be an overcomer and be exalted to His throne.”


It is privilege of the children of God to be filled with all the fullness of God. “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end” (Ephesians 3:20, 21).



Mofon'Aina Alatsinainy 27 Mey 2024 FENON'NY FAHAFENOANY


Efes. 3:19. « Ary hahalala ny fitiavan’i Kristy, izay mihoatra noho ny fahalalana, mba hamenoana anareo ho amin’ny fahafenoan’Andriamanitra rehetra. »


Maro no mieritreritra fa tsy azo atao ny mandositra ny herin’ny fahotana, kanefa ny fampanantenana dia ny hamenoana antsika amin’ny fahafenoan’Andriamanitra rehetra. Ambany loatra ny fikendrentsika kanefa avo dia avo ny marika tokony hotratrarina. Tokony hivelatra ny saintsika, mba hahatakarantsika ny hevitry ny fiahian’Andriamanitra. Tokony hitaratra ny toetra ambony indrindra ananan’Andriamanitra isika. Tokony ho velom-pisaorana isika fa tsy navela handeha amin’ny herintsika manokana. Fenitra ambony tokony hotratrarintsika ny lalàn’Andriamanitra. (...) Tsy tokony handeha araka ny fiheverantsika manokana isika (...) fa hanaraka ny dian-tongotr’i Kristy.


Eo an-tanantsika ny fandresena kanefa tsy handresy amin’ny anarantsika manokana isika na ny herintsika, satria tsy haintsika ny hitandrina ny lalàn’Andriamanitra amin’ny herintsika. Tsy maintsy manampy antsika amin’ny fahalementsika ny Fanahin’Andriamanitra. Efa tonga fanatitra sy antoka ho antsika i Kristy. Tonga ota ho antsika Izy mba hahatonga antsika ho fahamarinan’Andriamanitra ao Aminy. Amin’ny finoana ny Anarany no ampitafiany antsika ny Fahamarinany ka tonga fitsipika velona eo amin’ny fiainantsika izany. (...) Ampitafian’i Kristy antsika ny toetrany tsy manana ota ary amin’ny fahadiovany no itondrany antsika eo amin’ny Ray.


Tsy haintsika ny hanana ny akanjom-pahamarinana amin’ny herintsika, satria hoy ny mpaminany hoe: “tahaka ny lamba mihosin-drà ny fahamarinanay" –Isa. 64:5. Tsy manana na inona na inona azo atafy ny fanahintsika isika mba tsy hisehoan’ny fitanjahantsika. Tsy maintsy mandray ny akanjom-pahamarinana notenomina tany amin’ny fanenoman’ny lanitra isika, dia ilay akanjom-pahamarinan’i Kristy izay tsy misy pentina. Izao no tokony holazaintsika: “Efa maty ho ahy Izy. Nitondra ny fahafaham-baraka nahazo ahy Izy, mba ho tonga mpandresy noho ny Anarany aho ary hasandratra ho eo amin’ny seza fiandrianany.”


Tombontsoa ho an’ny zanak’Andriamanitra ny ho fenon’ny fahafenoan’Andriamanitra rehetra. “Ary ho an'Izay mahay manao mihoatra noho ny zavatra rehetra, eny, mihoatra lavitra noho izay rehetra angatahintsika na heverintsika aza araka ny hery izay miasa ato amintsika, ho Azy anie ny voninahitra ao amin'ny fiangonana sy ao amin’i Kristy Jesosy hatramin’ny taranaka farany indrindra mandrakizay mandrakizay ’’ – Efes. 3:20,21 – TMK, 1.302.



Bread of life, Sunday May 26, 2024, THE MOTIVE FOR OBEDIENCE


1 John 5:3. « For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. »


It is the keeping of the commandments of God that honors and glorifies Him in His chosen. Wherefore every soul to whom God has given reasoning faculties is under obligation to God to search the Word and ascertain all that is enjoined upon us as God’s purchased possession. We should seek to understand all that the Word requires of us.... We cannot show greater honor to our God, whose we are by creation and redemption, than to give evidence to the beings of heaven, to the worlds unfallen, and to fallen men, that we diligently hearken unto all His commandments, which are the laws that govern His kingdom.


We need to study diligently that we may gain a knowledge of the laws of God. How can we be obedient subjects if we fail to understand the laws that govern the kingdom of God? Then open your Bibles and search for everything that will enlighten you in regard to the precepts of God; and when you discern a Thus saith the Lord, ask not the opinion of men, but whatever the cost to yourself, obey cheerfully. Then the blessing of God will rest upon you....


Often ask prayerfully, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Am I in any way disregarding the divine precepts? Am I in any way placing my influence on the enemy’s side? Am I showing a careless disregard of God’s commandments? Am I willing to yoke up with Christ, to lift the burdens, and to be a co-laborer with Him? Am I studying out possible excuses for neglecting obedience to a Thus saith the Lord? Am I risking the consequences of neglect to obey the clearly revealed precepts of Jehovah because I am not willing to come out from the world and be separate? Shall the fear of man have a greater influence over me than the fear of God?”


Surrender yourself to God, saying, “Here, Lord, I give myself away; ‘tis all that I can do.’ I will not be found in disobedience to Thy law, for that would place me in the enemy’s ranks.”



Mofon'Aina Alahady 26 Mey 2024 NY ANTONY MANOSIKA HANKATO


1 Jao. 5:3. « Fa izao no fitiavana an’Andriamanitra, dia ny hitandremantsika ny didiny, sady tsy mavesatra ny didiny. »


Ny fitandremana ny didin’Andriamanitra no manome voninahitra sy haja Azy eo amin’ireo voafidiny. Izany no antony mahatonga ny fanahy rehetra izay nomen'Andriamanitra fahafaha-misaina hanana andraikitra ny handinika ny Teny sy hamantatra izay takin’Andriamanitra amintsika amin’ny maha-fananana no vidiny antsika. Tokony hokatsahintsika ny fomba hahatakarana ny fitakian’ny Teniny rehetra. (...) Ny fomba ahafahantsika manome voninahitra lehibe kokoa an’ilay Andrimanitsika, izay Tompontsika noho ny amin’ny famoronana sy ny fanavotana, dia ny fanehoana amin’ireo mponin’ny lanitra sy ny tontolo tsy lavo ary ny olombelona lavo fa mankatô ny lalàny isika, dia ilay didy izay mifehy ny fitondram-panjakany.


Ilaintsika ny mianatra ampahazotoana mba hananantsika fahalalana mikasika ny lalàn'Andriamanitra. Ahoana moa no hahatonga antsika ho mpankatô raha toa tsy takatsika ny lalàna izay mandrindra ny fitondram-panjakan’Andriamanitra? Rehefa izay dia sokafy ny Baibolinao ary diniho izay rehetra manazava anao mahakasika ny fitsipik’Andriamanitra; ary rehefa hitanao ny hoe “Izao no lazain’i Jehôvah”, dia aoka tsy hanontany ny hevitr’olombelona fa mankatoava am-pifaliana na inona na inona sandan’izany. Amin’izany no hitoeran’ny fitahian’i Jehôvah aminao. (...)


Angataho amim-bavaka matetika izao: “Tompo ô! Inona no asainao ataoko? Inona amin’izay ataoko no manao tsinontsinona ny fitsipikao? Moa ve misy zavatra ataoko izay ametrahako ny hery miasa mangina avy amiko ho eo amin’ny laharan’ny fahavalo? Moa ve aho maneho tsy firaihana manoloana ny didin'Andriamanitra? Moa ve aho vonona hiara-mitondra ny ziogan’i Kristy sy hilanja ny enta-mavesatra ary ho mpiara-miasa Aminy? Moa ve aho mitady fialan-tsiny tsy hankatoavana ny “izao no lazain’i Jehôvah”? Moa ve aho mankahatra ny loza amin’ny fanaovan-tsinontsinona ny fankatoavana ny fitsipika voalazan’i Jehôvah mazava noho ny tsy fahafoizako hisaraka amin’izao tontolo izao? (...)”


Miantoraha eo amin’Andriamanitra ka lazao hoe: "Tompo ô! Atolotra ho Anao ny tenako; izay no hany azoko atao! Tsy ho hita ho mpandika ny lalànao anie aho, satria hametraka ahy eo amin’ny laharan’ny fahavalo izany.” – TMK. t. 297.



Bread of life, Saturday May 25, 2024, THE PRECIOUSNESS OF SECRET PRAYER


Psalm 62:8. « Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. »


A deep sense of our need and a great desire for the things for which we ask must characterize our prayers, else they will not be heard. But we are not to become weary and cease our petitions because the answer is not immediately received. “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). The violence here meant is a holy earnestness, such as Jacob manifested. We need not try to work ourselves up into an intense feeling, but calmly, persistently, we are to press our petitions at the throne of grace. Our work is to humble our souls before God, confessing our sins, and in faith drawing nigh unto God.... It is the design of God to reveal Himself in His providence and in His grace. The object of our prayers must be the glory of God, not the glorification of ourselves....


God has honored us by showing how greatly He values us. We are bought with a price, even the precious blood of the Son of God. When His heritage shall conscientiously follow the Word of the Lord, His blessing will rest upon them in answer to their prayers. “Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: and rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness” (Joel 2:12, 13).


In secret prayer the soul should be laid bare to the inspecting eye of God.... How precious is secret prayer—the soul communing with God! Secret prayer is to be heard only by the prayer-hearing God. No curious ear is to receive the burden of petitions. Calmly, yet fervently, the soul is to reach out after God; and sweet and abiding will be the influence emanating from Him who sees in secret, whose ear is open to the prayer arising from the heart. He who in simple faith holds communion with God will gather to himself divine rays of light to strengthen and sustain him in the conflict with Satan.



Mofon'Aina Sabotsy 25 Mey 2024 ' NY HASAROBIDIN’NY VAVAKA MANGINA


Sal. 62:8.« Matokia Azy mandrakariva ianareo, ry olona; loary eo anatrehany ny fonareo; Andriamanitra no aro ho antsika. »


Ny fahatsapana marina ny zavatra ilaintsika sy ny faniriana lalina ny zavatra angatahintsika no tokony hanamarika ny vavaka ataontsika, raha tsy izany dia tsy ho re izany. Aoka anefa isika tsy ho mora reraka ka hampitsahatra ny fangatahantsikanoho ny tsy fandraisantsika valim-bavaka eo no ho eo. “(...) mandraka ankehitriny ny fanjakan'ny lanitra dia rombahina, ary ny mpandrombaka maka azy an-keriny." – Mat. 11:12. Ny fandrombahana an-keriny voalaza eto dia ilay hafanam-po masina, tahaka izay nasehon’i Jakôba. Tsy mila mampiezaka ny tenantsika hanana fihetseham-po lalina isika; fa amim-pahatoniana sy amim-paharetana no tokony hitondrantsika hatrany ny fangatahantsika eo amin’ny seza fandrianan’ny fahasoavana. Ny asantsika dia ny mampilefitra ny fanahintsika eo anatrehan’Andriamanitra, miaiky ny fahotantsika, ary manakaiky an’Andriamanitra amim-pinoana. (...) Efa fikasan’Andriamanitra ny haneho ny tenany ao amin’ny fiarovany sy ny fahasoavany. Tsy maintsy ny voninahitr’Andriamanitra no tanjona kendren’ny vavaka ataontsika, fa tsy ny fitadiavana voninahitra ho an’ny tenantsika.


Nanome voninahitra antsika Andriamanitra tamin’ny nanehoany ny tombambidy lehibe anombanany antsika. Novidina tamin’ny sanda lafo tokoa isika, dia ny ra sarobidin’ilay Zanak’Andriamanitra izany. Rehefa manaraka an-tsitrapo ny Tenin’Andriamanitra ny Lovany, dia hitoetra amin’izy ireo ny Fitahiany ho setrin’ny vavaka ataony. "Koa na dia ankehitriny aza, hoy Jehovah, miverena amikoamin ’ny fonareo rehetra ary amin'ny fifadian-kanina sy ny fitomaniana ary ny fitarainana. Ary ny fonareo no triatriaro, fa aza ny fitafianareo, ary miverena amin’i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo; fa mamindra fo sy miantra lzy, mahari-po sady be famindrampo ary manenina ny amin’ny loza." – Joe. 2:12,13.


Ao amin’ny mangingina no aoka hamborahana ny fo eo anoloan’ny mason’ Andriamanitra mandinika antsika. (...) Endrey ny hasarobidin’ny vavaka mangina – ny firaisan’ny fanahy amin’Andriamanitra! Ny fivavahana mangina dia tsy tokony ho ren’iza na iza, afa-tsy llay Andriamanitra Mpihaino vavaka ihany. Tsy misy sofina liam-baovao tokony handray ny vesatry ny fitarainana toy izany. (...) Izay mihazona ny firaisana amin'Andriamanitra amin’ny finoana tsotra dia hanangona tara- pahazavana masina mba hanatanjaka sy hanohana ny tenany amin’ny adinv amin’i Satana. – TMK, t. 272.


Bread of life, Friday May 24, 2024, « COME YE YOURSELVES APART »
Psalm 27:14. « Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. »
No other life was ever so crowded with labor and responsibility as was that of Jesus, yet how often He was found in prayer! How constant was His communion with God! ... As one with us, a sharer in our needs and weaknesses, He was wholly dependent upon God, and in the secret place of prayer He sought divine strength that He might go forth braced for duty and trial. In a world of sin Jesus endured struggles and torture of soul. In communion with God He could unburden the sorrows that were crushing Him....
In Christ the cry of humanity reached the Father of infinite pity. As a man He supplicated the throne of God till His humanity was charged with a heavenly current that should connect humanity with divinity. Through continual communion He received life from God, that He might impart life to the world. His experience is to be ours. “Come ye yourselves apart” (Mark 6:31), He bids us. If we would give heed to His Word we should be stronger and more useful.... If today we would take time to go to Jesus and tell Him our needs we should not be disappointed; He would be at our right hand to help us....
In all who are under the training of God is to be revealed a life that is not in harmony with the world, its customs, or its practices, and everyone needs to have a personal experience in obtaining a knowledge of the will of God. We must individually hear Him speaking to the heart. When every other voice is hushed, and in quietness we wait before Him, the silence of the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. He bids us, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Here alone can true rest be found. And this is the effectual preparation for all who labor for God. Amid the hurrying throng and the strain of life’s intense activities, the soul that is thus refreshed will be surrounded with an atmosphere of light and peace. The life will breathe out fragrance and will reveal a divine power that will reach men’s hearts.




Mofon'Aina Zoma 24 Mey 2024 « AVIA HIANAREO HITOKANA »


Sal. 27:14. « Miandrasa an'i Jehovah hianao, matokia, ary aoka hahery ny fonao; eny, miandrasa an’i Jehovah. »


Tsy nisy fiainana tototra asa sy novesarana andraikitra tahaka ny an'i Jesôsy, kanefa matetika tokoa ny nivavahany! Nitohy mandrakariva ny firaisany tamin’Andriamanitra! (...) Tahaka ny anankiray amintsika Izy, mahalala izay ilaintsika sy ny fahalementsika, ary niankina tanteraka tamin’Andriamanitra ka tany amin’ny toeram-pivavahana mangina no nitadiavany hery avy any an-danitra mba hahafahany mandroso hiatrika ny adidy sy ny fitsapana. Niatrika tolona maro sy fangirifirian’ny fanahy teto amin’ity tontolo feno ota ity i Jesôsy. Tamin’ny firaisana amin’Andriamanitra no nahamaivana ireo fahoriana nitambaby taminy. (...)


(...) Tamin’ny maha-olona Azy no nitalahoany ny seza fiandrianan’Andriamanitra mandra-pahazoan’ny taranak’olombelona ny rivotry ny lanitra izay tokony hampiray ny olom belona amin’Andriamanitra. Tamin’ny alalan’ny firaisana nitohy no nandraisany fiainana avy tamin’Andriamanitra, mba hanomezany fiainana an’izao tontolo izao. Tiany hiainantsika ny fanandramana niainany. "Avia hianareo hitokana” –Mar. 6:31, izany no baikony amintsika. Hatanjaka kokoa isika ary ho azo ampiasaina bebe kokoa raha toa manaraka ny Teniny. (... )


Raha hanokana fotoana hankanesana eo amin’i Jesôsy isika anio mba hilaza Aminy izay ilaintsika dia tsy ho diso fanantenana; ho eo ankavanantsika tokoa Izy mba hanampy antsika. (...) Ireo izay hofanin'Andriamanitra dia tokony hanana fiainana tsy mifanaraka amin’izao tontolo izao sy ny fombafombany na ny fanaony; ary tokony hanana fanandramana manokana ny tsirairay mikasika ny fahafantarana ny sitrapon’Andriamanitra. (...) Rehefa ampanginina ny feo hafa rehetra ary mankeo anatrehany amin’ny fanginana isika, dia ho rentsika kokoa ny feon’Andriamanitra (...). Hoy Izy: "Mitsahara, ka aoka ho fantatrareo fa Izaho no Andriamanitra" – Sal. 46:10. Eo irery ihany no misy ny tena fitsaharana. Ary izany no fiomanana mahomby ho an’izay rehetra miasa ho an’Andriamanitra. Eo anivon’ny vahoaka maro mihazakazaka sy ny fahasahiranana noho ny asa mafy eo amin’ny fiainana, ny fanahy izay mahazo famelombelomana tahaka izany dia ho voahodidin’ny rivo-piainana feno fahazavana sy fiadanana. Fofo-manitra no hameno ny fiainany ary ho hita eo amin’izany ny herin’Andriamanitra izay hahakasika ny fon’ny hafa. – TMK. t. 259.



Bread of life, Thursday May 23, 2024, THE MARCH TO VICTORY


1 Corinthians 15:57. « But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. »


Nothing can be more helpless, nothing can be more dependent, than the soul that feels its nothingness and relies wholly upon the merits of the blood of a crucified and risen Saviour. The Christian life is a life of warfare, of continual conflict. It is a battle and a march. But every act of obedience to Christ, every act of self-denial for His sake, every trial well endured, every victory gained over temptation, is a step in the march to the glory of final victory.


If we take Christ for our guide, He will lead us safely along the narrow way. The road may be rough and thorny; the ascent may be steep and dangerous; there may be pitfalls upon the right hand and upon the left; we may have to endure toil in our journey; when weary, when longing for rest, we may have to toil on; when faint, we may have to fight; when discouraged, we may be called upon to hope; but with Christ as our Guide we shall not lose the path to immortal life, we shall not fail to reach the desired haven at last.


Christ Himself has trod the rough pathway before us and has smoothed the path for our feet. The narrow path of holiness, the way cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in, is illuminated by Him who is the light of the world. As we follow in His steps, His light will shine upon us, and as we reflect the light borrowed from the glory of Christ, the path will grow brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.


We may think it pleasant at first to follow pride and worldly ambition, but the end is pain and sorrow. Selfish plans may present flattering promises and hold out the hope of enjoyment, but we shall find that our happiness is poisoned and our life embittered by hopes that center in self. In following Christ we are safe, for He will not suffer the powers of darkness to hurt one hair of our heads. He will keep that which is committed to His trust, and we shall be more than conquerors through Him that loved us.



Mofon'Aina Alakamisy 23 Mey 2024 ILAY DIA MANKAMIN’NY FANDRESENA


1 Kôr. 15:57. « Fa isaorana anie Andriamanitra Izay manome antsika ny fandresena amin’ny alalan’i Jesosy Kristy Tompontsika. »


Tsy misy olona marefo sy miankin-doha indrindra mihoatra noho ny fanahy izay mahatsapa ny maha-tsinontsinona azy ka miantehitra tanteraka amin’ny fahamendrehan’ny ran’ilay Mpamonjy voahombo sy nitsangana tamin’ny maty. Fiainana feno ady ny fiainan’ny Kristianina; ahitana fifanandrinana mandrakariva izany. Ady mivaivay sy dia lavitra izany. Kanefa ny fankatoavana an’i Kristy rehetra, ny fandavan-tena rehetra noho ny Aminy, ny fitsapana rehetra iaretana, ny fandresena ny fakam-panahy rehetra, dia dingana iray eo amin’ny dia lavitra mankamin’ny voninahitr’ilay fandresena farany.


Raha ekentsika ho Mpitarika antsika i Kristy, dia hitarika sy hiaro antsika eo amin’ilay lalan-tery Izy. Mety ho sarotra sy feno tsilo ny lalana, mety mideza sy mampidi-doza ny fiakarana, mety hisy hantsana eo ankavia sy ankavanana, tsy maintsy hisetra zava-tsarotra angamba isika eo amin’ny dia lavitra izay atao, mety tsy maintsy hanohy ny asa mafy isika na dia maniry fitsaharana aza, mety tsy maintsy miady isika na dia trotraka aza, mety asaina manantena isika rehefa kivy, kanefa rehefa i Kristy no Mpitari-dalana dia tsy ho diso lalana isika raha ho any amin’ilay fiainana tsy misy fahafatesana ary ho tratrantsika ilay fitodiana nirina fatratra.


I Kristy mihitsy talohantsika no efa nandia izany lalana mikitoantoana izany, ary efa nandamina azy hizoran’ny tongotsika. Ny lalan-terin’ny fahamasinana izay asaina andehanan’ireo navotan’i Jehôvah, dia hazavain’Ilay Fahazavan’izao tontolo izao. Rehefa manaraka ny dian-tongony isika, dia hamirapiratra eo amintsika ny Fahazavany, ary raha maneho taratra ny fahazavana indramina amin’ny voninahitr’i Kristy isika, dia hihamazava hatrany tahaka ny antoandro izany lalana izany.


Mety heverintsika ho mahafinaritra amin’ny voalohany ny mandeha araka ny avonavona sy ny hambom-pon’izao tontolo izao, saingy alahelo sy fahoriana no hiafaran’izany. Mety haneho fampanantenana manintona ireo drafitra feno fitiavan-tena ary mampanantena fifaliana, kanefa ho hitantsika fa feno poizina izany fifaliantsika izany ary ho feno ngidin’ny fanantenana izay miorina amin’ny “izaho” ny fiainantsika. Voaro isika rehefa manara-dia an’i Kristy satria tsy hamela ny herin’ny maizina hikasika na dia ny singam-bolontsika aza Izy. Hotandremany ireo izay nankinina taminy, ary hihoatra noho ny mpandresy isika amin’ny alalan’ilay tia antsika. – TMK, t. 253.



Bread of life, Wednesday May 22, 2024, THE ONLY PATH OF SAFETY


Isaiah 30:21. « And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. »


I know that human beings suffer much because they step out of the path that God has chosen for them to follow. They walk in the sparks of the fire they have kindled themselves, and the sure result is affliction, unrest, and sorrow, which they might have avoided if they had submitted their will to God and had permitted Him to control their ways. God sees that it is necessary to oppose our will and our way, and bring our human will into subjection.


Whatever path God chooses for us, whatever way He ordains for our feet, that is the only path of safety. We are daily to cherish a spirit of childlike submission, and pray that our eyes may be anointed with the heavenly eyesalve in order that we may discern the indications of the divine will, lest we become confused in our ideas, because our will seems to be all-controlling. With the eye of faith, with childlike submission as obedient children, we must look to God, to follow His guidance, and difficulties will clear away. The promise is, “I will instruct thee and teach thee ... : I will guide thee with mine eye” (Psalm 32:8)....


If we come to God in a humble and teachable spirit, not with our plans all formed before we ask Him, and shaped according to our own will, but in submission, in willingness to be taught, in faith, it is our privilege to claim the promise every hour of the day. We may distrust ourselves, and we need to guard against our own inclinations and strong tendencies lest we shall follow our mind and plans and think it is the way of the Lord....


Our heavenly Father is our Ruler, and we must submit to His discipline. We are members of His family. He has a right to our service, and if one of the members of His family would persist in having his own way, persist in doing just that which he pleased, that spirit would bring about a disordered and perplexing state of things. We must not study to have our own way, but God’s way and God’s will.


Mofon'Aina Alarobia 22 Mey 2024 NY HANY LALANA AZO ANTOKA
Isa. 30:21. « Fa na mivily ho amin'ny an-kavanana ianao, na mivily ho amin'ny ankavia, ny sofinao dia handre teny ao ivohonao manao hoe: Ity no lalana, ka andehano. »
Fantatro fa be ny fahorian’ny olombelona noho ny nialany tamin’ny lalana izay nofidin’Andriamanitra harahiny. Mandeha eo amin’ny fahazavan’ny afo izay narehiny ihany izy ireo ka azo antoka fa fahoriana sy alahelo no vokatr’izany. Azon’izy ireo natao anefa ny nidify izany raha toa izy nampilefitra ny sitrapony tamin’Andriamanitra ka namela Azy hifehy ny lalany. (...)
Na inona na inona lalana fidin’Andriamanitra ho antsika, na inona na inona lalana asainy andehanantsika, dia izay no hany lalana azo antoka. Tokony hokolokolointsika isan’andro ny toe-tsain’ny fileferana tahaka ny an’ny zaza, ary tokony hivavaka isika mba hanosorana ny masontsika amin’ny odi-maso avy any an-danitra mba hahaizantsika mamantatra ireo toromarika mifanaraka amin’ny sitrapon'Andriamanitra, raha tsy izany dia ho very hevitra isika noho ny sitrapontsika izay toa mifehy ny zava-drehetra. Amin’ny masom- pinoana sy ny fileferan’ny zaza tahaka izay ataon’nv zanaka mpankato no aoka hijerentsika an'Andriamanitra sy hanarahantsika ny tari-dalany dia hisinda ireo toe-java-tsarotra. Izao ny teny fikasana: “Hanome saina anao sy hampianatra anao izay lalan-kalehanao Aho, hitsinjo anao ny masoko ka hanolo-tsaina anao Aho'' – Sal. 32:8.
Tombontsoa ho antsika ny mitaky ny teny fikasana isan’ora ao anatin’ny tontolo andro raha toa isika manatona an’Andriamanitra amin’ny fanetren- tena sy ny toe-tsaina manaiky ampianarina fa tsy amin’ireo drafitra efa voaomantsika mialoha (...) na koa voavolavola araka ny sitrapontsika (...). Aoka isika tsy hitoky amin’ny tenantsika, ary hitandrina mba tsy hanaraka ny firehantsika sy ny fironana mahery vaika fandrao hanaraka ny fisainantsika sy ireo drafitsika manokana isika ka hihevitra izany ho fisainan’Andriamanitra. (...)
Ilay Raintsika any an-danitra no Mpanapaka antsika, ary tsy maintsy milefitra eo amin’ny fitsipika napetrany isika. Ankohonany tokoa isika. Manan-jo hisitraka ny fanompoantsika Izy, ary raha misy olona iray ao anatin’ny ankohonany minia mandeha na manao araka izay tiany dia hitondra fikorontanana sy fahaverezan-kevitra tokoa izany toe-tsaina izany. Tsy ny mba hanarahantsika izay lalana tiantsika no antony hianarantsika, fa ny hanarahantsika ny lalan’Andriamanitra sy hanaovantsika izay sitrany. – TMK, t. 249.



Bread of life, Tuesday May 21, 2024, HOW TO GET RID OF GUILT


Micah 7:18. « Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy. »


I am glad indeed that our feelings are no evidence that we are not children of God. The enemy will tempt you to think that you have done things that have separated you from God, and that He no longer loves you, but our Lord loves us still....


Look away from yourself to the perfection of Christ. We cannot manufacture a righteousness for ourselves. Christ has in His hands the pure robes of righteousness, and He will put them upon us. He will speak sweet words of forgiveness and promise. He presents to our thirsty souls fountains of living water whereby we may be refreshed. He bids us come unto Him with all our burdens, all our griefs, and He says we shall find rest....


Jesus sees the guilt of the past, and speaks pardon, and we must not dishonor Him by doubting His love. This feeling of guiltiness must be laid at the foot of the cross of Calvary. The sense of sinfulness has poisoned the springs of life and of true happiness. Now Jesus says, “Lay it all on Me. I will take your sins; I will give you peace. Banish no longer your self-respect, for I have bought you with the price of My own blood. You are Mine. Your weakened will I will strengthen; your remorse for sin I will remove.” Then turn your grateful heart, trembling with uncertainty, to Him and lay hold on the hope set before you. God accepts your broken, contrite heart, and extends to you free pardon. He offers to adopt you into His family, with His grace to help your weakness, and the dear Saviour will lead you on step by step, you placing your hand in His and letting Him guide you.


Search for the precious promises of God. If Satan thrusts threatenings before your mind, turn from them and cling to the promises, and let your soul be comforted by their brightness. The cloud is dark in itself, but when filled with the light it is turned to the brightness of gold, for the glory of God is upon it.





Mika7:18. « Iza no Andriamanitra tahaka Anao, Izay mamela heloka sady mandalo ny fahadisoan’ny sisa amin’ny lovany? Tsy mitana ny fahatezerany ho mandrakizay Izy, fa tia famindrampo. »


Faly aho fa tsy ny fihetseham-pontsika no porofo maneho fa zanak’Andriamanitra isika. Haka fanahy anao ilay fahavalo ka hanao izay hiheveranao fa nanao zavatra nampisaraka anao amin’Andriamanitra ianao ka tsy tia anao intsony Izy, kanefa ilay Tompontsika dia mbola tia antsika hatrany. (...)


Aza mijery ny tenanao fa banjino i Kristy ilay tonga lafatra. Tsy mahay manamboatra fahamarinana ho an’ny tenantsika isika. Eo an-tanan’i Kristy ny akanjom-pahamarinana mangatsakatsaka ary hotafiny antsika izany. Hanao teny mamy mitory famelan-keloka sy teny fikasana Izy. Entiny eo amin’ny loharano velona ny fanahintsika mangetaheta (...). Miantso antsika Izy mba hitondra eo Aminy ny enta-mavesatra, ny alahelontsika rehetra, ary nolazainy fa hahita fitsaharana isika. (...)


Hitan’i Jesôsy ireo heloka vitantsika tamin’ny lasa, ary avelany; tsy tokony hanala baraka Azy amin’ny fisalasalana momba ny fitiavany isika. Aoka hapetraka eo an-tongotry ny hazo fijalian’i Kalvary ny fahatsapana ho meloka. Manapoizina ireo loharanon’ny fiamana sy ny tena fifaliana ny fahatsapana ho be fahotana. Hoy i Jesôsy: “Apetraho eto Amiko avokoa izany. Hesoriko ireo fahotanao; ary homeko fiadanana ianao. Aoka tsy hisy intsony ny fanaovanao tsinontsinona ny tenanao, satria ny rako mihitsy no efa nividianako anao. Ahy ianao. Hohatanjahiko ny sitraponao marefo; hofafako ny neninao noho ny fahotana.” Rehefa izay dia atodiho Aminy ny fonao feno fankasitrahana sy mangovitry ny fisalasalana ka fikiro ny fanantenana apetrany eo anoloanao. Raisin’Andriamanitra ny fonao vaky sy torotoro ary omeny anao maimaimpoana ny famelan- keloka. Maniry ny handray anao ho isan’ny ankohonany Izy, ary omeny ny fahasoavany mba hanampy anao amin’ny fahalemenao; hotarihin’ilay Mpamonjy malala isaky ny indray mandingana ianao raha mihazona ny Tanany ary mamela Azy hitari-dalana anao.


Katsaho ny teny fikasana sarobidy avy amin’Andriamanitra. Raha mampihorohoro ny sainao i Satana dia manalavira ireny fampihorohoroana ireny ka fikiro ny teny fikasana ary aoka ny fanahinao hahazo hery amin ’ny famirapiratan’izany (...). – TMK, t. 241.


Bread of life, Monday May 20, 2024, THE MIGHTY DELIVERER
Isaiah 65:2. « I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts. »
The Lord God through Christ holds out His hand all the day long in invitations to the needy. He will receive all. He welcomes all. He rejects none. It is His glory to pardon the chief of sinners. He will take the prey from the mighty, He will deliver the captive, He will pluck the brand from the burning. He will lower the golden chain of His mercy to the greatest depths of human wretchedness and guilt and lift up the debased soul contaminated with sin. But man must will to come, and cooperate in the work of saving his soul by availing himself of opportunities given him of God. The Lord forces no one. The spotless wedding robe of Christ’s righteousness is prepared to clothe the sinner, but if he refuses it he must perish.
The record of the past can be blotted out with His [Christ’s] blood, the page made clean and white. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18)....
The words falling from the lips of Jesus, “Thy sins be forgiven thee” (Matthew 9:2), are worth everything to us. He saith, I have borne your sins in My own body on Calvary’s cross. He sees your sorrows. His hand is laid upon the head of every contrite soul, and Jesus becomes our Advocate before the Father, and our Saviour. The lowly, contrite heart will make very much of forgiveness and pardon....
We may repeat His tender compassion for us to others who are wandering in the mazes of sin. The grace of Christ revealed to us must be tenderly revealed to others. A great tenderness and compassion will fill the soul for human beings who are still under the control of Satan. Christ is to be multiplied in every man and woman who believes in Him, for they are to live over the life of Christ in blessing and enlightening and bringing hope and peace and joy to other hearts.




Mofon'Aina Alatsinainy 20 Mey 2024 ILAY MPANAFAKA MAHERY


Isa. 65:2. « Namelatra ny tanako mandritra ny andro Aho tamin’ny firenena miodina, izay mandeha amin’ny lalana tsy tsara araka ny fisainany ihany. »


Manatsotra ny Tanany isan’ andro, amin’ny alalan’i Kristy. mba hanasa ireo mila fanampiana ilay Tompo Andriamanitsika. (...) Tsy manosi-bohon-tanana na iza na iza Izy. (...) Voninahitra ho Azy ny manome famelan-keloka ho an’ny lohan’ny mpanota. Hesoriny ny haza eo amin’ny mahery, hafahany ny mpifatotra (...). Hampietry ny rojo volamenan’ny famindrampony ho amin’ny toerana fadiranovana indrindra sy feno fahotana misy ny olombelona Izy ka hanandratra ny fanahy ambany izay mararin’ny fahotana. Tsy maintsy manam-pahavononana ny hanatona Azy anefa ny olombelona ka hiara- miasa ho famonjena ny fanahiny amin’ny fandraisana ny tombontsoa atolotr’Andriamanitra azy. Tsy manery na iza na iza ny Tompo. Omanina hampitafiana ny mpanota ny akanjom-pahamarinana tsy misy pentin’i Kristy, kanefa tsy maintsy ho very izy raha manda izany.


Azo fafana amin’ny ran’i Kristy ny lasa izay voarakitra; azo diovina indray ny pejy ka atao fotsy. “Avia ary hifandahatra isika, hoy Jehovah: na dia tahaka ny jaky aza ny fahotanareo dia ho fotsy tahaka ny oram-panala, Na dia mangatrakatraka tahaka ny sily aza, dia ho tahaka ny volon’ondry fotsy." – Isa. 1:18. (...)


Sarobidy amintsika tokoa ny teny avy amin’ny molotr’i Jesôsy hoe: “voavela ny helokao" – Mat. 9:2. Hoy Izy: “Efa nentiko ny fahotanao, ny Tenako teo amin’ny hazo fijalian’i Kalvary no nitondra izany.” Hitany ny fahorianao. Mipetraka eo an-dohan’ny fanahy torotoro rehetra ny Tanany, ary tonga Mpisolovavantsika eo anoloan’ny Ray i Jesôsy no sady Mpamonjintsika. Ny fo mietry sy torotoro no hahazo famelana be. (...)


Azontsika aseho indray amin’ny hafa ny fangorahany be fitiavana, dia ireo hafa izay mirenireny any amin’ny lala-miolikoliky ny fahotana. (...) Fahamoram-panahy lehibe sy fangorahana no hameno ny fanahy eo anatrehan’ireo izay mbola eo ambany fanapahan’i Satana. Tokony hitoetra betsaka ao amin’ny lehilahy sy ny vehivavy i Kristy, satria tokony hiaina ny fiainan’i Kristy izy ireo amin’ny fitondrana fitahiana sy fahazavana ho an’ny hafa, ary koa amin’ny fitondrana fanantenana sy fiadanana ary fitiavana ho azy ireo. – TMK, t. 235.



Bread of life, Sunday May 19, 2024, A PROGRESSIVE FAITH


Hebrews 11:6. « But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. »


The time has come when we are to expect large blessings from the Lord. We must rise to a higher standard on the subject of faith. We have too little faith. The Word of God is our endorsement. We must take it, simply believing every word. With this assurance we may claim large things, and according to our faith it will be unto us....


The work of faith means more than we think. It means genuine reliance upon the naked word of God. By our actions we are to show that we believe that God will do just as He has said. The wheels of nature and of providence are not appointed to roll backward nor to stand still. We must have an advancing, working faith, a faith that works by love and purifies the soul from every vestige of selfishness. It is not self, but God, that we must depend upon. We must not cherish unbelief. We must have that faith that takes God at His word....


True faith consists in doing just what God has enjoined, not manufacturing things He has not enjoined. Justice, truth, mercy, are the fruit of faith. We need to walk in the light of God’s law; then good works will be the fruit of our faith, the proceeds of a heart renewed every day. The tree must be made good before the fruit can be good. We must be wholly consecrated to God. Our will must be made right before the fruit can be good. We must have no fitful religion. “Whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).


O what a field is opened before me! Our people must have the deep working of the Spirit of God every day. They must have a faith that works by love, a faith that emanates from God. There must not be a thread of selfishness drawn into the fabric. When our faith works by love, just such a love as Christ revealed in His life, it will be of a firm texture; it will be the fruit of a will subdued. But not until self dies can Christ live in us. Not until self dies can we possess a faith that works by love and purifies the soul.



Mofon'Aina Alahady 19 Mey 2024 FINOANA MIHAMITOMBO


Heb. 11:6. « Fa raha tsy amin’ny finoana, dia tsy misy azo atao hahazoana sitraka aminy; fa izay manatona an’Andriamanitra dia tsy maintsy mino fa misy Izy sady Mpamaly soa izay mazoto mitady Azy. »


Tonga ny fotoana tokony hiandrandrantsika fitahiana lehibe avy amin’i Jehôvah. Tsy maintsy mijoro amin’ny fenitra ambony kokoa mikasika ny finoana isika. Kely loatra ny finoantsika. Ny Tenin’Andriamanitra no andry ho antsika. Tsy maintsy raisintsika izany, tokony hinoantsika ny teny tsirairay voasoratra ao. Ny fisian’izany toky izany no ahafahantsika mitaky zavatra lehibe, ary ho tonga amintsika araka ny finoantsika izany. (...)


Lehibe lavitra noho izay heverintsika ny hevitry ny fiasan’ny finoana. Midika ho fianteherana tena izy amin’ny teny voalazan’Andriamanitra mazava izany. Tokony haseho amin’ny asa ataontsika ny finoantsika fa hanao araka izay nambarany tokoa Andriamanitra. Tsy natao hihemotra na hijanona tsy hihetsika tsy akory ny fiainan’ny zavaboary (...). Tsy maintsy mandroso isika, miasa amin’ny finoana – finoana izay miasa amin’ny fitiavana sy manadio ny fanahy amin’ny aloky ny fitiavan-tena rehetra. Tsy ny tenantsika no tokony hianteherantsika fa Andriamanitra. Aoka isika tsy hikolokolo tsy finoana. Tsy maintsy manana finoana izay mihazona an’Andriamanitra amin’ny teniny isika. (…)


Ny tena finoana marina dia miorina amin’ny fanaovana araka izay nasain’Andriamanitra atao fa tsy famoronan-javatra tsy nanomezany baiko tsy akory. Ny rariny, ny fahamarinana, ny famindrampo, ireo dia voan’ny finoana. Ilaintsika ny mandeha araka ny lalàn’Andriamanitra; rehefa izay dia ho voan’ny finoantsika ny asa tsara (...). Tsy maintsy ho tsara aloha ny hazo vao hitondra voa tsara. Tsy maintsy manolo-tena amin’ny fahafenoany ho an’Andriamanitra isika. (...)


Endrey izany saha naseho teo anoloako! Tsy maintsy miasa lalina ao anatin’ireo vahoakantsika isan’andro ny Fanahin’Andriamanitra. Tsy maintsy manana finoana izay miasa amin’ny fitiavana izy ireo, finoana avy amin’Andriamanitra izany. (...) Rehefa miasa amin’ny fitiavana ny finoantsika, tahaka ny fitiavana izay nasehon’i Kristy teo amin’ny fiainany, dia ho mafy orina izany (...). Saingy tsy ho velona ao anatintsika i Kristy raha tsy maty aloha ny “izaho” (...). – TMK, t. 226.

Bread of life, Saturday May 18, 2024, A NEVER-FAILING REFUGE
Philippians 4:6. « Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. »
It is not the will of God that His people should be weighed down with care. But our Lord does not deceive us. He does not say to us, “Do not fear; there are no dangers in your path.” He knows there are trials and dangers, and He deals with us plainly. He does not propose to take His people out of a world of sin and evil, but He points them to a never-failing refuge....
How can we remain in doubt, questioning whether Jesus loves us, sinful though we be and compassed with infirmities? He gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. He came to our world in the humble guise of a man, that He might become acquainted with the griefs and temptations that beset man’s pathway, and that He might know how to help the weary with His offer of rest and peace. But thousands upon thousands refuse His assistance and only cling more firmly to their burden of care. He comes to the afflicted, and offers to soothe their grief and heal their sorrow.... To the disappointed, the unbelieving, and the unhappy He offers contentment, while pointing to mansions that He is preparing for them.... Jesus, our precious Saviour, should be first in our thoughts and affections, and we should trust Him with entire confidence....
As each day comes we must in the strength of Jesus meet its trials and temptations. If we fail one day we add to the burdens of the next, and have less strength. We should not cloud the future by our carelessness in the present, but by thoughtful and careful performance of today’s duties be preparing to meet the emergencies of tomorrow.
We need to cultivate a spirit of cheerfulness.... Let us ever look on the bright side of life and be hopeful, full of love and good works, rejoicing in the Lord always. “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts,” and “be ye thankful” (Colossians 3:15).


Mofon'Aina Sabata 18 Mey 2024 FIALOFANA AZO ANTOKA
Fil. 4:6. « Aza manahy na inona na inona: fa aoka ny fivavahana sy ny fifonana mbamin’ny fisaorana no ho entinareo manambara ny fangatahanareo amin‘Andriamanitra amin’ny zavatra rehetra. »
Tsy sitrapon’Andriamanitra ny hivesaran'ny vahoakany ny enta-mavesatry ny fiahiahiana. Tsy mamitaka antsika anefa ilay Tompontsika. Tsy milaza amintsika Izy hoe: “Aza matahotra fa tsy misy loza mananontanona eny an-dalanao.” Fantany fa misy ny fitsapana sy ny loza samihafa, ary milaza izany mazava amintsika Izy. Tsy manoso-kevitra ny hanala ny olony tsy ho eto amin’ny tontolo feno fahotana sy faharatsiana Izy, fa mampitodika ny sain’izy ireo amin’ny fialofana azo antoka kosa. (...)
Ahoana no itoerantsika ao amin’ny fisalasalana ka ametrahantsika fanon- taniana raha toa tia antsika i Jesôsy, na dia be fahotana sy manana kilema marobe aza isika? Nanolotra ny Tenany ho antsika Izy mba hahafahany manavotra antsika amin’ny tsy fahatanterahana rehetra ka hanadiovany antsika ho tonga vahoaka miavaka ho Azy, vahoaka izay vonona hanao asa tsara. Tonga teto amin’ny tontolontsika tao anatin’ny olombelona feno fanetren- tena Izv, mba hahalalany ny fahoriana sy ny fakam-panahy izay mivelatra eo an-dalan’ny zanak’olombelona, ary koa mba hahalalany ny fomba hanampiana ireo reraka amin’ny fanolorany fitsaharana sy fiadanana ho azy ireo. An’arivony anefa no manosi-bohon-tanana ny fanampiany ka mainka aza mifikitra mafy amin’ny enta-mavesatry ny fiahiahiany. Manatona ireo ory Izy ary manolo-tena hanamaivana ny alahelon’izy ireo sy hanasitrana ny fony maratra. (...) Tolorany fifaliana ireo diso fanantenana sy tsy mino ary malahelo ka tarihiny hitodika amin’ny fonenana izay omaniny ho azy ireo. (...)
Isaky ny miposaka ny andro iray dia ny herin’i Jesôsy no tokony hiatrehantsika ireo fitsapana sy fakam-panahy ao amin’izany. Raha tsy manao izany isika amin’ny andro iray, dia manampy ny enta-mavesatra ho an’ny andro manaraka ka ho kely ny herintsika. Aoka isika tsy hanemban-drahona ny hoavy amin’ny tsy firaihana ankehitriny, fa hihevitra sy hitandrina amin’ny fanaovana ireo adidy ho fiomanana ny fiatrehana ireo fahamehana hiseho rahampitso.
Ilaintsika ny mikolokolo toe-tsaina falifaly. (...) Aoka isika hijery mandrakarivany lafiny tsara eo amin’ny fiainana ka ho feno fanantenana, ho feno fitiavana sy hanao asa tsara, ary ho faly mandrakariva ao amin’ny Tompo (...). – TMK, t. 225



Bread of life, Friday May 17, 2024, TRUTHS THAT TRANSFORM


Hebrews 4:12. « The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. »


The truths of the Bible, treasured in the heart and mind and obeyed in the life, convince and convert the soul, transform the character, and comfort and uplift the heart.... The Word makes the proud humble, the perverse meek and contrite, the disobedient obedient. The sinful habits natural to man are interwoven with the daily practice. But the Word cuts away the fleshly lusts. It is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the mind. It divides the joints and marrow, cutting away the lusts of the flesh, making men willing to suffer for their Lord.


The service of Christ is a heavenly and holy and blessed thing. The Word is to be diligently searched, for the ministry of the Word discovers the imperfections in our characters and teaches us that the sanctification of the Spirit is a work of heavenly devising, presenting in Christ Jesus the true perfection that if maintained will become a perfect whole in behalf of every soul. We are educated in Bible lines to become complete in Christlikeness and to see His Father’s face in Him who gave His own life for the saving of the soul.


If you are an intelligent Christian you will maintain religious vitality and will not be deterred by difficulties.... You will work the works of God in gloom as well as in glory, in shade as well as in sunshine, in trial as well as in peace. The truth must be treasured up in your heart as well as incorporated in your being, so that no temptation and no argument can induce you to yield to Satan’s suggestions or devices. The truth is precious. It has wrought important changes upon the life and upon the character, exerting a masterly influence over words, deportment, thoughts, and experience. The soul who appreciates the truth lives under its influence and senses the tremendous realities of eternal things. He lives not to himself, but to Jesus Christ who died for him. To him, God lives and is very cognizant of all his words and actions.



Mofon'Aina Zoma 17 Mey 2024 FAHAMARINANA MANOVA


Heb. 4:12. « Fa velona sy mahery ny tenin’Andriamanitra ka maranitra noho ny sabatra roa lela, ka manindrona hatramin’ny fampisarahana ny aina sy ny fanahy ary ny tonona sy ny tsoka, ka mahay mamantatra ny eritreritra sy ny fisainan’ny fo. »


Ny fahamarinan’ny Baiboly, izay tehirizina ao am-po sy ao an-tsaina ary ankatoavina eo amin’ny fiainana dia mandresy lahatra ny fanahy sy manova ny fo, manova ny toetra, ary mampahery sy manandratra ny fo. (...) Mahatonga ny mpiavonavona hanetry tena ny Teny, manjary malemy fanahy sy torotoro fo ny ratsy fanahy, ary tonga mpankatô ny mpandika lalàna. (...) Manaisotra ireo faniriana araka ny nofo ny Teny. Mpamantatra ny fisainana sy ny fikasan’ny fo izany. Mampisaraka ny tonona sy ny tsoka izany (...), ka mahatonga ny olona manaiky ny hiari-pahoriana noho ny amin’ny Tompony.


Zavatry ny lanitra, masina ary mitondra fitahiana ny fanompoana an’i Kristy. Aoka hodinihina am-pahazotoana ny Teny, satria ny asan’ny Teny no maneho ireo kileman-toetrantsika ary koa mampianatra antsika fa ny fanamasinan’ny Fanahy dia asan’ny lanitra. (...) Ampianarin’ireo andalana ao amin’ny Baiboly isika mba ho tonga tanteraka amin’ny fanahafana an’i Kristy ary mba hahita ny tavan’ny Ray eo amin’ilay nanolotra ny Ainy hamonjena fanahy.


Raha Kristianina marani-tsaina ianao dia hitoetra ao aminao ny tanjaka ara-pivavahana ka tsy ho tototry ny fahasarotana samihafa ianao. (...) Hanao ny asan’Andriamanitra ianao na amin’ny andro sarotra na amin’ny voninahitra, na amin’ny andro maloka na amin’ny andro mamiratra, na amin’ny fizahan-toetra na amin’ny fiadanana. Aoka hotehirizina toy ny harena ao am-ponao ny fahamarinana ary koa hitoetra ao anatinao manontolo, mba tsy hisy fakam-panahy na koa tohan-kevitra hisarika anao hilefitra eo ambany tolo-tsain’i Satana na ny fitaka ataony. Sarobidy ny fahamarinana. Mitondra fiovana manan-danja eo amin’ny fiainana sy eo amin’ny toetra izany, manana hery miasa mangina lehibe eo amin’ny teny sy ny fitondran-tena ary eo amin’ny fisainana sy ny fanandramam-piainana. Ny fanahy mankamamy ny fahamarinana dia miaina eo ambany hery miasa manginan’izany ary mahatsapa ny maha-zava-misy marina sy manan-danja ny mandrakizay. Tsy ho velona ho an’ny tenany izany fanahy izany fa ho an’i Jesôsy Kristy ilay maty ho azy (...). – TMK, t. 199.



Bread of life, Thursday May 16, 2024, OPENING THE MYSTERIES OF REDEMPTION


Luke 24:45. « Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures. »


The Lord wants every one of us to have a deeper, richer experience in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He desires that we shall grow in knowledge—not earthward, but heaven-ward, upward to Christ our living Head. How high, how great, is this knowledge to be? To the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus. We cannot grow too much, we cannot gather up too many of the precious rays of light that God sends us....


We know falsehoods are coming in like a swift current, and that is just the reason why we want every ray of light that God has for us, that we may be able to stand amid the perils of the last days....


O how Christ longs to open before us the mysteries of redemption! He longed to do this for His disciples when He was among them on earth, but they were not far enough advanced in spiritual knowledge to comprehend His words. He had to say to them, “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now” (John 16:12). O how much better could they have borne the terrible ordeal through which they had to pass at His trial and crucifixion if they had advanced and been able to bear the instruction of Christ! Shall we not let Jesus open our understanding? ...


We are on the borders of the eternal world, and we must have a testimony with which all heaven shall be in harmony.


The Lord is coming, and we must be ready! Every moment I want His grace—I want the robe of Christ’s righteousness. We must humble our souls before God as never before, come low to the foot of the cross, and He will put a word in our mouths to speak for Him, even praise unto our God. He will teach us a strain from the song of the angels, even thanksgiving to our heavenly Father. We can do nothing of ourselves, but God wants to touch our lips with a living coal from off the altar. He wants to sanctify our tongues—to sanctify our whole being.





Lio. 24:45. « Dia nanokatra ny sain’ireo Izy hahalala ny Soratra Masina. »


Irin’ny Tompo ny hananan’ny tsirairay avy amintsika fanandramana lalina sy tsara kokoa mikasika ny fahalalana ny Tompontsika sy i Jesôsy Kristy Mpamonjy. Iriny ny hitomboantsika amin’ny fahalalana – tsy ny zavatry ny tany fa ny zavatry ny lanitra, izay mikasika an’i Kristy ilay Mpitarika antsika velona. Endrey, fahalalana ambony sy lehibe manao ahoana re izany! (...) Fantatsika fa ho avy tahaka ny riaka mahery ny fampianaran-diso, ary izany indrindra no antony aniriantsika ny tara-pahazavana rehetra izay alefan’Andriamanitra ho antsika, mba hahatonga antsika ho tafajoro eo anatrehan’ny toe-java-tsarotra amin’ny andro farany. (...)


O! Irin’i Kristy ny hanala sarona ho antsika ireo zava-miafin’ny fanavotana! Naniry ny hanao izany ho an’ireo mpianany Izy fony niaraka tamin’izy ireo tety an-tany, kanefa kely dia kely ny fahalalan’izy ireo zava-panahy ka tsy takany ny Teniny. Tsy maintsy nanao izao teny izao tamin’izy ireo Izy: “Mbola manana zavatra maro holazaina aminareo Aho, nefa tsy zakanareo ankehitriny.'' –Jao. 16:12. Endrey! Ho nahazaka ny fitsapana mahatsiravina izay tsy maintsy nolalovany tamin’ny fotoana nitsarana an’i Jesôsy sy ny nanomboana Azy izy ireo raha toa nandroso ary koa nazoto nihaino ireo toromarik’i Kristy! Moa ve tsy havelantsika hanokatra ny saintsika i Jesôsy mba hahatakarantsika? (...)


Eo amoron’ilay tontolo mandrakizay isika, ary tsy maintsy manao fijoroana ho vavolombelona izay hifandrindra amin’ny lanitra manontolo.


Ho avy ny Tompo, ary tokony ho vonona isika! Iriko isa-tsegôndra ny Fahasoavany – iriko ilay akanjom-pahamarinan’i Kristy. Tsy maintsy mampietry ny tenantsika eo anatrehan’Andriamanitra tahaka izay tsy mbola natao hatrizay isika; mankanesa eo an-tongotry ny hazo fijaliana, dia hataony eo am-bavanao ny teny holazainao momba Azy, eny ny fiderana an’Andriamanitsika koa aza. Hampianariny antsika ny feon-kira amin’ny hiran’ny anjely, eny ny fisaorana izay hatao amin’ilay Raintsika any an-danitra. Tsy mahay manao na inonana inona amin’ny herintsika isika, kanefa irin’Andriamanitra ny hikasika ny molotsika amin’ny vainafo avy eo amin’ny alitara. Iriny ny hanamasina ny lelantsika – ny hanamasina ny momba antsika manontolo. – TMK, t. 191.



Bread of life, Wednesday May 15, 2024, BUILDING UP ONE ANOTHER


Romans 15:1. « We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. »


God does not want us to place ourselves upon the judgment seat and judge each other.... When we see errors in others, let us remember that we have faults graver, perhaps, in the sight of God than the fault we condemn in our brother. Instead of publishing his defects, ask God to bless him and to help him to overcome his error. Christ will approve of this spirit and action, and will open the way for you to speak a word of wisdom that will impart strength and help to him who is weak in the faith.


The work of building one another up in the most holy faith is a blessed work, but the work of tearing down is a work full of bitterness and sorrow. Christ identifies Himself with His suffering children, for He says, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” (Matthew 25:40).... Every heart has its own sorrows and disappointments, and we should seek to lighten one another’s burdens by manifesting the love of Jesus to those around us. If our conversation were upon heaven and heavenly things, evil speaking would soon cease to have any attraction for us....


Instead of finding fault with others, let us be critical with ourselves. The question with each one of us should be, Is my heart right before God? Will this course of action glorify my Father which is in heaven? If you have cherished a wrong spirit, let it be banished from the soul. It is your duty to eradicate from your heart everything that is of a defiling nature. Every root of bitterness should be plucked up, lest others be contaminated by its baleful influence. Do not allow one poisonous plant to remain in the soil of your heart. Root it out this very hour, and plant in its stead the plant of love. Let Jesus be enshrined in the soul. Christ is our example. He went about doing good. He lived to bless others. Love beautified and ennobled all His actions, and we are commanded to follow in His steps.



Mofon'Aina Alarobia 15 Mey 2024 MIFANAMPY MBA HANDROSO


Rôm. 15:1. « Fa isika izay matanjaka dia tokony hitondra ny fahalemen’ny malemy ka tsy hitady izay hahafaly ny tenantsika ihany. »


Tsy tian’Andriamanitra ny hipetrahantsika eo amin’ny sezan’ny mpitsara ka hifam-pitsarantsika. (...) Rehefa mahita fahadisoana eo amin’ny hafa isika dia aoka hotsaroantsika fa mety ratsy kokoa noho izany aza ny helotsika eo imason’Andriamanitra raha oharina amin’ny rahalahintsika izay melohintsika. Aoka tsy hampibaribary ny fahalemeny isika fa hangataka amin’Andriamanitra mba hitahy sy hanampy azy handresy ny tsy mety ataony. Ankasitrahan’i Kristy izany toe-tsaina sy fihetsika izany, ary hanokatra lalana ho anao Izy mba hanaovanao tenim-pahendrena izay hanome hery sy hanampy ireo malemy amin’ny finoana.


Voatahy ny fifanampiana izay atao ao amin’ny finoana masina indrindra, fa ny fandravana kosa dia asa feno fangidiana sy fahoriana. Miray fo amin’ireo zanany mijaly i Kristy, satria hoy Izy hoe: “Araka izay efa nataonareo tamin’ny anankiray amin’ireto rahalahiko kely indrindra ireto no nataonareo tamiko'' – Mat. 25:40. (...) Ny fo tsirairay dia manana ny fahoriany sy ny fahadisoam-panantenany, ka tokony hokatsahintsika izay hanamaivanana ny enta-mavesatry ny hafa amin’ny fanehoana ny fitiavan’i Jesôsy amin’ireo manodidina antsika (...).


Aoka isika tsy hijery ny fahalemen’ny hafa fa hanombana ny fahadisoantsika. Izao no fanontaniana tokony hapetraky ny tsirairay: moa ve mihavana amin’Andriamanitra ny foko? Moa ve izao ataoko izao manome voninahitra an’ilay Raiko any an-danitra? Raha nikolokolo toe-tsaina ratsy ianao, aoka izany hofoanana tsy ho ao amin’ny fanahy. Adidinao ny manongotra hatramin’ny fakany tsy ho ao am-ponao ny zavatra rehetra mandoto. Tokony hofongorana ny fangidiana rehetra raha tsy izany dia hosimban’ny hery miasa mangina ratsy avy aminy ny hafa. Aza avela hitoetra ao amin’ny sahan’ny fo ny zava-maniry misy poizina. Ongoty isan’ora izany, ary voleo ho solony ny fitiavana. Aoka i Jesôsy hitoetra ao amin’ny fanahy. I Kristy no Ohatra ho antsika. Nandeha mba hanao soa Izy, ary velona mba ho fitahiana ho an’ny hafa. Ny fitiavana no nanome endrika kanto sy nanandratra ny Asany rehetra, ary omena baiko mba hanaraka ny dian-tongony isika. – TMK, t. 187.



Bread of life, Tuesday May 14, 2024, THE COMING OF THE COMFORTER


John 14:16,17. « And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. »


Christ was about to depart to His home in the heavenly courts, but He assured His disciples that He would send them the Comforter, who would abide with them forever. To the guidance of this Comforter all may implicitly trust. He is the Spirit of truth; but this truth the world can neither see nor receive....


Christ desired His disciples to understand that He would not leave them orphans. “I will not leave you comfortless,” He declared: “I will come to you” (John 14:18, 19).... Precious, glorious assurance of eternal life! Even though He was to be absent, their relation to Him was to be that of a child to its parent....


The words spoken to the disciples come to us through their words. The Comforter is ours as well as theirs, at all times and in all places, in all sorrows and in all affliction, when the outlook seems dark and the future perplexing and we feel helpless and alone. These are times when the Comforter will be sent in answer to the prayer of faith.


There is no comforter like Christ, so tender and so true. He is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. His Spirit speaks to the heart. Circumstances may separate us from our friends; the broad, restless ocean may roll between us and them. Though their sincere friendship may still exist, they may be unable to demonstrate it by doing for us that which would be gratefully received. But no circumstances, no distance, can separate us from the heavenly Comforter. Wherever we are, wherever we may go, He is always there, one given in Christ’s place, to act in His stead. He is always at our right hand, to speak soothing, gentle words, to support, sustain, uphold, and cheer. The influence of the Holy Spirit is the life of Christ in the soul. This Spirit works in and through every one who receives Christ. Those who know the indwelling of this Spirit reveal its fruit—love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.





Jao. 14:16,17. « Ary Izaho hangataka amin’ny Ray, ary Izy hanome anareo Mpananatra hafa mba ho eo aminareo mandrakizay, dia ny Fanahin’ny fahamarinana, Izay tsy azon’izao tontolo izao horaisina, satria tsy hitany na fantany; fa hianareo no mahafantatra Azy satria mitoetra eo aminareo Izy, ary ho ao anatinareo. »


Efa hody any amin’ny lapan’ny lanitra i Kristy, kanefa nanome toky ireo mpianany Izy fa handefa ny Mpampahery ho azy ireo, izay hitoetra eo Aminy mandrakariva. Azon’ny rehetra atao ny mitoky tsy am-pisalasalana amin’ny fitarihan’io Mpampahery io. Izy no Fanahin’ny fahamarinana; saingy fahamarinana tsy hitan’izao tontolo izao no sady tsy raisiny izany. (...)


Fanirian’i Kristy ny hahatakaran’ireo mpianany fa tsy hamela azy ireo ho kamboty Izy. “Tsy hamela anareo ho kamboty Aho hoy Izy, “hankaty Aminareo Aho" – Jao. 14:18,19. (...) Endrey izany toky sarobidy sy be voninahitra momba ny fiainana mandrakizay! (...)


Miantefa amintsika, amin’ny alalan’ny tenin’ireo mpianatr’i Jesôsy, ny zavatra nambarany tamin’izy ireo. Sady antsika no azy ireo Ilay Mpampahery (...) ao anatin’ny fahoriana syny alahelo rehetra, rehefa toy ny manjombona izay jerena ary mahavery hevitra ny ho avy ka mahatsiaro ho miraviravy tanana sy manirery isika. Hisy ny fotoana izay hanirahana ny Mpampahery ho valin’ny vavaka natao tamim-pinoana.


Tsy misy mpampahery toa an’i Kristy; malemy fanahy sy marina tokoa Izy. Mahakasika Azy ny fahatsapana ny fahalementsika. Miteny amin’ny fontsika ny Fanahiny. Mety hampisaraka antsika amin’ireo namantsika ny toe-javatra samihafa; mety hanelanelana azy ireo amintsika ny ranomasimbe midadasika sy manonja be. (...) Saingy tsy misy toe-javatra, na elanelan-tany, afaka mampisaraka antsika amin’ilay Mpampahery avy any an-danitra. Na aiza na aiza misy antsika, na aiza na aiza mety halehantsika, dia eo mandrakariva Izy, Ilay nomena hisolo ny toeran’i Kristy, mba hiasa eo amin’ny toerany. Eo ankavanantsika mandrakariva Izy, mba hanao teny mampitony sy feno halemem-panahy, mba hanohana sy hamelona ary hampahery antsika. (...) Miasa ao amin’ireo izay mandray an’i Kristy io Fanahy io, ary miasa amin’ny alalan’izy ireo koa (...). – TMK, t. 171.

Bread of life, Monday May 13, 2024, JESUS OUR ALL
1 Corinthians 1:30. « But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. »
It is growth in knowledge of the character of Christ that sanctifies the soul. To discern and appreciate the wonderful work of the atonement transforms him who contemplates the plan of salvation. By beholding Christ he becomes changed into the same image, from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord. The beholding of Jesus becomes an ennobling, refining process.... The perfection of Christ’s character is the Christian’s inspiration... Christ should never be out of the mind. The angels said concerning Him, “Thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). Jesus, precious Saviour! assurance, helpfulness, security, and peace are all in Him. He is the dispeller of all our doubts, the earnest of all our hopes. How precious is the thought that we may indeed become partakers of the divine nature, whereby we may overcome as Christ overcame! Jesus is the fullness of our expectation. He is the melody of our songs, the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. He is living water to the thirsty soul. He is our refuge in the storm. He is our righteousness, our sanctification, our redemption.
The power of Christ is to be the comfort, the hope, the crown of rejoicing, of every one that follows Jesus in his conflict, in his struggles in life. He who truly follows the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world, can shout as he advances, “This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4).
What kind of faith is it that overcomes the world? It is that faith which makes Christ your own personal Saviour—that faith which, recognizing your helplessness, your utter inability to save yourself, takes hold of the helper who is mighty to save, as your only hope. It is faith that will not be discouraged, that hears the voice of Christ saying, “Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, and my divine strength is yours.” ... “Lo, I am with you alway.”



Mofon'Aina Alatsinainy 13 Mey 2024 JESÔSY, ILAY ZAVA-DREHETRA HO ANTSIKA


1 Kôr. 1:30. « Fa avy aminy no nanaovana anareo ho ao amin’i Kristy Jesosy, Izay nataon’Andriamanitra fahendrena sy fahamarinana sy fahamasinana ary fanavotana ho antsika. »


Nyfitomboana amin’ny fahalalana ny toetran’i Kristy no manamasina ny fanahy. Manova ny olona izay misaintsaina ny amin’ny drafi-pamonjena ny fibanjinana sy ny fankasitrahana ny asa fanavotana mahatalanjona. Rehefa mibanjina an’i Kristy izy dia manjary manahaka Azy, avy amin’ny voninahitra ho amin’ny voninahitra (...). Tonga dingana manandratra sy manamboatra azy ny fibanjinana an’i Jesôsy. (...) Ny hanana ny fahatanterahan’i Kristy no fanirian’ny Kristianina. (...) Aoka hisaintsaina momba an’i Kristy mandrakariva. Izao no ambaran’ny anjely momba Azy: “ary ny anarany hataonao hoe JESOSY; fa Izy no hamonjy ny olony ho afaka amin’ny fahotany.” – Mat. 1:21. Jesôsy, Mpamonjy sarobidy! Ao Aminy no misy toky sy fanampiana, fiarovana ary fiadanana. Izy no mpandroaka ireo fisalasalantsika rehetra, ilay fanantenantsika lehibe indrindra. Endrey, mamy loatra ny fieritreretana fa azontsika atao ny ho tonga mpiray amin’ny fomban’Andriamanitra, ary azontsika atao ny mandresy tahaka izay nandresen’i Kristy! I Jesôsy no fahatanterahan'ny fanantenantsika. (...) Izy no rano velona ho an’ny fanahy mangetaheta Izy no Fialofana rehefa mifofofofo ny tafio-drivotra. Izy no fahamarinantsika, fanamasinana ary fanavotana antsika.


Ny herin’i Kristy no tokony ho fampaherezana, fanantenana, satroboninahitry ny fifalian’izay rehetra manaraka an’i Jesôsy eo amin’ny ady sy ny tolona atrehiny eo amin’ny fiainana. Izay manara-dia marina ilay Zanak’ondrin’Andriamanitra izay manaisotra ny fahotan’izao tontolo izao dia afaka ny hihiaka toy izao raha eo am-pandrosoana: “ary ny fandresena izay enli-maharesy izao tontolo izao dia ny finoantsika.” – 1 Jao. 5:4.


Finoana toy ny ahoana moa no mandresy an’izao tontolo izao? Finoana izay manao an’i Kristy ho Mpamonjin’ny tenanao manokana izany – finoana izay miaiky ny tsy fahafahana manao na inona na inona sy ny tsy fahafahana mamonjy ny tena (...), ka mifikitra amin’ilay Mpanampy manana hery hoenti-mamonjy ho hany fanantenany. Finoana izay tsy mety sasatra izany, izay mandre ny feon’i Kristy manao hoe: “Mahereza, efa nandresy izao tontolo izao Aho, ary anao ny Heriko.” (...) “Indro Aho momba anareo mandrakariva.” – TMK, t. 166.



Bread of life, Sunday May 12, 2024, A LIFE OF STRENGTH


John 9:4. « I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. »


The Christian life does not consist merely in the exercise of meekness, patience, humility, and kindness. One may possess these precious and amiable traits and yet be nerveless and spiritless, and almost useless when the work goes hard. Such persons lack the positiveness and energy, the solidity and strength of character, which would enable them to resist evil, and would make them a power in the cause of God.


Jesus was our example in all things, and He was an earnest and constant worker. He commenced His life of usefulness in childhood. At the age of twelve He was “about his Father’s business.” Between the ages of twelve and thirty, before entering upon His public ministry, He led a life of active industry. In His ministry Jesus was never idle. Said He, “I must work the works of him that sent me....” The suffering who came to Him were not turned away unrelieved. He was acquainted with each heart and knew how to minister to its needs. Loving words fell from His lips to comfort, encourage, and bless, and the great principles of the kingdom of heaven were set before the multitudes in words so simple as to be understood by all.


Jesus was a silent and unselfish worker. He did not seek fame, riches, or applause, neither did He consult His own ease and pleasure....He did not shirk care and responsibility, as many do who profess to be His followers....


The claims of Christ upon our service are new every day. However complete may have been our consecration at conversion, it will avail us nothing unless it be renewed daily, but a consecration that embraces the actual present is fresh, genuine, and acceptable to God. We have not weeks and months to lay at His feet; tomorrow is not ours, for we have not yet received it, but today we may work for Jesus. Today we may lay our plans and purposes before Him for His inspection and approval....This is God’s day, and you are His hired servant.



Mofon'Aina Alahady 12 Mey 2024 FIAINANA FENO HERY


Jao. 9:4 « Isika tsy maintsy manao ny asan’izay naniraka Ahy, raha mbola antoandro; avy ny alina, ka tsy mahazo miasa ny olona. »


Ny fiainana kristianina dia tsy fanehoana fahalemem-panahy, sy fahari-po, fanetren-tena ary fahamoram-panahy fotsiny ihany. Mety hanana ireo toetra tsara sy sarobidy ireo ny olona iray kanefa malemy sy ketraka ary saika tsy mahasoa rehefa mihasarotra ny asa. Tsy manana fijery miabo sy tanjaka ny olona toy izany, tsy ananany ny toetra hentitra sy mijoro izay hahafahany manohitra ny ratsy sy hanao ny raharahan’Andriamanitra amin-kery.


I Jesôsy no ohatra ho antsika amin’ny zavatra rehetra (...). Tamin’ny fahazazany no nanombohany ny fiainany tamin’ny fanampiana ny hafa. Nanao ny “raharahan’ny Rainy” Izy tamin’ny faharoa ambin’ny folo taonany (...). Nohamaivaniny ny fahorian’ireo izay nanatona Azy fa tsy mba nolaviny izy ireo. Fantany ny fo tsirairay ary fantany izay tokony hatao hanomezana izay ilain’izy ireo. Teny feno fitiavana no niloatra teo imolony mba hampahery sy hanohana ary hitondra fitahiana; ary nataony teo anoloan’ireo vahoaka maro tamin’ny alalan’nv teny tsotra mba ho takatry ny rehetra ny fitsipika lehiben’ny fanjakan’ny lanitra.


Mpiasa tsy tia tena ary tsy nisehoseho i Jesôsy. Tsy nitady laza na harena na koa fandokafana Izy, na koa nikatsaka izay mahafinaritra Azy. (...) Tsy mba nihalangalana tamin’ny fiahiana sy ny andraikitra tokony hatao Izy, tahaka izay ataon’ny ankamaroan’ireo mitonona ho mpanara-dia Azy. (...)


Vaovao isa-maraina ny fitakian’i Kristy ny fanompoantsika. Na toy ny ahoana aza ny fahatanterahan’ny fanoloran-tenantsika fony isika vao niova fo, dia tsy hahasoa ho amin’ny inona na inona izany raha tsy havaozina isan’andro. Ny fanoloran-tena amin’ny fotoana ankehitriny kosa no vaovao sy tena izy ary ankasitrahan’Andriamanitra. Tsy manana herinandro na volana maro hipetrahana eo an-tongotr’i Jesôsy isika; tsy antsika ny ampitso satria tsy mbola nomena antsika, fa azontsika atao kosa ny hiasa ho Azy anio. Azontsika atao anio ny hamelatra eo anoloany ny drafitra sy ny tanjontsika ka miandry ny fijereny sy ny fanekeny izany. (...) Andron’i Jehôvah izao, ary mpanompo izay nantsoiny ianao. – TMK, t. 155.

Bread of life, Saturday May 11, 2024, ABIDING IN CHRIST
John 15:4. « Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. »
“Abide in me” are words of great significance. Abiding in Christ means a living, earnest, refreshing faith that works by love and purifies the soul. It means a constant receiving of the spirit of Christ, a life of unreserved surrender to His service. Where this union exists, good works will appear. The life of the vine will manifest itself in fragrant fruit on the branches. The continual supply of the grace of Christ will bless you and make you a blessing, till you can say with Paul, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me” (Galatians 2:20).
The sacred union with Christ will unite the brethren in the most endearing bonds of Christian fellowship. Their hearts will be touched with divine compassion one for another.... Coldness, variance, strife, are entirely out of place among the disciples of Christ. They have accepted the one faith. They have joined to serve the one Lord, to endure in the same warfare, to strive for the same object, and to triumph in the same cause. They have been bought with the same precious blood, and have gone forth to preach the same message of salvation....
Those who are constantly drawing strength from Christ will possess His spirit. They will not be careless in word or deportment. An abiding sense of how much their salvation has cost in the sacrifice of the beloved Son of God will rest upon their souls. Like a fresh and vivid transaction the scenes of Calvary will present themselves to their minds and their hearts will be subdued and made tender by this wonderful manifestation of the love of Christ to them. They will look upon others as the purchase of His precious blood, and those who are united with Him will seem noble and elevated and sacred because of this connection. The death of Christ on Calvary should lead us to estimate souls as He did. His love has magnified the value of every man, woman, and child.



Mofon'Aina Sabotsy 11 Mey 2024 MITOETRA AO AMIN’I KRISTY


Jao. 15:4. « Tomoera amiko ary Izaho aminareo. Tahaka ny sampany tsy mahay mamoa ho azy, dia toy izany koa hianareo, raha tsy miray amiko. »


“Tomoera Amiko”, teny manan- danja tokoa ireo. Ny hoe mitoetra ao amin’i Kristy dia midika hoe manana finoana velona sy vokatry ny fo tokoa ary mamelombelona, finoana izay miasa amin’ny fitiavana sy manadio ny fanahy. Midika ho fandraisana tsy tapaka ny toe-tsain’i Kristy izany, ary koa fiainana manolo-tena tanteraka ho amin’ny fanompoana Azy. Na aiza na aiza isian’izany firaisana izany dia hiseho ny asa tsara. Ny fiainan’ny voaloboka dia hiseho ho azy amin’ny voa entin’ny sampany. Ho fitahiana ho anao sy hahatonga anao ho fitahiana ny fanohanan’ny fahasoavan’i Kristy tsy tapaka, mandra-pahatonga ny fotoana hahafahanao miteny miaraka amin’i Paoly hoe: “Voahombo miaraka amin’i Kristy amin’ny hazo fijaliana aho, ary tsy izaho intsony no velona, fa Kristy no velona ato anatiko” – Gal. 2:20.


Ny firaisana masina amin’i Kristy no hampiray ny mpirahalahy amin’ny fatorana mamin’ny fifankatiavana kristianina. (...) Tsy misy toerana ho an’ny fangatsiahana sy ny fifandirana ary ny adilahy velively eo amin’ireo mpianatr’i Kristy. Finoana iray ihany no efa neken’izy ireo. Nikambana mba hanompo Tompo iray izy ireo, hiara-miatrika ady iray ihany, hiara-miezaka ho amin’ny tanjona iray, ary hiara-mandresy amin’ny toe-javatra iray. Ra sarobidy no nividianana azy rehetra ka hafatry ny famonjena iray ihany no notoriny. (...)


Ireo izay mitady hery mandrakariva eo amin’i Kristy no hanana ny toe-tsainy. Hitandrina hatrany izy ireo amin’ny teny ataony sy ny fitondrany ny tenany. Hitoetra ao amin’ny fanahiny ny fahatsapany mandrakariva ny hasarobidin’ny famonjena azy tamin’ny nanaovana sorona ilay Zanaka malalan’Andriamanitra. Hirakitra ao an-tsainy tahaka ny sary velona sy vaovao ny toe-javatra niseho teo Kalvary ka hilefitra sy halefaka ny fony noho izany fanehoana mahatalanjona ny fitiavan’i Kristy azy izany. Olona voavidin’ny ra sarobidin’i Kristy no hahitany ny hafa, ary ireo izay manana firaisana Aminy dia ho ambony sy voasandratra ary masina noho ny amin’izany fifandraisana izany. Ny fahafatesan’i Kristy teo Kalvary dia tokony hitarika antsika hanombana ny fanahy tahaka ny anombanan’i Kristy azy ireo. (...) – TMK, t. 132.

Bread of life, Friday May 10, 2024, CHILDREN, NOT SLAVES
Hebrews 12:28. « Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. »
There are many who profess to be Christ’s followers and yet are not doers of His Word. They do not relish this Word because it presents service which is not agreeable to them. They do not relish the wholesome reproofs and close, earnest appeals. They do not love righteousness, but are mastered and tyrannized over by their own erratic, human impulses.
It makes every difference how we do service for God. The boy who drudges through his lessons because he must learn will never become a real student. The man who claims to keep the commandments of God because he thinks he must do it will never enter into the enjoyment of obedience.
The essence and flavor of all obedience is the outworking of a principle within—the love of righteousness, the love of the law of God. The essence of all righteousness is loyalty to our Redeemer, doing right because it is right. When the Word of God is a burden because it cuts directly across human inclinations, then the religious life is not a Christian life, but a tug and a strain, an enforced obedience. All the purity and godliness of religion are set aside.
But adoption into the family of God makes us children, not slaves. When the love of Christ enters the heart we strive to imitate the character of Christ.... The more we study the life of Christ with a heart to learn, the more Christlike we become. Into the heart of every true doer of the Word the Holy Spirit infuses clear understanding. The more we crucify selfish practices by imparting our blessings to others and by exercising our God-given ability, the more the heavenly graces will be strengthened and increased in us. We will grow in spirituality, in patience, in fortitude, in meekness, in gentleness.... A train of cars is not merely attached to the engine; they follow on the same track as the engine. Whom are we following?

Mofon'Aina Zoma 10 Mey 2024 ZANAKA FA TSY ANDEVO
Heb. 12:28. « Koa satria mandray fanjakana tsy azo ampihorohoroina isika, dia aoka isika hanana fahasoavana hoentintsika manao izay fanompoana sitrak’Andriamanitra amin’ny fanajana sy ny fahatahorana. »
Marobe no mitonona ho mpanara-dia an’i Kristy kanefa tsy mampihatra ny Teniny. Tsy mankamamy ny Teniny izy ireo satria maneho fanompoana tsy mahafinaritra azy izany. Tsy tiany ny fananarana mahavonjy sy ny fiantsoana hentitra sy vokatry ny fo. Halany ny fahamarinana; ary fehezin’ny firehetam-po maha-olona sy feno haratsiana izy ka ampahorin’izany.
Zava-dehibe tokoa ny fomba anaovantsika fanompoana ho an’Andriamanitra. Ny tovolahy kely izay mahatsiaro ho mijaly eo am-pianarana ny lesony dia tsy ho tonga mpianatra tena izy na oviana na oviana. Ny lehilahy izay milaza ho mitandrina ny didin’Andriamanitra noho ny fiheverany fa tsy maintsy ataony izany dia tsy mba hiditra amin’ny fifalian’ny fankatoavana velively.
Ny fototra sy ny ivon’ny fankatoavana rehetra dia ny fampiharana ny fîtsipika iray iainana ao anaty – ny fitiavana ny fahamarinana, ny fitiavana ny lalàn’Andriamanitra. Fahatokiana amin’ilay Mpanavotra antsika no fototry ny fahamarinana rehetra, ny fanaovana ny tsara satria izany no tokony hatao. Rehefa heverina ho enta-mavesatra ny Tenin’Andriamanitra noho izy mikasika mivantana ny fironan’ny olombelona, dia tsy fiainana kristianina izany ny fiainana ara-pivavahana fa fanerena sy fankatoavana an-tery ihany. Manjary voailika ny fahadiovana sy ny toe-panahy araka an’Andriamanitra ao anatin’ny fivavahana.
Ny fandraisana ho isan’ny ankohonan’Andriamanitra anefa dia mahatonga antsika ho zanaka fa tsy andevo. Rehefa miditra ao am-po ny fitiavana an’i Kristy dia manao ny ezaka hanahafana ny toetran’i Kristy isika. (...) Arakaraka ny andinihantsika momba ny fiainan’i Kristy amin’ny fo manaiky ampianarina no hanahafantsika Azy. Fahatakarana mazava no bitsihin’ny Fanahy Masina ao am-pon’ireo rehetra mpanatanteraka ny Teny. Arakaraka ny hanomboantsika amin’ny hazo fijaliana ireo fanao feno fitiavan-tena ka hizarantsika ireo fitahiana azontsika amin’ny hafa sy hampiasantsika ny fahaiza-manao omen’Andriamanitra no hampaherezana sy hampitomboana ny fahasoavan’ny lanitra ao anatintsika. Hitombo amin’ny fiainam-panahy isika, amin’ny faharetana, amin’ny herim-po, ary amin’ny fahamoram-panahy. (...) – TMK, t. 118.

Bread of life, Thursday May 9, 2024, A FAITH THAT PURIFIES THE LIFE
1 Timothy 6:11, 12. « But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, where unto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. »
Many teach that all that is necessary to salvation is to believe in Jesus, but what saith the word of truth?—“Faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). We are to “fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,” take up the cross, deny self, war against the flesh, and follow daily in the footsteps of the Redeemer....
It is a fatal mistake to think that there is nothing for you to do in obtaining salvation. You are to cooperate with the agencies of heaven....There is a cross to be lifted in the pathway, a wall to be scaled before you enter the eternal city, a ladder to be climbed before the gate of pearl is reached, and as you realize your inability and weakness and cry for help, a divine voice will come to you from the battlements of heaven saying, “Take hold of my strength” (Isaiah 27:5)....
The controversy that was waged between Christ and Satan is renewed over every soul that leaves the black banner of the prince of darkness to march under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel. The evil one will present the most subtle allurements to draw those away from their allegiance who would be true to Heaven, but we must yield all the powers of our being into the service of God, and then we shall be kept from falling into the snares of the enemy....
Any course of action that weakens your physical or mental power unfits you for the service of your Creator. We are to love God with all our hearts, and if we have an eye single to His glory we shall eat, drink, and clothe ourselves with reference to His divine will. Every one who has a realizing sense of what it means to be a Christian will purify himself from everything that weakens and defiles. All the habits of his life will be brought into harmony with the requirements of the Word of truth, and he will not only believe, but will work out his own salvation with fear and trembling, while submitting to the molding of the Holy Spirit.



Mofon'Aina Alakamisy 09 Mey 2024 FINOANA MANADIO NY FIAINANA


1 Tim. 6:11,12. « Fa hianao kosa, ry lehilahin’Andriamanitra, mandosira izany zavatra izany, ka miezaha mitady fahamarinana, toe-panahy araka an’Andriamanitra, finoana, fitiavana, faharetana, fahalemem-panahy. Miadia ny ady tsaran’ny finoana, hazony ny fiainana mandrakizay; fa ho amin’izany no niantsoana anao koa sy nanaovanao ilay fanekena tsara teo imason’ny vavolombelona maro. »


Olona maro no mampianatra fa ny finoana an’i Jesôsy irery ihany dia ampy hahazoana famonjena; inona anefa no ambaran’ny tenin’ny fahamarinana? “Maty (...) ny finoana, raha tsy misy asa.” – Jak. 2:26. Tokony hiady ny ady tsaran’ny finoana isika ary hihazona ny fiainana mandrakizay, handray ny hazo fijaliana, handà ny tena, hiady amin’ny nofo, ary hanaraka isan’andro ny dian-tongotr’ilay Mpanavotra. (...)


Fahadisoana mampidi-doza ny fiheverana fa tsy misy na inona na inona tokony hatao mba hahazoana famonjena. Tokony hiara-miasa amin’ny lanitra ianao. (...) Misy hazo fijaliana tokony holanjaina eo an-dalana, misy manda tokony harodana vao ho tafiditra ao amin’ilay tanàna mandrakizay, misy tohatra tokony hiakarana vao ho tratra ilay vavahady vatosoa, ary rehefa mahatsapa ny tsy fahafahanao manoatra sy ny fahalemenao ianao ka mitalaho fanampiana dia hisy feo avy any an-danitra ho renao avy eo amin’ny lapan’ny lanitra manao hoe: “aoka hifikitra amin’ny heriko” ianao (Isa. 27:5). (...)


(...) Ny zava-manintona mifono fitaka miafina indrindra no ampiasain’ilay ratsy mba hamiliana ny fahatokian’ireo izay mahatoky amin’ny Lanitra. Aoka anefa haompantsika ho amin’ny fanompoana an’Andriamanitra ny herintsika rehetra dia ho voaro tsy ho latsaka ao amin’ny fandriky ny fahavalo isika. (...)


Izay asa mampaosa ny herim-batanao sy ny herin-tsainao dia mahatonga anao tsy ho vonona hanompo ilay Mpamorona anao. Tokony ho tia an’Andriamanitra amin’ny fontsika rehetra isika, ary raha tsy mifantoka afa-tsy amin’ny Voninahiny isika dia hihinana sy hisotro ary hitafy araka ny Sitrapony. Izay rehetra mahatsapa ny hevitry ny maha-Kristianina dia hanadio ny tenany ho afaka amin’ny zavatra rehetra izay mandemy sy mandoto. Ny fahazarana rehetra eto amin’ity fiainana ity dia hampifanarahany amin’ireo fitakian’ny Tenin’ny fahamarinana, ary tsy hino fotsiny izy fa hiasa amin-tahotra sy hovitra mba hahatanteraka ny famonjena ny tenany sady milefitra amin’ny famolavolan’ny Fanahy Masina. – TMK, t. 115.



Bread of life, Wednesday May 8, 2024, PROVISION FOR EVERY EMERGENCY


Hebrews 2:3. « How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him. »


The divine Author of salvation left nothing incomplete in the plan; every phase of it is perfect. The sin of the whole world was laid upon Jesus, and divinity gave its highest value to the suffering of humanity in Jesus that the whole world might be pardoned through faith in the Substitute. The most guilty need have no fear but that God will pardon, for because of the efficacy of the divine sacrifice the penalty of the law will be remitted. Through Christ the sinner may return to allegiance to God.


How wonderful is the plan of redemption in its simplicity and fullness. It not only provides for the full pardon of the sinner but also for the restoration of the transgressor, making a way whereby he may be accepted as a son of God. Through obedience he may be the possessor of love and peace and joy. His faith may unite him in his weakness to Christ, the source of divine strength, and through the merits of Christ he may find the approval of God, because Christ has satisfied the demands of the law, and He imputes His righteousness to the penitent, believing soul....


What love, what wonderful love, was displayed by the Son of God....Christ takes the sinner from the lowest degradation, and purifies, refines, and ennobles him. By beholding Jesus as He is, the sinner is transformed and elevated to the very summit of dignity, even to a seat with Christ upon his throne....


The plan of redemption provides for every emergency and for every want of the soul. If it were deficient in any way, the sinner might find some excuse to plead for neglect of its terms, but the infinite God had a knowledge of every human necessity, and ample provision has been made to supply every need.... What, then, can the sinner say in the great day of final judgment as to why he refused to give attention, the most thorough and earnest, to the salvation proffered him?





Heb. 2:3. « Hataontsika ahoana no fandositra raha tsy mitandrina izao famonjena lehibe izao isika? dia ilay nampilazaina ny Tompo tamin'ny voalohany, ary nohamafisin’izay nandre tamintsika kosa. »


Tsy nisy navelan’Ilay Tompon’ny famonjena avy an-danitra hisy tomika ny drafitra; tonga lafatra avokoa ny dingana rehetra ao anatin’ izany. Navela holanjain’i Jesôsy ny fahotan’izao rehetra izao, ary nomen’Andriamanitra ny tombambidy ambony indrindra ny fahorian’ny olombelonatao amin’i Jesôsy mba hahazoan’izao tontolo izao famelan-keloka amin’ny alalan’ny finoana ilay Mpisolo. Aoka izay meloka indrindra tsy hatahotra fandrao tsy hamela ny fahotany Andriamanitra, satria ny fahombiazan’ny sorona ataon’Andriamanitra no hanafoanana ny famaizan’ny lalàna. (...)


Endrey! Mahatalanjona tokoa ny drafi-panavotana ao amin’ny fahatsorany sy ny fahatanterahany! Tsy mitondra famelana feno ho an’ny mpanota fotsiny izany fa mamerina amin’ny laoniny ny mpandika lalàna, ary manao lalana hahafahana mandray azy ho zanak’Andriamanitra. Amin’ny alalan’ny fankatoavana no hahafahany ho tonga manam-pitiavana sy fiadanana ary fifaliana. Ny finoany no afaka mampikambana azy amin’i Kristy na dia ao anatin’ny fahalemeny aza; i Kristy, ilay loharanon’ny hery avy any an-danitra. Ary amin’ny alalan’ny fahamendrehan’i Kristy no hahitany sitraka eo imason’Andriamanitra, satria efa namaly ny fitakian’ny lalàna i Kristy ary efa nampitafy ny Fahamarinany amin’ilay fanahy mino izay mibebaka. (...)


Fitiavana manao ahoana re izany! Fitiavana mahatalanjona no nasehon’ilay Zanak’Andriamanitra! (...) Alain’i Kristy avy any amin’ny toerana ambany indrindra ny mpanota ka dioviny sy asandrany. Rehefa mibanjina an’i Jesôsy amin’ny maha-Izy Azy ny mpanota dia voaova sy voasandratra ho amin’ny fahamendrehana faratampony, eny ho eo amin’ny fipetrahan’i Kristy eo amin’ny seza fiandrianany mihitsy aza. (...)


Ny drafi-panavotana no antoka hiatrehana ny fahamehana rehetra sy izay rehetra mety ilain’ny fanahy. Raha toa izany misy tsiny dia ho nanana fialan-tsiny ny mpanota amin’ny fanaovany an-tsirambina ny fanarahana ny fitsipiny, kanefa ilay Andriamanitra mandrakizay dia mahalala izay rehetra ilain’ny olombelona, ary fitahiana mitafotafo no nomena mba hanohanana ny zavatra ilaintsika rehetra. (...) Inona àry no azon’ny mpanota lazaina amin’ny andro lehiben'ny fitsarana farany ho fialan-tsiny noho ny fanaovany an-tsirambina ny famonjena natolotra azy? – TMK, t. 96.


Bread of life, Tuesday May 7, 2024, THE PRICELESS PEARL
Matthew 13:45, 46. « Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. »
This goodly pearl represents the priceless treasure of Christ, as does the gold hid in the field. In Christ we have everything that is needful for us in this life, and that which will make up the joy of the world to come. All the money in the world will not buy the gift of peace and rest and love. These gifts are provided for us through faith in Christ. We cannot purchase these gifts from God; we have nothing with which to buy them. We are the property of God, for mind, soul, and body have been purchased by the ransom of the life of the Son of God....
Then what is it to buy the eternal treasure? It is simply to give back to Jesus His own, to receive Him into the heart by faith. It is cooperation with God; it is bearing the yoke with Christ; it is lifting His burdens.... The Lord Jesus laid aside His royal crown, He left His high command, He clothed His divinity with humanity, in order that through humanity He might uplift the human race. He so appreciated the possibility of the human race that He became man’s substitute and surety. He places upon man His own merit, and thus elevates him in the scale of moral value with God.
Christ is the atoning sacrifice. He left the glory of heaven, He parted with His riches, He laid aside His honor, not in order to create love and interest for man in the heart of God, but to be an exponent of the love that existed in the heart of the Father.... Jesus paid the price of all His riches, He assumed humanity, He condescended to a life of poverty and humiliation, in order that He might seek and save that which was lost.
Through the grace of Christ we may be strengthened and matured, so that though now imperfect we may become complete in Him. We have mortgaged ourselves to Satan, but Christ came to ransom and redeem us. We cannot purchase anything from God. It is only by grace, the free gift of God in Christ, that we are saved.



Mofon'Aina Talata 07 Mey 2024 ILAY VATOSOA SAROBIDY
Mat. 13:45,46. « Ary koa, ny fanjakan ’ny lanitra dia lahaka ny mpandranto anankiray izay nikatsaka vato soa: ary rehefa nahita vato soa iray saro-bidy izy, dia lasa nivarotra ny fananany rehetra ka nividy azy. »
Maneho ny haren-tsarobidin’i Kristy io vatosoa io, izay tahaka ny volamena nafenina tany an-tsaha. Ao amin’i Kristy no ahitana izay rehetra ilaintsika amin’izao fiainana izao, sy izay hahatanteraka ny fifaliantsika any amin’ilay fiainana ho avy. Tsy hahavidy ny fiadanana sy ny fitsaharana ary ny fitiavana izay natolotra ho fanomezana ny vola rehetra eto amin’izao tontolo izao. Atolotra antsika ao amin’i Kristy amin’ny alalan’ny finoana ireo. Tsy azontsika atao ny hividy izany any amin’Andriamanitra; tsy manana na inona na inona mety hahavidy izany isika. (...)
Toy ny ahoana àry no fividianana ilay harena mandrakizay? Tsotra ihany, amin’ny famerenana amin’i Jesôsy izay Azy sy ny fandraisana Azy ao am-po amin’ny alalan’ny finoana. Fiaraha-miasa amin’Andriamanitra izany, fitondrana ny ziogan’i Kristy, ary fitondrana ny entany. (...) Napetrak’i Jesôsy Tompo ny satroboninahitra maha-Mpanjaka Azy, nilaozany ny toerana maha-Kômandy ambony Azy ka nosaronany ny maha-olombelona ny maha-Andriamanitra, mba hahafahany manandratra ny taranak’olombelona amin’ny alalan’ny maha-olona Azy. Tsapany loatra ny tombambidin’ny taranak’olombelona ka tonga Mpisolo ny olona Izy ary koa antoka ho azy ireo. (…)
I Kristy ilay fanati-panavotana. Nilaozany ny voninahitry ny lanitra sy ny hareny rehetra, navelany ny hajany, tsy ny hamoronany fitiavana ny olombelona sy fahalianana momba azy ireo ao am-pon’Andriamanitra fa ny hanehoany ny fitiavana izay efa nisy rahateo tao am-pon’ny Ray. (...) Naloan’i Jesôsy ny sandan’ny Hareny rehetra, noraisiny ny maha-olombelona, ka nidina ho amin’ny fiainana feno fahantrana sy fanetren-tena Izy, mba hitadiavany sy hamonjeny izay very.
Amin’ny alalan’ny fahasoavan’i Kristy no hanomezana hery sy fahamatorana antsika, mba hahatonga antsika ho tanteraka ao Aminy na dia tsy tonga lafatra aza isika izao. Nanao antoka ny tenantsika tamin’i Satana isika, fa tonga kosa i Kristy mba handoa ny onitra sy hanavotra antsika. Tsy misy na inona na inona azontsika vidina any amin’Andriamanitra. Fa amin’ny fahasoavana irery ihany, izay fanomezana maimaimpoana (...), no amonjena antsika. – TMK, t. 83.



Bread of life, Monday May 6, 2024, AN ADVOCATE CLOTHED IN OUR NATURE


1 John 2:1. « My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. »


God’s appointments and grants in our behalf are without limit. The throne of grace itself is occupied by One who permits us to call Him Father.... He has placed at His altar an Advocate clothed in our nature. As our Intercessor, Christ’s office work is to introduce us to God as His sons and daughters. He intercedes in behalf of those who receive Him. With His own blood He has paid their ransom. By virtue of His merits He gives them power to become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King. And the Father demonstrates His infinite love for Christ by receiving and welcoming Christ’s friends as His friends. He is satisfied with the atonement made. He is glorified by the incarnation, the life, death, and mediation of His son.


In Christ’s name our petitions ascend to the Father. He intercedes in our behalf, and the Father lays open all the treasures of His grace for our appropriation, for us to enjoy and impart to others....


Christ is the connecting link between God and man.... He places the whole virtue of His righteousness on the side of the suppliant. He pleads for man, and man, in need of divine help, pleads for himself in the presence of God, using the influence of the One who gave His life for the life of the world. As we acknowledge before God our appreciation of Christ’s merits, fragrance is given to our intercessions. As we approach God through the virtue of the Redeemer’s merits, Christ places us close by His side, encircling us with His human arm, while with His divine arm He grasps the throne of the Infinite. He puts His merits, as sweet incense, in the censer in our hands, in order to encourage our petitions....


Yes, Christ has become the medium of prayer between man and God. He has also become the medium of blessing between God and man.





1 Jao. 2:1. « Anaka, izany zavatra izany no soratako aminareo mba tsy hanotanareo. Ary raha misy manota, dia manana Solovava ao amin'ny Ray isika, dia Jesosy Kristy, Ilay Marina. »


Tsy misy fetra ny fanendren’Andriamanitra sy ny fanohanany antsika. Ilay mamela antsika hiantso Azy hoe Ray no mipetraka eo amin’ny seza fiandrianan’ny fahasoavana. (...) Nametraka Mpisolovava mitafy ny toetrantsika Izy eo amin’ny Alitarany. Amin’ny maha-Mpanalalana antsika an’i Kristy dia anjara asany ny mitondra antsika eo amin’Andriamanitra amin’ny maha-zanakalahy sy zanakavaviny antsika. Manao fanelanelanana ho an’ireo izay mandray Azy Izy. Tamin’ny rany no nandoavany ny onitra ho avotra ho azy ireo. Noho ny fahamendrehany no nanomezany azy ireo fahefana ho tonga ankohonan’ny Mpanjaka, zanaky ny Mpanjakan’ny lanitra. Ary asehon’ny Ray ny fitiavany mandrakizay an’i Kristy amin’ny fandraisana sy ny fanekena ireo sakaizan’i Kristy ho Sakaizany. Afa-po amin’ny fanavotana vita Izy. Omem-boninahitra Izy amin’ny alalan’ny fahatongavan’ny Zanany ho nofo, ny Fiainany, ny Fahafatesany ary ny Fanelanelanana ataony.


Misandratra any amin’ny Ray amin’ny anaran’i Jesôsy ny vavaka ataontsika. Manao fanelanelanana ho antsika i Kristy, ary ny Ray kosa dia mandrotsaka ny harem-pahasoavany mitafotafo ho antsika, mba hifaliantsika sy hizarantsika izany amin’ny hafa. (...)


I Kristy no rohy mampifandray ny olombelona amin’Andriamanitra. (...) Ny fahamendrehan’ny fahamarinany manontolo mihitsy no ampombany izay manao fitarainana. Manao fangatahana ho an’ny olona i Kristy, ary ny olona izay mitady ny fanampian’Andriamanitra kosa dia manao fangatahana ho an’ny tenany eo anatrehan’Andriamanitra, ka mampiasa ny fahefan’Ilay nanolotra ny ainy ho an’izao tontolo izao. Fofo-manitra no miara-miakatra amin’ny fangatahantsika eo anatrehan’Andriamanitra rehefa miaiky sy manaiky ny fahamendrehan’i Kristy isika. Rehefa manatona an’Andriamanitra amin’ny alalan’ny fahatsaran’ny fahamendrehan’ilay Mpanavotra isika dia apetrak’i Kristy eo anilany, ny tanana maha-olona Azy no hamihinany antsika ary ny tanana maha-Andriamanitra Azy kosa mihazona ny seza fiandrianana mandrakizay. Apetrany eo an-tanantsika, tahaka ny ditin-kazo mani-pofona eo amin’ny lovia fandoroana ditin-kazo, ny fahamendrehany, mba hanohanana ny fangatahantsika. (...)


Eny tokoa, efa tonga mpanelanelana am-bavaka ny olona amin’Andriamanitra i Kristy. Izy koa no mpanelanelana ny olombelona amin’Andriamanitra mba hahazoan’ny olona fitahiana. – TMK, t. 76.



Bread of life, Sunday May 5, 2024, « DESPISED AND REJECTED »


Isaiah 53:3. « He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. »


How few have any conception of the anguish which rent the heart of the Son of God during His thirty years of life upon earth. The path from the manger to Calvary was shadowed by sorrow and grief. He was the Man of Sorrows, and endured such heartache as no human language can portray. He could have said in truth, “Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow” (Lamentations 1:12). His suffering was the deepest anguish of the soul; and what man could have sympathy with the soul anguish of the Son of the infinite God? Hating sin with a perfect hatred, He yet gathered to His soul the sins of the whole world, as He trod the path to Calvary, suffering the penalty of the transgressor. Guiltless, He bore the punishment of the guilty; innocent, yet offering Himself to bear the penalty of the transgression of the law of God. The punishment of the sins of every soul was borne by the Son of the infinite God. The guilt of every sin pressed its weight upon the divine soul of the world’s Redeemer. He who knew no sin became sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. In assuming the nature of man, He placed Himself where He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, that by His stripes we might be healed.


In His humanity Christ was tried with as much greater temptation, with as much more persevering energy than man is tried by the evil one, as His nature was greater than man’s. This is a deep mysterious truth, that Christ is bound to humanity by the most sensitive sympathies. The evil works, the evil thoughts, the evil words of every son and daughter of Adam press upon His divine soul. The sins of men called for retribution upon Himself, for He had become man’s substitute, and took upon Him the sins of the world. He bore the sins of every sinner, for all transgressions were imputed unto Him.... “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:3).





Isa. 53:3. « Natao tsinontsinona sy nolavin’ny olona Izy; lehilahy ory sady zatra ny fahoriana, ary tahaka izay tsy tian’ny olon-kojerena akory Izy; natao tsinontsinona Izy ka tsy mba nahoantsika. »


Manao ahoana re ny havitsian’ny olona mahatakatra ny fahoriana nandrotidrotika ny fon’ilay Zanak’Andriamanitra nandritra ireo telopolo taona niainany teto an-tany. Nosaronan’ny alahelo sy ny fahoriana ny lalana avy eo amin’ilay fihinanam-bilona hatreny Kalvary. Lehilahy ory Izy, ary niaina ratram-po izay tsy hain’ny fitenin’olombelona hosoritsoritana. Izao no azo nilazana izany raha ny marina: “Jereo sy izahao raha mba misy fahoriana toy ny fahoriako” –Fit. 1:12. (...) Lehibe tokoa ny fankahalany ny fahotana, kanefa nangoniny tao amin’ny Fanahiny ny fahotan’izao tontolo rehetra izao, raha nanitsaka ny lalana mankeny Kalvary Izy (...). Tsy nanan-keloka Izy kanefa nitondra ny famaizana ny olo-meloka; tsy nanan-tsiny kanefa nanolotra ny Tenany mba hizaka ny famaizana mendrika ny mpandika ny lalàn’Andriamanitra. Nentin’ny Zanak’ilay Andriamanitra mandrakizay ny famaizana noho ny otan’ny fanahy rehetra. Nitambesatra tao amin’ny fanahin’ilay Mpanavotra an’izao tontolo izao avy any an-danitra ny fanamelohan’ny fahotana rehetra. Ilay tsy nahalala ota no tonga ota ho antsika mba hampihavanina amin’Andriamanitra ao Aminy isika. Tamin’ny nandraisana ny toetry ny olombelona no nipetrahany teo amin’ny toerana izay nandratrana Azy noho ny fahotantsika sy nanorotoroana Azy noho ny fahamelohantsika, mba hahasitrana antsika ny dian-kapoka taminy.


Fakam-panahy lehibe no nizahan- toetra an’i Kristy tao amin’ny maha-olombelona Azy, hery feno faharetana no nentin’ilay ratsy nizaha toetra azy noho ny maha lehibe lavitra mihoatra ny olona Azy. Fahamarinana feno zava-miafina lalina ny fifamatoran’i Kristy amin’ny taranak’olombelona amin’ny alalan’ny firaisam-po feno fangorahana lehibe indrindra. Namesatra ny fon’Andriamanitra ny asa sy ny fisainana ratsy ary ny teny feno faharatsiana nataon’ny zanakalahy sy sy zanakavavin’i Adama rehetra. Nahatonga famaizana ho an’ny Tenany ny fahotan’olombelona satria tonga Mpisolo ny olona Izy, ary nentiny ny fahotan’izao tontolo izao. (...) “Hataontsika ahoana no fandositra raha tsy mitandrina izao famonjena lehibe izao isika?” –Heb. 2:3. – TMK, t. 66.

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